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DMT for a near virgin

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Alright I got like 60mg from my friend who was doing the extraction because he fucked it up and is going to repurchase some MHRB at his expensive (cool!) but that's going to take a little while (shipping and all that). Anyway, since I have a small amount I don't want to fuck up the smoking. First of all, how is freebased dmt when insufflated? I really want to get SOMETHING out of this and like I said before, I'm not experienced at all so it doesn't have to be that overwhelming. I'm so tempted to just open this foil and rail if it's going to have little to no effect I'll just wait until one of my friends can help me smoke it. I'm not trying to get too full of myself but I honestly don't think I'll need a trip sitter. I am pretty comfortable and think I'll be able to keep in mind that in an hour or two I'll be sober (I just recently smoked salvia and this completely demolished that previous theory but from what I have read salvia is unique in that aspect).
Hi don, as a friend recently told me, perhaps my motto should be 'do now, think later' that's very applicable here I was privileged enough to try dmt before i'd ever heard of it to be honest, there's no better way to approach dmt than with an unclouded head (this includes all kinds of readings dmt related), if you don't know much about psychedelics and dmt then you're in a fantastic position to jump head first and see what it's all about DON'T WORRY!! 8) it'll be fine and yes, insuffilation would be a good idea if you're not used to harsh smokes (which you aren't by the sound of it). Freedomphilly can hopefully advice you on the amount you'd need (i'd suspect 80mg should do the trick). Alternatively, or an oral dose of around 150mg about an hour after 150mg or so of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitors (eat 3-4 grams of Syrian Rue seeds) - these MAOIs are needed to make DMT orally active personally, i want to show SOOOOO many people DMT, just so they know, even just once, but the problem is there is no way they could actually smoke it. Snorting, oral, or injecting (if you're not averse to it) would ensure you get full effects peace
Yeah, eat it with a MAOI and start low. No need to rush things. Or start with mushrooms and again, start low. Firstly, test your sensitivity to tryptamine with a ridicoulously low dose. If everything is normal, than up the dose to the equivalent of 2gr of mushrooms. Have a good set/setting and everything should be perfectly fine. Once you go past de 2-3 grams barrier of mushrooms, things gets intense. My idea is that if you build up to 4-5 grams of mushrooms ( depends of the person and the potency of the mushrooms... ) then nothing from the smoked DMT will be un-managable. Maybe it's just me, but 4-5 grams of mushrooms are definitivly a whole lot scrarier and intense than 50 mg smoked DMT though not eveybody agree hehe.
swim wishes he could experiment more with the mushrooms. hes not in the whole drug circle so he cant really get them. hes had a few rather nice experiences,but he never got to the "scary" part, nor does he remember having any type of actual visuals. its was more of internal thought thing for him. but if anyone would like to share some, he'd be greatly appreciative :lol:
Seven : I'm not in the drug circle at all. I dont even smoke pot. But i experiment mushrooms alot. This said, mushrooms can be earth shatering. With a high dose, your ego DIES. It gets RIPPED TO SHRED. And it comes in waves. Picture this, a grim smoked DMT adventure gone wrong that comes back every fifteen minutes or so. With mushrooms, you can be so out of it that you can literaly forget who you are for a couple hours ( it had happened to me ). And the is no way that you can remember (once back to baseline) the ultimate truth you got at the origin of the everything that is. The dismembering shamanic experience can be complete madness. Insectoid entities eating you and putting you back together : nasty stuff. An encounter with the land where the fall of adam and eve occured ( im getting allegoric here) and where the final eschatological conflict will be can be a disturbing experience. But hey, overall, the mushroom did me good and changed me for the better. I mean, lots of entites did experiment on me, but in the end, it's a fair relationship i think. They taught me how to live a better life, they taught me how to heal and they taught me a lot about the universe, so much that i cant process it with my human mind. There is some entites out there that are soooooooo cool and helping. But it seems that everytime, they want to do some medical stuff to me. 0_o And when they do this medical stuff, if i am ot scared and i go with it, i can somehow negociate with them. I figured that if they can remove my brain of my head, put some stuff in it and put it back in place, they probably can as well fix lots of stuff in my body. And well, they can and will do if you are cool. You get the picture hehe ;) Mushrooms are divine, sacred and powerfull. It's not for the faint of heart. They can take you to the outer edges of the universe and beyond. Oh yeah, you can always read Paul Stamets - the mushroom cultivator, or go on the shroomey.org forums or mycotopia.net.
[quote:9e633af41b]This said, mushrooms can be earth shatering. With a high dose, your ego DIES. It gets RIPPED TO SHRED. And it comes in waves. Picture this, a grim smoked DMT adventure gone wrong that comes back every fifteen minutes or so.[/quote:9e633af41b] Try them together. It's like S&M for the ego. [quote:9e633af41b]I mean, lots of entites did experiment on me, but in the end, it's a fair relationship i think.[/quote:9e633af41b] Sounds like my sex life. Hooyah!
[quote:f4c08c5247]Quote: I mean, lots of entites did experiment on me, but in the end, it's a fair relationship i think. Sounds like my sex life. Hooyah![/quote:f4c08c5247] hahahahahahahahah! I just had a burst of laugther at work. lol :lol: [quote:f4c08c5247]Quote: This said, mushrooms can be earth shatering. With a high dose, your ego DIES. It gets RIPPED TO SHRED. And it comes in waves. Picture this, a grim smoked DMT adventure gone wrong that comes back every fifteen minutes or so. Try them together. It's like S&M for the ego. [/quote:f4c08c5247] i did try it - once- and.... you are right. It was weird, completly. I was on the come up of a big ass mushroom trip, and with the last grip i had on reality before all hell broke loose, i smoke a BIG pipe of dmt. Honestly, it wasnt the best idea in the world i think hehe. :shock:
I have two problems taking it orally - MOAI nausea and MAOI diet. I have a preconceived idea that the nausea will lead into a negative first time experience and I don't really feel like changing my diet for a long period of time (5 days or so right?) Mushrooms are kind of out of the question for me. My area is pretty dry on mushies. The only two people I have found with constant supply want $35-40 for an 1/8th. I'm pretty new at this and don't know how unreasonable this is but I don't really want to waste upwards of 35 bucks on a single trip. The acid I bought was 5 bucks a blotter but it didn't do anything. The guy I got it from is pretty reputable and the only thing I can think of is that he left it in his car or something and it went bunk. Thanks for the replies so far. Which of these would be better for a first trip - 2ci or salvia? I know both are kind of sucky and it depends a lot on what you're into but I don't have a preference at this point.
2ci is a research chemical, that means that no clinical trials have ever been done with it. It also mean that the history of consumption by human beings is low. I personally wont touch research chemicals ever again. I did try 5-meo-amt once and it was the worst thing ever happened to me. be safe!
[quote:55c970e899]I have two problems taking it orally[/quote:55c970e899] That's what she said. [quote:55c970e899]I have a preconceived idea that the nausea will lead into a negative first time experience and I don't really feel like changing my diet for a long period of time (5 days or so right?) [/quote:55c970e899] IMO/IME the whole diet restriction thing is a little excessive. Are your on any SSRI's or other MAOI's? If not you're good. [quote:55c970e899]$35-40 for an 1/8th[/quote:55c970e899] Standard price. [quote:55c970e899]I don't really want to waste upwards of 35 bucks on a single trip.[/quote:55c970e899] If you don't feel like it's worth the price you haven't eaten enough. Pay it! [quote:55c970e899]I did try 5-meo-amt once and it was the worst thing ever happened to me. [/quote:55c970e899] Don't let that discourage you from trying the 2 C chemicals. 5-meo-amt is notorious for being godawful.
I'm not worried about the danger of 2ci. I don't think 1 or 10 doses would kill me or give me parkinsons. I'm not afraid of the trip but I understand the fact the there's a >90% chance I'll be overwhelmed which may turn me off of hallucinogens for a while. The way I look at it is like, once I do DMT there's nothing stronger but more DMT. This can either be a good thing (I have a bad trip and realize that LSD is like little kid's shit compared to DMT) or a bad thing (I like it and everything else sucks) Hypothetically, could a controlled substance (an I mean specifically controlled, none of these analog foolishness) make it past customs and someone not be investigated? Assume the packaging was discrete and the vendor didn't mention anything.
DZ-015 5-meo-amt being godawful, yes it is!!!!! I mean, for health reason. I did LSD, mushrooms, DMT, Aya.,Salvia and 2c-b back when it was legal, and this 5-meo-amt thing is HORRIBLE on the physical side. Also, there is some residual effect. Instead of an afeterglow, you get an afterdark for a week. There is some anecdotal reports of [u:8218eed8e3]deaths[/u:8218eed8e3] on erowid. And i believe it can kill you, no kidding. The visual side of it is not enjoyable. And you know, the physical inconfort and the sense that we can die on psychedelics? Well, with 5-meo-amt, it's for real. It comes in waves and brings nausea, it's dissociative in a bad way, put short, it's godawful, just like you say.
[quote:42e519f560="Seven"]how hard is it to get some 2ci rc's?[/quote:42e519f560] Not at all. I didn't order mine online but I hear www.chemexper.com is quite the useful resource. (I know people who have had sucess with www.yickvic.com) Why are mushrooms so god damn expensive? They're hella easy to grow...
firstly, don, please remove all references to all sources - BAD idea fyi, yickvic are useless, they have a fantastic list but require permits 2C-I and other research chemicals, these are not necessarily all what they seem. The vast majority of RCs are those from Shulgins books Pihkal and Tihkal, and not all of these are fun. After a stupid binge on dxm, mdma, and 2c-e, i now for the first time in my life have severe panic attacks; you cannot imagine how fucked up that is. 2C-E is very reminiscient of high dose lsd in the visual side, but there is the most fucked up body load you can imagine. Like i said a lot of them are far from fun and the entire RC suite is derived by slight modifications to the chemical structures of your own fundamental brain-chemistry components. here's what i mean [quote:f9bd43e76c="Pihkal, Substance: BOB"] (with 25 mg) This was quite quick. The onset of the experience was apparent within a half hour, and we were both at +++ within the hour. Body load minimal. There was very little visual, compared with some materials. Very interesting eyes-closed, but not continually--just now and then an intense vision might flash. Very benign and friendly and pleasant and good-humored feeling. Superb for conversation and conceptualization.[/quote:f9bd43e76c] Sounds ok hey? then with a very small change you get [quote:f9bd43e76c="Pihkal, Substance: BOHD"] (with 50 mg) At about the two hour point, there was a precipitous drop of blood pressure (from 120/72 to 84/68) although the pulse stayed steady at 60. This trend had been apparent in earlier trials, and was being watched carefully. No further tests are planned.[/quote:f9bd43e76c] RCs fuck with some scary stuff people don't get me wrong, if it weren't for them we wouldn't have our dear friend sweet sweet Molly, but there are some very scary aspects to this stuff. And i noticed someone said something about LSD being like kids play shit? jeeesus i suggest you take a strong hit of fresh lsd and say that again - last night i for whatever reason thought it be good to take around 400mics of very fresh lsd (you wouldn't believe the difference between fresh to several year old blotters floating around). Let's just say that it was approaching DMT breakthrough intensity, full entity contact (aliens, greys, others, seductress, faceless beast hound, sexy beach babes etc..) argh twelve hours later and shits still twisted. hehe FUCK lsd is completely off the chart people, just because you tried a shitty blotter a few times doesn't mean you've experienced lsd, this one should never be forgotten by the way, RCs, fucking around with 2c-b, 2c-i, doi, etc... fuck all that, seriously all you need is: lsd, mushrooms, mescaline, dmt And yes, mushrooms are piss easy, and very cheap, and sustainable self-sufficient cycle of output goodness. so grow them yourself! www.fungifun.org peace, be safe!
coschi that sounds like my kind of acid lol. awesome post btw. its really hard to get in my area, and when you do find it, its really not potent at all. swim took 10 gel tabs and had an awesome experience, nothing like you mentioned though lol. and don edit that out man. be smart thats what pm's are for.
[quote:7781860c73]by the way, RCs, fucking around with 2c-b, 2c-i, doi, etc... fuck all that, seriously all you need is: lsd, mushrooms, mescaline, dmt[/quote:7781860c73] I think you should throw a IMO on that. Ever done 2C-B? One of my personal favorites, and it's really a borderline RC at this point. SWIM did a 2C-I/MDA combo just last weekend that was great. [i:7781860c73]RC's are not for people new to the experience[/i:7781860c73], but to say they are useless is wrong IMO. As far as aquiring them via the internet PM for details, don't discuss here. Customs will get some packages, some they won't, it's a gamble.
Some quick advice- -DO NOT eat Syrian Rue Seed - it'll make you puke and the seed coats contain nasty alkaloids. But Syrian Rue is an easy way to get natural MAOIs. -Instead, to avoid any nausea, make an extract of 3.5g pulverized Rue seed using 50 ml fresh-squeezed lemon juice and 150 ml water. Soak the seed-dust over night (it's at a pH of 2.1), and then filter the gunk out (might take another 8 - 12 hours to filter). -Drink the ~200 ml lemony-extract by diluting in another 3 parts fruit juice one hour before smoking or eating dmt. On this Rue extract you'll find it easy to 'breakthrough' on one easy-to-inhale-in-one-lungful dose of 30mg dmt. - An oral dose of 150mg dmt is HIGH! ( for a 160 lb body weight). I don't know how nauseating dmt is on it's own, but there will be NO nausea from the lemony-Rue-extract. - I recommend low doses of dmt when eaten - it becomes a rather "short-circuited' feeling when MAO enzymes have totally been shut down, and the 150mg dose just circulates around your body, keeping you VERY high ! The dietary restrictions are quite simple to abide by leading up to and afer you've taken the MAOIs in the Rue extract - just fast for 6 hours before drinking the Rue-seed-extract and avoid the high-tyramine foods that day. And then avoid the tyramine-loaded foods for 24 hours after that. You can eat tryamine while on MAOIs, just very low amounts - see here. MAOI Diet
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