I know this post is Uber old but I shall share an experience anyways. So “SWIM” likes to use no2 during his deemster seshes. The reasons are as follows: 1.) no matter how many times they do dmt there is always the pre-experience jitters, and one breath before vaping seems to relax them for the experience. 2.) they found that lower doses are required to achieve break through experiences. One breath before the vape, and one giant breath after the 3rd toke. This for them seems to increase the pre-breakthrough visuals- u know- the ones u get lost in and serve as a portal to be sent through. Anything left in the canister is finished after dropping out of complete trance and serves to prolong the rest of the experience and after glow. But be warned: if u never done the dimitri- experiences can absolutely blow your mind. They have reported experiencing time lapses- moments of infinity; songs they were listening to repeated cadences for what seemed like eternity as the entities laughed at their manipulation of frequency and time. But If ur anything like SWIM- this will probably entice you rather than deter you.
Without the no2 larger doses of dmt seem to be required to achieve desired results. Which for them- the only intention they have is contact with the other plane and connectedness. Swim recommends 35-40mg dmt and a canister or balloon with 2 carts. Again, one breath no2 to prime the pump, 3 tokes of the deemz, followed by a large inhale of nitrous. This without a doubt will provide for an experience unlike any other.
SWIM also recommends using the “leaving no stone unturned” preparation. Begin with eating as organically as possible- at least for this day. Finish all your work for the day- take a little pride that you were a capable and productive alien today. Take a bath or shower and let it serve as a symbol of cleansing your body. Clean your space and let it serve as a symbol of cleaning your living area which is said to be a reflection of your state of mind anyways. Light some sage then open a window to blow out any lingering unwanted energies. This is SWIMs ritual- and SWIM has only had positive experiences. SWIM believes without any spiritual ritual or practice it would just be doing drugs as a form of escape, and being the self-soul shaman he is- believes this to be medicine of the soul. SWIM just wants to be a more pure form of the light, and has even confronted entities which have even visually removed their impure thoughts, intentions, and behaviors- which ultimately even led to better physical health because impurities in the mind have a way of manifesting themselves in the body.
SWIM loves you and sends good vibrations your way. Ask the universe may you find what you seek- and just remember it will ALWAYS answer 1 of 4 ways: 1.) Yes, 2.) No, 3.) yes but not right now, or 4.) yes but not the way you imagine it.