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DMT for the first time

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Community,

I have been doing a lot of drugs over my time of my life with only being 19.
I have done drugs ranging from Weed, Acid, MDEA, MEDA and a few others. DMT has always been the top of my list but I have never been able to find out ways on how to get it or use it. I was hoping the people of this community will be able to guide my through this on my research and my usage. I look forward to your advice on where to start. I am also from New Zealand

Thanks, Ceamly :)
Yeah, DMT is not really a party drug like in the classical sense. More of a psychedelic medicine.

If you approach it as a recreational substance it will own your ass and spit you out after it's done.

All the information you seek is here already mate. Just read.
Northerner said:
Yeah, DMT is not really a party drug like in the classical sense. More of a psychedelic medicine.

If you approach it as a recreational substance it will own your ass and spit you out after it's done.

All the information you seek is here already mate. Just read.
I concur, if you approach it in a recreational sense, may think all you get is visuals, one second you're in your room trying to feel good, next you find yourself some other dimensions with entities staring you down.
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