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DMT first time

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Been reading so much about this DMT watched a lot of documentaries

First time swim decided to go down this spiritual path - swim was full of mixed emotions from nervous to excited to scared. Here swim was thinking this DMT was going to be a reality changer & expected the walls / surroundings to be sucked away by the truth

After swim took substance the feelings now turned to disappointment now swim wondering if this is normal??

Yes room became bright & things turned into odd patterns and for the most part it was very odd but swim still felt like swim was in same room no out of body experience or anything of that nature

Swim has never done any sort of psychedelic type drug so was warned by a few that DMT not the best to start with due to its powerful nature now swim wondering what all the fuss is over
Hello MissDMT

I doubt saying things like SWIM will save you from trouble, although being cautious is usually rewarded in this area of life.

On the matter of DMT, what you describe sounds to me like a small amount of dose, like 10-30mg. EDIT: Although, some say if vaporized correctly it can be life changing!! These things should be carefully measured and used correctly. Ego death should deff occour on a breakthrough dose, so my best bet is right here :)

Still, if you want us to give you an answer you can use, we would like to be given a report that we can use instead. What dose did you use? Do you know for certain it was 50mg? Did you vapourized it properly?

Also to be very honest with you, there is nothing wrong in trying DMT as your first psychedelic :) In my book, something like an overdosed LSD or mushroom trip that gives you a hell of a bad trip and scares your pants off will do more harm, than a properly administered hyperslap from DMT.
Hell even a bad weed tripp full of paranoia can cause more harm than an intense DMT trip.

I hope I phrased things correctly to your understanding :)
Thanks for the reply

I only used a very low dose probably 20-30mg smoked in meth pipe. Was unable to get it to turn into liquid completely so I think I screwed up the burning process
MissDMT said:
I only used a very low dose probably 20-30mg smoked in meth pipe.

20-30mg is NOT a low dose...it's a life changing dose...vaporised correctly.
(don't use a meth pipe...it's just...wrong) (so is SWIMing)
Ahoi MissDMT and welcome to the nexus.

MissDMT said:
I'm going to buy the GVG

I guess as you already know, but in my opinion still worth mentioning as a safty aspect: When you start working with a new device, slowly build the dose up, beginning with 10mg.

A good vape-technique seems to be the key to success.

Safe travels and much fun, tseuq
to be sucked away by the truth

Truth is something you may or may not exprience. With DMT or without DMT.
After the experience you won't be able to tell if you experienced truth even though it felt like it.

You can't expect something that isn't attainable and if you do, it isn't the truth.

What does DMT need? It needs you because without it there isn't anything.
But do you need DMT? I don't know. But you might know if you learn to vaporize it more efficiently ;)
MissDMT said:
Been reading so much about this DMT watched a lot of documentaries

First time swim decided to go down this spiritual path - swim was full of mixed emotions from nervous to excited to scared. Here swim was thinking this DMT was going to be a reality changer & expected the walls / surroundings to be sucked away by the truth

After swim took substance the feelings now turned to disappointment now swim wondering if this is normal??

Yes room became bright & things turned into odd patterns and for the most part it was very odd but swim still felt like swim was in same room no out of body experience or anything of that nature

Swim has never done any sort of psychedelic type drug so was warned by a few that DMT not the best to start with due to its powerful nature now swim wondering what all the fuss is over

Hello there, just wondering if you have tried again yet? After all, practice makes perfect. DMT is not your typical "drug" and breakthroughs do not always happen on the first try. Even seasoned DMT users muck it up every once in a while.

As others have said, 20-30mg properly administered is more than enough to blast you far away from here. If you continue down this path and still have trouble vaporizing, I'd highly recommend enhanced leaf or changa smoked out of a standard water bong. Good luck!
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