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different glass roasting dish for every pulls

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i was asking myself (using the cyd's atb salt tek) if it's important to use several glass roasting dishes, one for each pull , or if it's ok to use the same one ( take it out of the freezer to put the second pull over it , then back in the freezer , and on and on , until the last pull ?
thank you !
fanch said:
i was asking myself (using the cyd's atb salt tek) if it's important to use several glass roasting dishes, one for each pull , or if it's ok to use the same one ( take it out of the freezer to put the second pull over it , then back in the freezer , and on and on , until the last pull ?
thank you !

Usually I use a new vessel per pull (I consider any you do at the same time a single pull), though sometimes that is days apart. If so I've already collected the previous pull usually. I rarely let anything go more than 28-32 hours.

Acacia stated something about "just let it sit" producing more crystals if I remember correctly.

I don't think there is anything wrong with either, though the more pulls I do believe the later pulls may have a higher plant fat %, so your first is probably cleaner than the others.

No much help, some wizkid would probably have a better answer than this old hippy :)

Good lucK!
Metashaman said:
fanch said:
i was asking myself (using the cyd's atb salt tek) if it's important to use several glass roasting dishes, one for each pull , or if it's ok to use the same one ( take it out of the freezer to put the second pull over it , then back in the freezer , and on and on , until the last pull ?
thank you !

Usually I use a new vessel per pull (I consider any you do at the same time a single pull), though sometimes that is days apart. If so I've already collected the previous pull usually. I rarely let anything go more than 28-32 hours.

Acacia stated something about "just let it sit" producing more crystals if I remember correctly.

I don't think there is anything wrong with either, though the more pulls I do believe the later pulls may have a higher plant fat %, so your first is probably cleaner than the others.

No much help, some wizkid would probably have a better answer than this old hippy :)

Good lucK!
The only tines i use multiple dishes is to see howmuch is in each pull. Or I'll separate the first one or two fromtv's rest since often these have different constituencies.

The just let it sit comment may refer to the practice of slow freezing, i.e. letting nps go to room temp then fridge then freezer. The thinking is that slower freezing allows for longer crystallization therefore better formation.
One dish that you keep taking out to add pulls to it would possibly re-disolve and you would have to restart the clock depending on how long its been out of the freezer. Multiple dishes has benefits if you want some to be more pure than others with no need to re-crystalize. Correct me if im wrong.
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