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Dmt ANd SeX

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
would you say dmt iz ah afrodeziack?

ive found other psychdelics to be profoundly intense toolz for increased sexual pleasure.

if yer in another world you might encouter alien wemon who would have more than phisical love
ah mental passion intertwine experience
or one might appear in front of you in yer bedroom in tha flesh and blow your mind
"would you say dmt iz ah afrodeziack?"

I guess you could say that, as you've probably noticed it makes you feel good; and if you look around there are even a few threads regarding hyperspace sex.

If you write your post in plain English then it's much better to read and probably more people will be inclined to react (normally) to it. After all, this is a forum with English as the main language, not some slang that people find hard to read and understand.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
DMT can function as an aphrodisiac. Maybe the best aphrodisiac there is.
Nevertheless, somewhat unpredictable.
You can never realy plan on anything, with DMT. You can only be open to whatever happens on it.
I can't imagine having sex on spice, especially on high doses. First off, it only lasts like 5 to 10 minutes, so unless you're a minute-man, you're not going to be able to get much "work" done. Secondly, on high doses, I think I'd probably forget where my dick was, or that I even had a dick - or even a body for that matter. Who knows though, the stuff is so unpredictable, I guess anything is possible. I think I remember a video on Youtube where Terrence McKenna describes a sexual experience he had on DMT. Sounded pretty Earth-shattering, if I recall...
I agree that sex at the peak of a spice voyage would be more than a little difficult to manage, but why not on the comedown? At the point where you're back but there's still the intense euphoria/ecstasy/empathy I definitely see potential for make sexytime. And whatever remaining visual alterations probably wouldn't detract either...:d
When I have a DMT session while naked my body seems to deflate, so that's not going to work.

But a low dose of DMT and harmalas can be very pleasurable... well I'd imagine.
At low doses it IS possible, but I am someone that dislikes low doses of DMT. It's just dyphoric. The comedown sounds more possible, as it lasts a good 20+minutes for me.

There are so many other wonderful aphrodesiacs out there, why mess with one that many feel is a sacrament?

A low-medium low dose (.5-2g) of mushrooms works better than a low dose of DMT. The same holds true for many RC tryptamines and a few phens. Low dose mescaline is supposed to be very euphoric and sexual...why try with something as POWERFUL as DMT, yeah you might be able to get things working, but your focus will be on your willy (or wilma of you are a female) and not the magic of the spice....

Just my opinion.
I have never found DMT to be dysphoric at any dose..though I always smoke enough for strong visuals..not always a break through though.

Bufotenine might be better for sex.
acolon_5 said:
Low dose mescaline is supposed to be very euphoric and sexual...

It is! However, medium to medium high doses are as well. I have never taken a really high dose of mescaline, but if I do...I will do my best to throw-down.

I haven't taken DMT orally yet, but I had hoped that it would be good during sex.

acolon_5 said:
There are so many other wonderful aphrodesiacs out there, why mess with one that many feel is a sacrament?

I don't think that using or experiencing DMT during sex is sacrilegious in any way.

I haven't had full on hyperspace dose blast off elf sex, I don't think it'd be possible. But if it did happen, I bet it'd be really sweet :shock:
ok. first off i love sex and having orgasms,but on dmt no.sexdmt seems like an oxymoron.even during ayahausaca sex seems like it would be counter productive and it is as far as the spirits are concerned.

i have had some great sexual encounters while on shrooms,and a few long lasting RC trypts. more than a few freaky nights on shrooms with some open-minded girl friends.i've actually experienced some primordial regression while having sex on shrooms.sex majic at its best!

just let the spice blow your mind,not your balls lol:)
I had to laugh at this post...no offense...but seriously?

Hyperspatial recalibration and sex are two completely different dances in my life. I've never combined the two, nor do I have any desire to...ever...
Bufotenine is indeed a better candidate.
SWIM would be curious to have an orgams while fully tripping. He wonder how (and if) the orgams would interract and change the visuals... but so far it seems 'technically' impossible.
A possible way would be to reach a pre-orgasm state and immediatly smoke a good dose (but not full breakthrough), then finish the 'work' as fast as possible :d
Although sex might not be the best option, having a partner with you to touch various chakras might be better. And they can be exploring your body sensually and ofcourse venture around sexually. It seems as it would be moreso a taking turns as opposed to two people no idea whats going on ontop of eachother
Garulfo said:
Bufotenine is indeed a better candidate.
SWIM would be curious to have an orgams while fully tripping. He wonder how (and if) the orgams would interract and change the visuals... but so far it seems 'technically' impossible.
A possible way would be to reach a pre-orgasm state and immediatly smoke a good dose (but not full breakthrough), then finish the 'work' as fast as possible :d

It does increase psilocybin visuals:d
Ahhh that strange and wild bemushroomed sex:d
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