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Did I see Brahman?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi so I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced what I have or if they have any insight on what I experienced.
I have done LSD quite a few times, changa as well and shrooms once. In previous times tripping I never saw fractals much; the highest dose I've taken of LSD is 250 uqs. Yesterday I took 150ug with my best friends on a mountain. A couple hours in of my friends said my tie-dye bag was doing amazing things so we kept looking at it and noticed we were seeing the same pattern (the flower of life) repeating. Once I noticed the pattern it became everything, I saw fractals on everything. It was beautiful I wanted to keep seeing I wanted to know more. I started noticing not just the flower of life pattern but the spheres as well. I was talking to my friend and drawing mindlessly in dirt and created this

My other friend came over and said that that was exactly what he was seeing and then I just drew it and how did I do that how did I know. I was seeing fractals not that and he was as well so I'm not sure where he was also seeing that drawing.
I kept focusing on fractals as we walked down the mountain and noticing the spherical shape and flower of life pattern everywhere making the framework of the universe unfold more and more with rainbow/iridescence to them. It was night time and we ended up at this private-ish beach about 6-7 hours in to the trip. The waves were powerful and drew me in and so i stood a little past the shoreline and just watched the waves crash in front of me and run over me staying on one spot for awhile. I kept trying to understand more and see further into the fractals and I saw the framework of the universe unfold even more. The sky and ocean became a vast oneness, although that feels like the wrong way to explain it just not sure how else to. I noticed stars perfectly in lines (which I have noticed once before on LSD). I was breathing with the waves and could feel the rush of breath and clarity as the waves receded. I could feel the energy of other people around me and when a wave crashed I heard a musical chime, only once though. I felt like I was getting closer and I just wanted to know/understand more but thats where I ended there because we were leaving soon.
When I got back to my boyfriend's house 11 hrs in I was still seeing fractals on everything and then I shut my eyes to try to see them better. I noticed if I was under blankets in darkness but with my eyes open they were easier to see. I kept trying to see and started seeing the fractals in greens and purples then more colors and they were moving fast like kaleidoscope vision. I wanted to know where I was in the fractals, to see where I was observing from. I was trying to understand how the fractals worked and where the energy goes through. I noticed my vision was going through a tunnel of the kaleidoscope fractals and I had such a desire to keep going, to know more. I would lose focus a few times and have to find it again but I knew I wasn't going to stop trying. Soon I started seeing outlines of two faces facing each other swirling down and I felt this intense rush or feeling I can't explain it but it was so intense. I was pretty much sober at that point being 12 hrs in so I was surprised. I was almost taken aback but I had to know I just had to know more and understand more and then the core (I think) sphere revolved around to reveal a purplish masculine figure sitting and everything coming from him. I felt that intense feeling overwhelm me in an amazing way and I recognized him as myself, I felt that I was seeing myself. That I was seeing the core, where everything stemmed from. I felt that I saw Brahman but I don't know if I'm being naive and it was someone else. I lost focus a few seconds after but I just felt that I understood everything now. But I still have a desire to know more, there's more to know. or maybe there's not more to know but I want to talk to who I saw.
I also felt as if I had seen that tunnel or the energy of the tunnel once at the beach before (not the colors but the opening? i don't know how to explain it right) and also the rush of clarity when breathing with the waves sober a couple times.
Anyone have a similar experience or can give some insight on mine?
Certainly, you saw Brahman as there is naught at all that is not Brahman. The seer is Brahman, the seen is Brahman, the seeing is Brahman and the notion of Brahman is itself in Brahman. Brahman cannot be escaped.
Madrus said:
But isn't Brahman a name from a particular religion?

Are there any other labels for it that I might know of?
The name is only a finger pointing at the moon. You can call it "God", "Tao", "Source", etc, whatever label which conveys the same concept.

Brahma is the word that you are thinking of. Brahman stands behind that. Brahman is that which is the source of all beings, phenomena, concepts and ideas. It isn't the word that matters, but the concept it attempts to convey. That said, it can be strange to try and understand the concept of that which is beyond the idea of a concept. But, that is the limitations of language for you...

Hope this helps. :)
sunshineblue said:
Hi so I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced what I have or if they have any insight on what I experienced.
I have done LSD quite a few times, changa as well and shrooms once. In previous times tripping I never saw fractals much; the highest dose I've taken of LSD is 250 uqs. Yesterday I took 150ug with my best friends on a mountain. A couple hours in of my friends said my tie-dye bag was doing amazing things so we kept looking at it and noticed we were seeing the same pattern (the flower of life) repeating. Once I noticed the pattern it became everything, I saw fractals on everything. It was beautiful I wanted to keep seeing I wanted to know more. I started noticing not just the flower of life pattern but the spheres as well. I was talking to my friend and drawing mindlessly in dirt and created this

My other friend came over and said that that was exactly what he was seeing and then I just drew it and how did I do that how did I know. I was seeing fractals not that and he was as well so I'm not sure where he was also seeing that drawing.
I kept focusing on fractals as we walked down the mountain and noticing the spherical shape and flower of life pattern everywhere making the framework of the universe unfold more and more with rainbow/iridescence to them. It was night time and we ended up at this private-ish beach about 6-7 hours in to the trip. The waves were powerful and drew me in and so i stood a little past the shoreline and just watched the waves crash in front of me and run over me staying on one spot for awhile. I kept trying to understand more and see further into the fractals and I saw the framework of the universe unfold even more. The sky and ocean became a vast oneness, although that feels like the wrong way to explain it just not sure how else to. I noticed stars perfectly in lines (which I have noticed once before on LSD). I was breathing with the waves and could feel the rush of breath and clarity as the waves receded. I could feel the energy of other people around me and when a wave crashed I heard a musical chime, only once though. I felt like I was getting closer and I just wanted to know/understand more but thats where I ended there because we were leaving soon.
When I got back to my boyfriend's house 11 hrs in I was still seeing fractals on everything and then I shut my eyes to try to see them better. I noticed if I was under blankets in darkness but with my eyes open they were easier to see. I kept trying to see and started seeing the fractals in greens and purples then more colors and they were moving fast like kaleidoscope vision. I wanted to know where I was in the fractals, to see where I was observing from. I was trying to understand how the fractals worked and where the energy goes through. I noticed my vision was going through a tunnel of the kaleidoscope fractals and I had such a desire to keep going, to know more. I would lose focus a few times and have to find it again but I knew I wasn't going to stop trying. Soon I started seeing outlines of two faces facing each other swirling down and I felt this intense rush or feeling I can't explain it but it was so intense. I was pretty much sober at that point being 12 hrs in so I was surprised. I was almost taken aback but I had to know I just had to know more and understand more and then the core (I think) sphere revolved around to reveal a purplish masculine figure sitting and everything coming from him. I felt that intense feeling overwhelm me in an amazing way and I recognized him as myself, I felt that I was seeing myself. That I was seeing the core, where everything stemmed from. I felt that I saw Brahman but I don't know if I'm being naive and it was someone else. I lost focus a few seconds after but I just felt that I understood everything now. But I still have a desire to know more, there's more to know. or maybe there's not more to know but I want to talk to who I saw.
I also felt as if I had seen that tunnel or the energy of the tunnel once at the beach before (not the colors but the opening? i don't know how to explain it right) and also the rush of clarity when breathing with the waves sober a couple times.
Anyone have a similar experience or can give some insight on mine?

In the gita, chapter 11, arjuna meets with Krishna before a great battle, and Krishna basically puts arjuna through a DMT flash...

Chapter 11, Verse 5

The Blessed Lord said: My dear Arjuna, O son of Prtha, behold now My opulences, hundreds of thousands of varied divine forms, multicolored like the sea.

Chapter 11, Verse 6

O best of the Bharatas, see here the different manifestations of Adityas, Rudras, and all the demigods. Behold the many things which no one has ever seen or heard before.

Chapter 11, Verse 7

Whatever you wish to see can be seen all at once in this body. This universal form can show you all that you now desire, as well as whatever you may desire in the future. Everything is here completely.

Chapter 11, Verse 8

But you cannot see Me with your present eyes. Therefore I give to you divine eyes by which you can behold My mystic opulence.

Chapter 11, Verse 9

Sanjaya said: O King, speaking thus, the Supreme, the Lord of all mystic power, the Personality of Godhead, displayed His universal form to Arjuna.

Chapter 11, Verse 10-11

Arjuna saw in that universal form unlimited mouths and unlimited eyes. It was all wondrous. The form was decorated with divine, dazzling ornaments and arrayed in many garbs. He was garlanded gloriously, and there were many scents smeared over His body. All was magnificent, all-expanding, unlimited. This was seen by Arjuna.

Chapter 11, Verse 12

If hundreds of thousands of suns rose up at once into the sky, they might resemble the effulgence of the Supreme Person in that universal form.

Chapter 11, Verse 13

At that time Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands.

Chapter 11, Verse 14

Then, bewildered and astonished, his hair standing on end, Arjuna began to pray with folded hands, offering obeisances to the Supreme Lord.

Chapter 11, Verse 15

Arjuna said: My dear Lord Krsna, I see assembled together in Your body all the demigods and various other living entities. I see Brahma sitting on the lotus flower as well as Lord Siva and many sages and divine serpents.

Chapter 11, Verse 16

O Lord of the universe, I see in Your universal body many, many forms-bellies, mouths, eyes-expanded without limit. There is no end, there is no beginning, and there is no middle to all this.

Look at verse 8, arjuna is told he must have "divine eyes" before he can see Krishna...

How does one obtain divine eyes? In my opinion through entheogens.

The translation I posted was not my favorite, but if you read the entire chapter, it becomes clear that they are mentioning an Entheogenic state...

There's much speculation, and much is still murky, but I'm convinced psilocybe fungi, cannabis, and ayahuasca analogues were key in the formation of many aspects of Hindu faith...

I also feel entheogens can induce genuine mystical and spiritual states, so when others say "did I experience something religious or spiritual?" My answer is always yes. In fact, I think you experienced spirituality in its most pure state, which is first hand experience.


Misc . Regarding entheogens in eastern faiths

Seeing into after-death existence before death

In discussing the ordinarily invisible spiritual world of the after-death state, called menog existence in the Avestan religion, Flattery says this:

The consumption of sauma [Soma] may have been the only means recognized in Iranian religion of seeing into menog existence before death; at all events, it is the only means acknowledged in Zoroastrian literature . . . . and, as we have seen, is the means used by Ohrmazd when he wishes to make the menog existence visible to living persons. In ancient Iranian religion there is little evidence of concern with meditative practice which might foster development of alternative, non-pharmacological means to such vision. In Iran, vision into the spirit world was not thought to come about simply by divine grace or as a reward for saintliness. From the apparent role of sauma in initiation rites, experience of the effects of sauma, which is to say vision of menog existence, must have at one time been required of all priests (or the shamans antecedent to them).10
10. David Flattery and Martin Schwartz, Haoma and Harmaline, Near Eastern Studies, vol. 21 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989)

From Food Of The Gods by Terence McKenna.

Valmar said:
Madrus said:
But isn't Brahman a name from a particular religion?

Are there any other labels for it that I might know of?
The name is only a finger pointing at the moon. You can call it "God", "Tao", "Source", etc, whatever label which conveys the same concept.

Brahma is the word that you are thinking of. Brahman stands behind that. Brahman is that which is the source of all beings, phenomena, concepts and ideas. It isn't the word that matters, but the concept it attempts to convey. That said, it can be strange to try and understand the concept of that which is beyond the idea of a concept. But, that is the limitations of language for you...

Hope this helps. :)

I have followed the advaita vedanta school of hinduism for awhile which is why I refer to it as Brahman. But you can really call it anything, source, God, etc as he said. In my opinion every religion is about the exact same thing just with different wording, different names.
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