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[quote:b0c9e88aee="zhah"]Interestingly, Ott reports in [i:b0c9e88aee]Pharmacotheon[/i:b0c9e88aee] that 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenine, and harmine have all been found along with DMT in [i:b0c9e88aee]yopo[/i:b0c9e88aee]. [i:b0c9e88aee]Yopo[/i:b0c9e88aee], [i:b0c9e88aee]cohoba[/i:b0c9e88aee] and [i:b0c9e88aee]vilca[/i:b0c9e88aee] snuffs are prepared from seeds of [i:b0c9e88aee]Anadenanthera pergrina[/i:b0c9e88aee], [i:b0c9e88aee]Anadenanthera colubrina[/i:b0c9e88aee] and other closely related legumes, which contain primarily bufotenine (5-OH-DMT). Ott hypothesizes (supported additionally by his own bioassaying) that bufotenine is the visionary principle of yopo, cohoba and vilca, whereas DMT and 5-MeO-DMT appear to be the visionary principles of [i:b0c9e88aee]epena[/i:b0c9e88aee] and the related snuffs of the [i:b0c9e88aee]Waika[/i:b0c9e88aee]. Ott's deliberate contrast of the intranasal inactivity of pure DMT with the activity of DMT containing snuffs suggest to me that Ott at least suspects that something other than just DMT is involved here, but I may be interpreting too much into this statement. Anyway, Noman, did you ask your chemistry "betters" why you only get a goo if water is present when forming the hydrochloride salt? -z[/quote:b0c9e88aee] There is also speculation that bufotenin converts to DMT when heated and a lot of those preparations involve toasting the seeds first. The Antarctican just completed an A/B extraction of 25g each toasted and untoasted cebil. He now has two dishes, both with a yellow residue. The plate with the untoasted extract has approx twice as much and no detectable smell. The toasted plate smells like DMT. Bioassay tonight. 8) My betters are grouchy and yell at me to "go take a fucking tenth grade science class!" when I bombard them with too many questions like that.
[quote:dc702b3984="Noman"] He now has two dishes, both with a yellow residue. The plate with the untoasted extract has approx twice as much and no detectable smell. The toasted plate smells like DMT.[/quote:dc702b3984] Freebase vapor of bufotenine is also visionary (see the Ott article cited five posts up). Does the Antartican have access to a mass-spectrometer? -z
Well, its definitely visionary. :D There wasn't enough for more than threshold effects from either so one wasn't able to really discern a difference. He was actually a bit surprised at the low yield. That was just from the first pull though. Uncharted waters - probably should have used toluene for the extraction. Anyway no, the Antarctican has no mass spectrometer access - he's more a turkey baster/mason jar kind of guy. Bufo and DMT have quite different melting points though - he could probably discern something from that once he's extracted enough material.
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