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DMT for Depression - One time dose?

Migrated topic.

The King in Yellow

Rising Star
Psychedelics do have the power to change one's life perspective, worldview, attitude, and quality of life. I've experienced this.

There have been reports of people taking doses of Ayahuasca that relieved their depression.

My question is: Would this be a one time, temporary thing? Or would this dosing have to be something they continued to do in order to keep their depression at bay.

And also, have their been cases of people brewing Ayahuasca in the states?

Thank you.
The King in Yellow said:
Psychedelics do have the power to change one's life perspective, worldview, attitude, and quality of life. I've experienced this.

There have been reports of people taking doses of Ayahuasca that relieved their depression.

My question is: Would this be a one time, temporary thing? Or would this dosing have to be something they continued to do in order to keep their depression at bay.

And also, have their been cases of people brewing Ayahuasca in the states?

Thank you.

Vaporized DMT? Probably not. Perspective on life can change dramatically with one voyage, but I have never heard any reports of cured depression.

There are studies on Ayahuasca that suggest it is very effective at treating depression, however from what I have read it needs to be taken ever few weeks.

And yes, people do brew Aya within the US. There are even a few churches that are legally protected to do so.

Welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the welcome, Acolon.

Well, I'm trying to self-treat here. I've battled with depression for about 8 years.
There may be some non-material methods that you all could suggest, such as meditation or visualization. I would research these myself, but there's such a huge quantity of opinions out there... and I figure you spice eaters are some honest, benevolent folk.

Anyway, any help is appreciated, thanks.
One thing to keep in mind though:

Since you have been battling depression there is a big change you are taking a SSRI. Taking a SSRI in combination with Ayahuasca is a serious health thread! When you stop with a SSRI it needs a specific time to completely get out of your system, with some SSRI's this could be months, please keep this in mind.

From what I've read you do indeed need regular aya sessions to keep the depression away. The interval ranges from a few week to a few months depending on the user.
Traveler - I've never taken antidepressants. So I'm not worried about that, but thanks.

'Coatl - Do you think one-time healing may refer emotional depression far more than chemical depression?

mattimus - Very interesting, but I don't have that kind of money to spend.
Coatl - Do you think one-time healing may refer emotional depression far more than chemical depression?
Chemical depression? I would say a chemical imbalance is far more likely to come from how you think. Over time this can cause buildup of emotional crap in your body and mind, which again can lead to depression.

Caapi may help alleviate the depression, but I think you might have to take it for years and work on yourself to be able to completely cure the depression. Over time, the emotional energy may be cleared out. Caapi is good at bringing it up to the surface for processing.

Go over to the ayahuasca.com forum and read a lot of posts there. Druiddream recently posted about the cure of his 10 year long depression, with the use of microdosing of caapi, in combination with raw cacao.
I know of several other people on the forum that uses caapi to alleviate/cure depression.
The good thing about caapi is that there really is no negative sideeffects, other than perhaps having to process what comes up, but I will not consider that a side effect. Another thing to consider would be the maoi diet, since caapi is a maoi. Although with microdosing, I don't think there is anything to worry about.

Will it be easy to cure it? Probably not, but it certainly is an interesting road if you decide to go down that path.
My foaf told me:

"I have battled depression since the age of 9, although it was more phases of meloncholy than full-blown depression. I did have phases of depression when I got older, and got CFS/ME a few years back which was very depressing... to the point where I did contemplate suicide at the peak of my illness and for a while after, though not seriously.
Peruvian Torch helped me stop binge drinking by taking 5g when I went out, to curb the lust for more than a pint or two. Apparently that's used as an antidepressant too. Then I tried ayawaska analog (mimosa/rue). The first time was great and left me walking on air for a week. The second time, a month later, was horrible, an emotional battering that I didn't need as I'm very self aware and all too aware of my problems. I was very depressed for the week following that. The folks on the ayawaska forums will admit that she can be a hard teacher. The purge is not pleasant so again probs not good for severe depression. For this reason, I think ayawaska is NOT good for depression unless you have a hard constitution or loving people to guide you through the process. It would be dangerous for someone severely depressed to get an emotional battering like I did without a wise sitter IMHO. I'd say ayawaska is good for people who are ignoring their subconscious, ignoring their problems, because they will be forced to deal with them, she'll make sure of that. But if you already know that stuff like I did, you're just torturing yourself. I have no experience with microdosing though.
Smoked DMT, on the other hand, has sorted me right out... I feel like a veil's been lifted from my mind, as if my brain's been 'corrected', and I've been good since my first toke. I'm going to smoke it weekly for the rest of my life. It's early days though, so bear that in mind, although I'm confident that I have left my meloncholy behind forever. I have no idea though if some people would get freaked out by the intensity of spice, or if they have a prediliction to mental illness start believing or obeying what the elves tell them. It worked for me, so I'd imagine it works for self-aware people without psychoses or proneness to superstition. However, it could just be that spice was what I was looking for out of life. There's more on how spice helped me in the 'DMT and Health' thread."
smiala said:
lots of uninteresting spam nonsense...

You're the second person within about a week to make their first post on a thread mentioning depression and link to that very site (and even the content of the posts were very similar). What's going on? Is there really THAT much money to be made directing traffic to a site?

Please no more looking up ancient threads to post your spam. Please no more POSTING--unless you're really interested in the subject matter here, which I doubt.
I would try Ayahuasca for depression way before I would take some pharmaceutical drug. If you are depressed, give the spice a try...you may find it will help you, it most certainly won't hurt you. Stay away from "legal" drugs as much as you can, lest you become dependent upon them, and when you're 70 you're taking 30 pills a day.

If you have serious mental health issues, and depression that cannot be controlled by diet/exercise and/or spice if you are inclined, then see a specialist. Be on top of your health and take care of yourself, but know that psychcologist/iatrists and pharmaceuticals are not the only option available to you.
Saidin said:
I would try Ayahuasca for depression way before I would take some pharmaceutical drug. If you are depressed, give the spice a try...you may find it will help you, it most certainly won't hurt you. Stay away from "legal" drugs as much as you can, lest you become dependent upon them, and when you're 70 you're taking 30 pills a day.

If you have serious mental health issues, and depression that cannot be controlled by diet/exercise and/or spice if you are inclined, then see a specialist. Be on top of your health and take care of yourself, but know that psychcologist/iatrists and pharmaceuticals are not the only option available to you.

Hell by the end of the week I will have taken the 30day supply its a scam anyway. Real heads know you dont need a scrip to be benzos in the US 500 at a time I do not do it please dont pm me about this.8)

ohayoco said:
I did have phases of depression when I got older, and got CFS/ME a few years back which was very depressing... to the point where I did contemplate suicide at the peak of my illness and for a while after, though not seriously.


Smoked DMT, on the other hand, has sorted me right out... I feel like a veil's been lifted from my mind, as if my brain's been 'corrected', and I've been good since my first toke. I'm going to smoke it weekly for the rest of my life. It's early days though, so bear that in mind, although I'm confident that I have left my meloncholy behind forever.

Hey Oha, out of interest man, how serious was your foaf's CFS/ME? I know someone who is in recovery who is perfect for an introduction to psychs but is worried about the intensity on their body and just generally quite worried about doing anything to relapse.

Your second comment here is quite interesting. Am I right in thinking your foaf is now at the point where they can take or leave D or have I got my wires crossed?
What it will do hopefully is provide insight to why you are depressed and then provide a solution to that depression. It causes a lot of internal reflection, if you can deal with that and face your demons then go for it. I find the stronger the dose, the more healing it can cause, but sometimes it does become a battle.

There is also a substance out there called SAM- E that is sold at stores like GNC and even whole foods. I found out about it because our vet recommend it for our dog (he is epileptic and has seizures) the medicine and the shock from those causes depression.

Me being the person I am decided to pop 2 sam-e pills one night and it put me in a very positive and nice mood, I was just plain happy that night. Did it again a week later and felt the same way. Kind of expensive but may be worth it for some.
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