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DMT Extraction teks

Migrated topic.
sonatine said:
Extraction tek for dummies :d

After spending hours after hours reading different extraction teks, I was starting to think I would never be able to do my own extractions. It all sounded so greek to me, even after looking up most of the new words in the dictionary. But, luckily one day I met a friend who knew how to extract dmt!!! And when he showed it to me, it was actually super easy, and I wrote it down in my own language. Getting that tek made me the most happy person ever!! :lol: I guess its more of you out there who have the same problem, so I want to share the tek with you. Its not advanced or anything, but it gives you dmt! :)


Big glass container
Scale, at least a 0.01g
Glass bowl
Plastic to cover the glass bowl
Rasor blade
Ml measures
Breathing mask? Remember to use a well ventilated room.

Mimosa powdered root bark
Ronsonol lighter fluid
Caustic soda, soduim hydroxide 99%
Water(destilled if you have)

The extraction:

* Put 3 litre of water in the glass container.
* Put 200g of sodium hydroxide(caustic soda) in the container, shake well.
* Put 200g of mimosa in the container, shake carfully until proparly mixed. (Open the lid once in a while, to release the pressure.)
* Leave it for about 1 hour.
* Put 300ml of nafta(ronsonol) in the container, and roll or shake very carefully for about 2 min.
* When the nafta is seperated on the top, remove it carefully with the pipette and put it in the glass container. Make sure you only get the nafta.
* Put plastic wrap over and leave it in a very cold freezer for 24 hours.
* Pour the nafta back in the glass container, so you can repeet the process 3-4 times.
* Let the crystals dry, and then remove it from the glass with the rasor blade.

Enjoy!! :d
Hello guys.... a dummy here wants to know...
which is the one to be put on the freezer? This dummy assumes that it's the nafta... If it is... then after having it in the freezer for 24hours.. The dummy should repour the nafta which was taken from the freezer to the mimosa mixture and should re-roll and re-shake and
again to be extracted and refreeze in the freezer? Please anyone out there...confirm this dummy's dilemna....
the white rabbit said:
sonatine said:
Extraction tek for dummies :d

After spending hours after hours reading different extraction teks, I was starting to think I would never be able to do my own extractions. It all sounded so greek to me, even after looking up most of the new words in the dictionary. But, luckily one day I met a friend who knew how to extract dmt!!! And when he showed it to me, it was actually super easy, and I wrote it down in my own language. Getting that tek made me the most happy person ever!! :lol: I guess its more of you out there who have the same problem, so I want to share the tek with you. Its not advanced or anything, but it gives you dmt! :)


Big glass container
Scale, at least a 0.01g
Glass bowl
Plastic to cover the glass bowl
Rasor blade
Ml measures
Breathing mask? Remember to use a well ventilated room.

Mimosa powdered root bark
Ronsonol lighter fluid
Caustic soda, soduim hydroxide 99%
Water(destilled if you have)

The extraction:

* Put 3 litre of water in the glass container.
* Put 200g of sodium hydroxide(caustic soda) in the container, shake well.
* Put 200g of mimosa in the container, shake carfully until proparly mixed. (Open the lid once in a while, to release the pressure.)
* Leave it for about 1 hour.
* Put 300ml of nafta(ronsonol) in the container, and roll or shake very carefully for about 2 min.
* When the nafta is seperated on the top, remove it carefully with the pipette and put it in the glass container. Make sure you only get the nafta.
* Put plastic wrap over and leave it in a very cold freezer for 24 hours.
* Pour the nafta back in the glass container, so you can repeet the process 3-4 times.
* Let the crystals dry, and then remove it from the glass with the rasor blade.

Enjoy!! :d

This is the path i shall take.

lye lovers unite xD
Du57mi73 said:
Remember to add salt to your extractions for a dramatic increase in yields. It can mean the difference in 1.5% and 2.5%.

How much salt would you recommend for an extraction the size of the one that sonatine described?
This tek can be modified with whatever is available.
It's easy enough to perform but if you don't have experience using hot heptane you may want to use naptha or another suitable solvent.
This tek is being 'tweeked' or expanded upon further as this is posted, whats being done is that the leftover ACRB bark is now being acid cooked as this is originally a cold water tek.
In order to see just how efficient the cold tek was, it is now necessary to put it through a hot version of same tek only this time parrafin wax will be used to 'defat' whereas no defat was done before ...
[[ A question was posted in 'Welcome Discussion' asking " Would this work" (( TEK variation Would this work? [[ TEK variation Paraffin wax defat - Updated - It works ]] - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus )) ? And though there have yet to be anyones input as to whether or not it will work, it is still going to be tried, since, the best way to find out is to try something one's self, right? How else did we come up with all the great info here on this website? Thanks to the information here, a TEK of one's own 'creation' came to life using all the knowledge gained and now, seeing as some questions have yet to be put to the test, the results of that test will be shared as soon as the results appear :) ]]
So, here is 'LJM's ACRB Tek with pics' LJM's ACRB Tek with pics [[ Updated ]] - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
Greetings Nexians,

Apologies as this has also been posted at ('DMT EXTRACTION » DMT Extraction paths » A/B') but I ma keen to get any feedback, comment or tips on improvement and post this only in the interests of helping others new to the process navigate the basics after researching and experimenting with Australian acacia extractions regularly for the last two years.

The method I have written out was intended to be an ‘as simple as possible’ an A/B and is in essence a synthesis of The DMT Handbook and Elspice’s tek as these were what I started with.

Thanks for reading and feel free to share around.

Arohanui - Flux


  • The+Invocacia+Method.pdf
    203.7 KB · Views: 0

Your tek looks okay, though there are some things, that are worth mentioning:

I don't know exactly about the content of fat and waxes in Acacia confusa, but I guess a short defat before basifying might be reasonable.
Even in very nonpolar solvents such as hexanes, water is soluble in small amounts. Besides the solubility, the mixture forms a fine emulsion when shaken or stirred strongly. This happens when the organic phase looks turbid. Due to the high concentration of sodium hydroxide in the aqueous medium, the small amounts of water dissolved/emulgated in the naphtha bring significant amounts of NaOH into the organic phase and thereby into the product. This can be prevented by washing the naphtha with water or brine (3x).
Another step to a purer product is by crystallizing the DMT freebase and not just evaporating the solvent. This leaves all the fats and waxes in the product, while rather pure DMT can be obtained by freezing it out or crystallizing it from the boiling solvent.

I hope you find this information useful.

DMT Citrate/Acetate orally - mix 100mg DMT freebase and 2g citric acid or 30ml acetic acid (vinegar) in 300ml distilled water - drink after taking maoi 30 mins before.

Can this work?
DMT Citrate/Acetate orally - mix 100mg DMT freebase and 2g citric acid or 30ml acetic acid (vinegar) in 300ml distilled water - drink after taking maoi 30 mins before.

Can this work?

Will work no problem.

Will saturated potassium hydroxide water precipitate dmt freebase if added to dmt fumarate salted with FASW instead of using sodium carbonate, since it has a higher PH?

It would only require even less of KOH instead of Na2CO3. So other than that no difference.
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