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Different harmala forms....


Esteemed member
I have access to the following:

1. Whole seeds | Syrian rue | Esfand
2. Freebase | Esfand | Harmine | Harmaline | Pure Alkaloids (Full Spectrum 96% contains 50.5% harmine and 45.2% harmaline).
3. 10x/10:1 Peganum harmala extract contains 0.68 % alkaloids.

I am confused as to how to use each form!! i want to use it with DMT extract ..... which to use to make changa ?? and what is the best form to make tea before smoking changa ?

Thank you
Hello @rigpalight and welcome to the Nexus! If you're looking into making your own changa, I would strongly recommend taking a look at this amazing guide - The Art of Changa, a guide to making the perfect blends.

In case you have any specific questions, you can ask them here or there, depending on their nature.

Good luck, and enjoy!
Hello @rigpalight and welcome to the Nexus! If you're looking into making your own changa, I would strongly recommend taking a look at this amazing guide - The Art of Changa, a guide to making the perfect blends.

In case you have any specific questions, you can ask them here or there, depending on their nature.

Good luck, and enjoy!
thank you ....

I have vaped DMT 10 years ago and also tried changa ... i always failed with vaping dmt as it is hard to continue after taking the first or second hit (fear) ... I find changa way easier but i want to prologue it with Syrian rue so I am trying to find the best method to do that and get the benefit from both substances
3. 10x/10:1 Peganum harmala extract contains 0.68 % alkaloids
This one looks a bit rubbish, but since good seeds contain up to 7% alkaloids I can only guess that someone messed up with the arithmetic and divided instead of multiplying and it's 68% alks.

Otherwise I'm wondering what the diluent would be, or if they're selling post-extraction seed residue. These last two would be a lousy way to do business, other than being honest about the alkaloid concentration.
thank you ....

I have vaped DMT 10 years ago and also tried changa ... i always failed with vaping dmt as it is hard to continue after taking the first or second hit (fear) ... I find changa way easier but i want to prologue it with Syrian rue so I am trying to find the best method to do that and get the benefit from both substances
Buy a medium weed bong (40cm), a glass vapo bowl (make sure you check the specifications of the bong [Joint socket size] and choose the right vapo bowl), and a big torch butane gas burner. Place a DMT in the bong, exhale all your air out of your lungs, and bring the flame close to the vapo bowl but do not touch it. and inhale deeply. Then immediately turn the torch off. When you come back into your body and thus here in this 3-dimensional physical plane. You will be a changed man in at least 4 degrees. You will probably never take DMT again. So mote it be.

Make sure to put a bit extra DMT weight, not really necessary but you know, this is a once-in-a-lifetime ride.
Play this over speakers in the background Big Om of Tibet


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To edit:

1. Whole seeds | Syrian rue | Esfand.
Full spectrum of Harmala experience, like somebody else had said and I can confirm is that a cooked brew of seeds will bring forth a much stronger and fuller experience of the spirit of Harmala, all extracts are basic cheap knock-offs. I mean they are extracts, meaning a separation process is conducted, which is man-made artificial (weaker), and not made by the Creator.

3. 10x/10:1 Peganum harmala extract contains 0.68 % alkaloids.
This is called a full-spectrum extract, which means it's closer to the original source but not quite there.

2. Freebase | Esfand | Harmine | Harmaline | Pure Alkaloids (Full Spectrum 96% contains 50.5% harmine and 45.2% harmaline).
This version only contains the alkaloids that are responsible for the typical harmala effects (regarding MAOI)
It's less purgatory due to the removal of chemicals that cause nausea. Same as with a car, everybody hyper-focuses on what the HP a car has, while the transmission, steer, and wheels are just as important to actually move the vehicle in space and time.
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https://forum.dmt-nexus.me/attachments/torch-jpeg.97454/ - a self-extinguishing mini blowtorch would be a whole lot safer. Anything to help minimise the risk of inadvertently entering hyperspace while holding a burning 1300⁰C flame, really.
True, I can not argue against that, although I can only speak from my experience and a big torch (1 hit-OBE) is a WHOLE other level compared to a small torch lighter (three hits remaining in Malkuth). I must admit I never tested a mini blowtorch. I just checked and they reach the same temperature, so that seems promising. I remember that I saw some footage of a cook who used woks and had a wok plate burner. He said that those woks do not run on the flame of a typical gas stove. He recommended above 9KW.

Now I'm checking the Kw's of the two torches, the bigger ones are around 1.3KW - 3KW, and the mini's are between 0.2KW - 0.3KW,
Pondering upon e=mc² it would be reasonable to assume that more power (KW) equals a more immersive experience.
What are your thoughts about this phenomenon?
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Buy a medium weed bong (40cm), a glass vapo bowl (make sure you check the specifications of the bong [Joint socket size] and choose the right vapo bowl), and a big torch butane gas burner. Place a DMT in the bong, exhale all your air out of your lungs, and bring the flame close to the vapo bowl but do not touch it. and inhale deeply. Then immediately turn the torch off. When you come back into your body and thus here in this 3-dimensional physical plane. You will be a changed man in at least 4 degrees. You will probably never take DMT again. So mote it be.

Make sure to put a bit extra DMT weight, not really necessary but you know, this is a once-in-a-lifetime ride.
Play this over speakers in the background Big Om of Tibet
ah wow ... for a moment i thought you were joking about the massive torch hehehehe .... I did have only one successful full blown exit on dmt years and years ago ... after that i am scared as hell so i keep my doses slow but it is not a satisfying experience to remain in fractal world and the high pitched sound
To edit:

1. Whole seeds | Syrian rue | Esfand.
Full spectrum of Harmala experience, like somebody else had said and I can confirm is that a cooked brew of seeds will bring forth a much stronger and fuller experience of the spirit of Harmala, all extracts are basic cheap knock-offs. I mean they are extracts, meaning a separation process is conducted, which is man-made artificial (weaker), and not made by the creator.

3. 10x/10:1 Peganum harmala extract contains 0.68 % alkaloids.
This is called a full-spectrum extract, which means it's closer to the original source but not quite there.

2. Freebase | Esfand | Harmine | Harmaline | Pure Alkaloids (Full Spectrum 96% contains 50.5% harmine and 45.2% harmaline).
This version only contains the alkaloids that are responsible for the typical harmala effects (regarding MAOI)
It's less purgatory due to the removal of chemicals that cause nausea. Same as with a car, everybody hyper-focuses on what the HP a car has, while the transmission, steer, and weels are just as important to actually move the vehicle in space and time.
does one actually vomit on rue tea ??? is it hallucinogenic ?
Yup, certified DMT user, you already earned your stripes sir. 👌
Did you pass out while being in hyperspace and regain consciousness while still being in the aether?
yes complete passing out and shot into deep black space as a dot of light with billions of these dots around me and we were all being pulled into a gigantic machine like that was swallowing all these dots into nothingness and I was petrified .... but i made it back to my body before being swallowed up .... since then I am just too scared to do another full big inhales with enough holding of breath
does one actually vomit on rue tea ??? is it hallucinogenic ?
Rue tea is not the same as rue brew. The former is a lesser aspect, in fact, considerably weaker.

I started my Harmala journey making teas. I would grind 8gr and pour boiling water over it. and drank everything seeds included.
As far I can remember I only once suddenly projectile vomited from it. However, I gave this same batch and preparation style to a woman and she told me that she was at the brink of death. vomiting the whole night, even after drinking some much-needed water to replenish lost moisture content. Extreme tremors and heart palpitations, Everybody reacts differently, needless to say, she is traumatized and does not touch the plant again.

Now I switched over to making brews:
Normally I would make a brew of 20gr/0.70oz Harmala, 700ml water, and cook it in a pan with the lid on top for 35min. At 100C/212F and then filter it and cook it fast at 240C/464F to reduce it to about 160ml. (cup size)

I do not drink all of it, I just take a regular sip maybe one or two. After a few hours I drink again. That way I stay floating in the Harmala sphere. Doing this 36 hours or whatever. no sleep just staying put. This gives a totally different experience than just drinking one glass of 3gr which everybody seems to take.

About your question if Harmala is hallucinogenic, can you do me a favor and read this entire thread?

So far I have taken Harmala with these routes of administration (ROA)
  1. Harmala tea
  2. Raw seeds/ground seeds
  3. Brewing Harmala (best)
  4. Full spectrum extract
  5. Harmala alkoloids mix, Harmeline, Harmine
  6. Harmala resin by ‘dry’ cooking.
  7. Harmala resin by extracting in 92% alcohol.
  8. Extracting Harmala into 92% alcohol for a few weeks and then adding a decent amount of water to it and cooking/evaporating the alcohol content and reducing the now water base alcohol extract and drinking it.
  9. Brewing Harmala, putting in the lower orifice with a syringe.
You can simply simmer 2-3g of whole seeds for about 40-60 minutes and drink the tea. After that you wait an hour before vaping DMT. A vaporizer or a Quartz banger are probably your best options. You don't have to complicate things, you don't need any extract, you also don't need to extract the alkaloids, unless you want to smoke the freebase harmala. In my opinion, the simplest method works the best, brew a tea with 2g of seeds, then experiment with different doses and find out what works best for you. 3g will probably cause some nausea, but I've never had any trouble up to 2.5g.
You can simply simmer 2-3g of whole seeds for about 40-60 minutes and drink the tea. After that you wait an hour before vaping DMT. A vaporizer or a Quartz banger are probably your best options. You don't have to complicate things, you don't need any extract, you also don't need to extract the alkaloids, unless you want to smoke the freebase harmala. In my opinion, the simplest method works the best, brew a tea with 2g of seeds, then experiment with different doses and find out what works best for you. 3g will probably cause some nausea, but I've never had any trouble up to 2.5g.

What do you think of this one

What do you think of this one
I personally have no experience with bongs, I did a few initial tests with a glass bottle and a steel mesh, which is obviously one of the worst ways... Then I used e-mesh for a while, and later bought divine crossing v5 which I've been using ever since. A friend of mine used a simple quartz banger with a cyclone carb dome and a tube attached to the other end. He said it worked very well, especially since the airflow is quite good. With a banger, you have to be careful with dosing though because it vaporizes quick and it's easier to end up taking more than you need/want.
I personally have no experience with bongs, I did a few initial tests with a glass bottle and a steel mesh, which is obviously one of the worst ways... Then I used e-mesh for a while, and later bought divine crossing v5 which I've been using ever since. A friend of mine used a simple quartz banger with a cyclone carb dome and a tube attached to the other end. He said it worked very well, especially since the airflow is quite good. With a banger, you have to be careful with dosing though because it vaporizes quick and it's easier to end up taking more than you need/want.
How do u use the divine crossing v5??
You can simply simmer 2-3g of whole seeds for about 40-60 minutes and drink the tea. After that you wait an hour before vaping DMT. A vaporizer or a Quartz banger are probably your best options. You don't have to complicate things, you don't need any extract, you also don't need to extract the alkaloids, unless you want to smoke the freebase harmala. In my opinion, the simplest method works the best, brew a tea with 2g of seeds, then experiment with different doses and find out what works best for you. 3g will probably cause some nausea, but I've never had any trouble up to 2.5g.
A short brew of more seeds is also effective.

I'd recommend trying out adjusting each of the variables, one by one, if you really want to begin getting a grasp of the plant. Whole seeds vs crushed vs ground; roasted to various degrees vs raw; with or without added acid; cold brew, warm brew, hot infusion, simmer or hard boil; length of infusion time; consumption of seed remnants or not; and of course, the dose. Try out these things to find your personal preference, but try to be at lesat vaguely systematic.

If you want to adjust multiple variables, watch this video first:
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