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DMT extraction - lighter fluid layer not separating

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Rising Star
Hi guys pleasure to be here :) Well my FOAF has attempted her first DMT extraction (straight to base)... 50 grams powdered mimosa.h (powder no fibre) 1 cup distilled water 1.5 tablespoons of lye 100 ml swan lighter fluid ... she followed the short quick simple Spice tek (mycotopia forum) and after the mimosa/lye slurry + lighter fluid have been sitting nearly 3 days not even the slightest sign of seperation has occured. more water/lye mixture have been added so its now more like 2-2.5 tablespoons of lye and 2 cups water as i believed the original recipe was way too thick. more lye? ph 12.5 :?:
did emulsions form? i would put more water, i have heard more water is required with pre powdered bark. SWIM has used Nomans TEK about 4 times now and never had a problem with naptha not seperating (always pre powdered bark aswell). might want to try and find naptha or another solvent to try instead of swans.
Is the liquid looking black or still a translucent reddish colour? I too would add more water You can also try sitting the mixture in a hot water bath Likewise what DMTripper said, your solvent may not be choice
my foaf's jar is now more like... 50g powdered mimosa bark 3 cups water 4.5 tablespoons lye 100ml swan lighter fluid and is now sitting in a warm bath, but its not looking good :cry: can lye if directly added to the mimosa/lighter fluid slurry (without mixing into a cup of water first) somehow alter the mixture so it doesn't separate?
Are you sure its not just the stain on the jar?? It got my gother first time! More water and gentle stirring and more naptha, maybe 50ml more try that. First time the gopher tried it was in blazing summer and the naptha evapped completely overnight! It isnt too hot there is it?
just read nomans tek sounds much better than the one i followed from mycotopia. i will buy some swan lighter fluid tonight add about 50ml to the jar and gently swirl it around (no shaking :oops: ) trying to avoid emulsion like the plague... my foaf will report back 😉
no its quite cold here at the mo and my foaf hasn't been leaving the lid off for long either so i doubt ive lost the lighter fluid through evaporation? shes pretty sure its not the stain on the jar but will double check thanks guys
Nomans TEK was really easy to follow. as far as mixing the naptha (or whatever) i have found rolling the jar back and forth slowly on the floor ( i saw it on the mescaline extraction video) works really well and gave me better results.
More lye{you can't hurt anything), more water, more heat :) All emulsions [i:094e5bba75]must[/i:094e5bba75] eventually break, it's just not a natural state...Leave a jar of mayonaise in the sun for a few weeks and see that deliberate emulsion break.On the positive side, when you [i:094e5bba75]do[/i:094e5bba75] get your solvent back, its been in maximum contact with your goodies so there's no risk you've missed anything :D
Just add more naphtha to reduce the emulsion. Then you'll get a clear layer of (new) naphtha ontop of the black-foam, and this WILL take-up some of the dmt-freebase in the foamy emulsion. When you add more naphtha, and pull 2 or 3 more times, the emulsion will settle with each pull. [b:15a0c8019a]BUT ! .. for crying out loud ... quit just SHOVELLING the lye in there @! All of you lye-eaters..!> What are you doing that for..!? are you adding it to settle the emulsion..!?[/b:15a0c8019a] The blind leading the blind ! Although, the 'blind' leading themsleves here, suits me fine .. We'll set them SAFE, and straight... presuming they can read enough to figure out WHAT THEY STILL HAVE TO LEARN ! ... Please, if I may derail this thread a bit, tell us, o-wise-chemists of dimitri extraction ... ! WHY are we using lye, anyways .!? Just 'because' .>?! Since it helps clean stains off the jars.!? .. or is it for specific reasons.? .. I have ranted enough about doing these tek's in ignorance, so could someone else answer - "why do we use lye" ..!> ... and perhaps mention what pH has to do with it... !? .. what does pH have to do with emulsions..!?
lol yes it has...... and thanks for all the comments i have learned alot. It has separated now and my foaf will decant off the lighter fluid and replace it with more. Thanks again, she cant wait to see some magic :)
you know if only your ratios were wrong the previous time and you still have that unseparated mix, you could likely chuck the whole lot in with the new and give it a good mix. It should have no problem separating out (maybe add just a little more basified water first)
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