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DMT for a near virgin

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[quote:d6569f40d0="DZ-015"] I think you should throw a IMO on that.[/quote:d6569f40d0] ah yes of course i typically never presume to tell people things other than my opinion, so yeah, IMO yep i've tried 2c-b, ehhh hehe kinda fun, but IMO i feel it just doesn't have anything to offer. The body buzz feels like i'm plugged into a power point and the visuals are not over interesting IMO 😉 why not just candyflip? 8) i think you should give 2c-e a shot if you get a chance though 😉
[quote:f3968d874a]i think you should give 2c-e a shot if you get a chance though [/quote:f3968d874a] Had a chance recently, but i knew i was too spun already to try it just then. Oh well, maybe next time. [quote:f3968d874a]would dmt ingested with maoi be more like an ayhuasca trip, in terms of duration (hours not minutes)?[/quote:f3968d874a] It's exactly like an ayahuasca trip as far as duration. Hours not minutes.
If one (obviously not me) were to attempt to grow mushrooms, how much space would be needed for the fruiting stages? Inoculation and setting up cultures and all that can easily be done in a closet or two but this person can't really have cubensis fruiting all over the place. Say the person can devote, oh say, 30-40 square feet to fruiting. Would it be worth while at all?
Hello Don :D 30-40 ft of fruiting space would be enough to shroom up a small town :lol: A box the size of a childs toybox can supply an individual and some pals with more than enough fungi fun 8)
The research chems from PiHKAL are very all over the map in terms of effects and psychedelic usefulness. I've eaten a smattering and have different opinions of all of them. The absolute best is 2C-E. It is harsh and unforgiving and some find physically nauseating at the onset (go puke, you'll feel better), but it is focused and crystal clear and heavily encourages introspection. It's an acceptable party drug and can be fun in a woo-I'm-high sort of way if you force it to be that, but it tends towards an experience which is a lot of work for a lot of reward. This is something you can eat to make serious progress. You will see below the surface. 2C-I is rather the opposite. Friends of mine call it candy... light, visual, focused on your altered-ness. Very "dude, everything's glowing" type thing. Fine to dance on, wouldn't have a 2C-I gathering at my place though. DOI, the amphetamine equivalent, is very open ended. I've noticed it encourages vibe in a group... everyone gets on the same wavelength naturally. It's also a non-mindfuck... definitely a psychedelic, but won't drop you in the ocean to sink or swim. You can eat a really high dose of this and operate your microwave without using all of your attention. Very natural feeling, no body load or displacement, but a lot of "work space" by which I mean that an experienced traveler will know where and how to look for the effects he wants. You can turn inwards and go very deep, but when someone asks you a question you can slide back into interpersonal mode no prob, then head over to where your buddy's rocking the decks and dance like you're on acid. Opens up a lot of channels with no overload... kind of a waste on newbies since getting the full worth of it requires understanding and drawing up whatever parts of the psychedelic state you need at the time. Won't get you off if you're looking to get bombed, and a bad choice if you were thinking of sleeping any time in the next couple days or so. I've also sampled another psychedelic amphetamine which I have reason to believe is DOB, but I've unfortunately found impossible to identify with certainty... it was unconscionably sold as acid to a friend of mine and only myself and other experienced persons recognizing amphetamine action and duration make me confident saying is was for sure DO-something. While not exactly unpleasant, I found it stoning, neurotic, and overall unrewarding, and also noted that what psychedelic element it had ended at around 1/3 of the total duration. With a dose-dependant duration that can easily reach 40+ hours that's annoying.
[quote:d5c65d6b61="don"] Why are mushrooms so god damn expensive? They're hella easy to grow...[/quote:d5c65d6b61] Free where I come from :D Just recently picked 100gr. of Liberty Cap :D And I only need 2gr. for a good trip. And p.s. They're easy to grow from a grow kit but otherwise theyre not so easy to grow. Actually very tricky.
A tangent on RC's! My friend and his wife have had a lot of experiance with RC's... first off, please don't judge RC's by 5-meo-amt....possibly the worst drug ever created. 2C-I is much friendlier than most tryptamines and can be great fun and give tremendous insights 2C-E has too much body load, and they never really enjoyed it. 4-aco-mipt gives wonderful visuals, rushes of euphoria, and is a wonderful tryptamine 5-meo-mipt is also pretty dandy, at low doses almost no visuals but great tactile sensations, at higher doses (16+) crazy intense visuals and some ego loss. 4-aco-dmt is quite similar to DMT's after effects at low doses (<12mgs) above 25mgs gives total ego loss, very little side effects, almost no body load...good stuff, or so they say. The list goes on and on. Each and every one is VERY different, and they canot be grouped together, even all of the 2C's have quite different effects... Just my $0.02
[quote:dae01363ed="DMTripper"]Just recently picked 100gr. of Liberty Cap :D And I only need 2gr. for a good trip.[/quote:dae01363ed] Great to hear! Just looked at the wiki of it for my home-country and nowadays they grow about everywhere. :p I guess I'm into some picking this weekend.
[quote:1d89e2a6d6="DMTripper"][quote:1d89e2a6d6="don"] Why are mushrooms so god damn expensive? They're hella easy to grow...[/quote:1d89e2a6d6] Free where I come from :D Just recently picked 100gr. of Liberty Cap :D And I only need 2gr. for a good trip. And p.s. They're easy to grow from a grow kit but otherwise theyre not so easy to grow. Actually very tricky.[/quote:1d89e2a6d6] damnnn tripper! im so jealous man, swims been looking in his area and no luck at all, he cant even buy them off anyone. :( its been years since his last psilly experience, hes dying to do it again.
[quote:a43cef42d2="Seven"][quote:a43cef42d2="DMTripper"][quote:a43cef42d2="don"] Why are mushrooms so god damn expensive? They're hella easy to grow...[/quote:a43cef42d2] Free where I come from :D Just recently picked 100gr. of Liberty Cap :D And I only need 2gr. for a good trip. And p.s. They're easy to grow from a grow kit but otherwise theyre not so easy to grow. Actually very tricky.[/quote:a43cef42d2] damnnn tripper! im so jealous man, swims been looking in his area and no luck at all, he cant even buy them off anyone. :( its been years since his last psilly experience, hes dying to do it again.[/quote:a43cef42d2] Why don't you order a grow kit? It is very easy to grow from that I've heard. Get's loads of mushies in 2 weeks :D And you can grow them in your basment or attic, don't need any light or nothing. You should give it a try.
i heard from someone that knows someone who grows [u:d045e85b91]lots[/u:d045e85b91] of EXTRMELY potent mushrooms that the best way BY FAR to grow them is to spawn to poo. I guess that someone seriously interested in the art of growing fungi should read alot. The best ressource is mycotopia and shroomery forums. No book come close.
[quote:8cb535a0c3="fredyjenkins"]i heard from someone that knows someone who grows [u:8cb535a0c3]lots[/u:8cb535a0c3] of EXTRMELY potent mushrooms that the best way BY FAR to grow them is to spawn to poo. I guess that someone seriously interested in the art of growing fungi should read alot. The best ressource is mycotopia and shroomery forums. No book come close.[/quote:8cb535a0c3] swims saw this method but figures it out of his league as of right now. the pf tek seems simple and effective. if he could get the hang of that im sure he'll move on to other teks. is the manure used in an indoor grow?
Bump, my friend fucked up the extraction but he gave me about 60mg of freebase dmt to hold me over until he buys more mimosa. Read the OP, it's edited. P.S. wait, can I even use this as a snuff? I was under the impression that it could be converted into a salt easily but I'm second guessing this now.
So if I snort this tiny amount of powder I will have some sort effect? Like I said before, it's freebased. The internet is quite contradictory. Some places say freebase does nothing insufflated while others say it gets absorbed by the mucus membranes... First hand accounts anyone?
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