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Dipping My Toes into Hyperspace

Migrated topic.

Astro Nova

Rising Star
So this is my first time using DMT. My extraction method was Nomans Tek but I modified it with going straight to Changa at end so that I could get as much extract from the containers and for this reason I am not sure exactly how much I was using, just wanted to smoke it until I was where I felt comfortable.

So I was sitting in my bed, all lights of beside the lamp by my bed, loaded up a bowl. I meditated for about 5 minutes beforehand and then dove right in. After the first hit, I felt a large sensation pulsing through my body and my head became very buzzy while the rest of my body began to vibrate. I quickly finished the bowl right after and decided to stop there.

I first noticed that most of the patterns in my room faded away into smooth surfaces and visuals started to lightly cover up everything in my room and everything felt almost 3D. At first it scared me a little bit so I decided to close my eyes and relax. The buzzing and vibrating got more and more intense until I stopped thinking about it, and it quickly became one of the most euphoric things I have ever felt. When I did this the visuals became extremely clear and intense, I would try to describe most of them but I don't really know how to put them into words. The visuals felt like they were getting closer and closer to me until they faded into a door amongst all of the patterns. At this point was when I let go of all my fear and doubt and verbally said, "I'm ready for wherever you want to take me".

Then the door opened to much more complicated visual that I could barely even process. Out of the visuals emerged two figures, that were extremely comforting and loving, and it felt like they were welcoming me to their world, one of which I felt I was not worthy of seeing but they reassured me if I came back they would take me. Being with these figures felt so comforting, so loving, so perfect. I never wanted to leave. Then they started to slowly move further away and the complex visuals began to cover up the figures again, and slowly the visuals began to fade and I opened my eyes. To my complete shock, the OEV's were still around.

In front of me on my wall, I have a hiking poster of two people turned away from me with large backpacks on so you can't see their faces. When I opened my eyes they were both turned around looking at me and their faces were replaced with the faces of the two figures I had met. They both smiled at me, waved, and then slowly turned away set themselves back into the original positions of the poster. I felt very drawn to one of them and could not stop looking at him. As the final OEV's faded he gave me a thumbs up, moved his hand back, and it was over.

This was an amazing experience, and I am going to attempt a breakthrough tonight by just loading and smoking bowls until I blast off. Any thoughts?
Astro Nova said:
So this is my first time using DMT. My extraction method was Nomans Tek but I modified it with going straight to Changa at end so that I could get as much extract from the containers and for this reason I am not sure exactly how much I was using, just wanted to smoke it until I was where I felt comfortable.

So I was sitting in my bed, all lights of beside the lamp by my bed, loaded up a bowl. I meditated for about 5 minutes beforehand and then dove right in. After the first hit, I felt a large sensation pulsing through my body and my head became very buzzy while the rest of my body began to vibrate. I quickly finished the bowl right after and decided to stop there.

I first noticed that most of the patterns in my room faded away into smooth surfaces and visuals started to lightly cover up everything in my room and everything felt almost 3D. At first it scared me a little bit so I decided to close my eyes and relax. The buzzing and vibrating got more and more intense until I stopped thinking about it, and it quickly became one of the most euphoric things I have ever felt. When I did this the visuals became extremely clear and intense, I would try to describe most of them but I don't really know how to put them into words. The visuals felt like they were getting closer and closer to me until they faded into a door amongst all of the patterns. At this point was when I let go of all my fear and doubt and verbally said, "I'm ready for wherever you want to take me".

Then the door opened to much more complicated visual that I could barely even process. Out of the visuals emerged two figures, that were extremely comforting and loving, and it felt like they were welcoming me to their world, one of which I felt I was not worthy of seeing but they reassured me if I came back they would take me. Being with these figures felt so comforting, so loving, so perfect. I never wanted to leave. Then they started to slowly move further away and the complex visuals began to cover up the figures again, and slowly the visuals began to fade and I opened my eyes. To my complete shock, the OEV's were still around.

From the sounds of it, I mean for dipping your toes in & all ..it sounds like you definitely got a nice welcoming. :d

Yeah the realm you enter into, the experience, I know what you mean about feeling (and visually) how everything feels like it's becoming (closer and closer) infinitely compacted yet paradoxically infinitely expansive, all in that same moment, transforming, permutating, falling deeper & deeper into it all..

Ime ..my awareness becomes paralyzed, hypnotized, completely taken in by i t.

Dissolving further and further yet paradoxically becoming more concise, more poignant, more obvious. Drastically becoming less and less of who I thought I was ..and more & moar of what i t was showing me.

Very evanescent also ..even when it's happening.

And here's to tonight for ya, cheers!

Let us know how it goes for you. :)

And you're correct ..there are no words for it when it's proper, no words at all
infinitely compacted yet paradoxically infinitely expansive

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Ime ..my awareness becomes paralyzed, hypnotized, completely taken in by it.

I think I was close, so close. Just inches away.
I've never felt so captivated in my entire life. I forgot I had smoked it for a little while. I was so connected, so excited to be in it, so happy to be welcomed. I didn't care why they were there, I was just happy to be there. I was almost in tears when they left.

But I wasn't sad. More so overwhelmed by love and excitement that they wanted me to come back. I've always wondered if I was ready for this experience and it was really worth the wait.

I had music on very lightly because I was nervous at first but now I know the music isn't needed. It was as if it kept me grounded to the earth. Tonight, no music and no light.
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