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DMT - Key to THE door..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi Guys. I am in my early fifties, have been smoking pot for many years and had a couple of LSD trips. One of which catapulted me into "The Void". I still remember the details, it was so profound, and will share that experience with anyone caring to hear about it...Anyways, it got me into some serious thinking and put me on a path of spiritual research for myself.

I attended an Ayahuasca ceremony, after which I found I can "talk" to trees? Anyone else out there with the same thing?.
I Smoked DMT three times in the last year. During the last DMT experience, I encountered a dragon. After doing a search on Google who else saw a dragon, I found this site and would like to share my vision:

After the second toke, I closed my eyes and felt myself rising out of something. Like being born. My field of view was filled with grey skin and thick, long hair. At first I thought I was a pimple growing on the coccyx of an elephant! As my field of view increased, I realised that the back and spine was too long for an elephant, so I tried to get the head (which was FAR away), in focus. It was a dragon, and it was taking me on a ride through "space".

Next thing it talked to me telepathically, and told me to look up and around. I did, and saw these huge galaxies. One on either side of me. The dragon turned an I noticed a red-brown colouring on its side. As I zoomed in, I noticed the skin looked like it was made of bark from a tree. A wooden dragon, I was riding one. I shouted to my sitter: " I am a Chinese wooden dragon"! (which I am according to Chinese horoscope) It flew me INTO a tree. I could see the veins in the tree, with the "water" flowing inside the veins. I then came "back". A wonderful experience!

There are a few things that I noted whilst taking this medicine:

1. DMT is serious business. It is a key to other worlds. If you take it, KNOW that you are going to see things you NEVER EVEN DREAMED OF.
2. Be ready to give up your ego. The part that makes you THINK you are YOU. If you don't, you will have a hard time coping in these worlds.
3. Let your sitter sit with a notebook, and as soon as you "return", try and tell them as much as you can of your vision. (I know, its EXTREMELY difficult). Look at he notes the next day, and reflect on it. You may be given will miss the
4. If you feel you are not ready to take it, you are not.
Welcome to the Nexus Frogman!

I'd love to hear more about your LSD trip that sent you into the void, although I must admit I'm a sucker for trip reports!


I like your 1-4 notes and would like to add that if you don't have a sitter, then a little handheld recorder works wonders as well. I've actually used a mixture of the two on some occasions. It is important to get as much down as soon as possible because it is fleeting, like a dream. An indescribably beautiful dream!

Anyway, I hope you find what you are looking for here! Have a good day!

-The Grateful One-
Hi Grateful One,

Well, since you care to hear about my trip into the void, here it is:

It was late evening a good couple of years ago. I took a second cap when I peaked on the first. We were a group of friends, gathered around a campfire. I was looking into the flames of the fire, when suddenly I found myself hovering about 3 metres in the air,
overlooking the group, INCLUDING myself!

The first emotion was panic. My instinct (ego) kicked in and wanted to get back
into my body. I was "split" in two. Suddenly the "other" part of me, the spirit,
realised what was happening, and took charge. I calmed myself down and remember
thinking; "calm down and see what happens".

At that point, I moved even further away, and in a second found myself
surrounded by this greyish black environment. Similar to what you would see
looking at the sky during a moonless night around 3am in an open countryside.

It crossed my mind that I had died. I had no body. (ego loss is a major shock.You lose all reference to what you THINK you are). I was neither hot or cold. I could look in all directions, with nothing but this grey/ black environment surrounding me.

For a moment or more, I thought of my mother. I felt sad that I could not at least say goodbye to her. Then, my memories, snippets of the life I had remembered having on earth, quickly started fading away. The same way a dream fades away after waking up.

I remember saying to myself: "That is amazing, I only DREAMT my life on earth!

Finally, I was alone. It was quiet. A beautiful feeling overwhelmed me. A happy, peaceful feeling. No more daily buzzing of sounds. No more worries. I was finally HOME! I had arrived at the place where "I" come from. I realised that I was pure intelligence, and I had reached my "source".

I realised that I knew EVERYTHING. I knew all the answers to all questions. I
could do ANYTHING I wanted. I was "IT". I WAS EVERYTHING. There was only one soul, it was me. I clearly understood the term: "I AM".

But, with all that knowledge at my disposal, I suddenly grew sad. VERY sad. I realised that I was alone. Terribly, TERRIBLY alone. Alone in the whole universe. No one to talk to. No one to laugh with. No more hugs. No more walks on the beach. No more African sunsets. No more flowers. No more puppy breaths. No more music or sound. No more peanut butter and jelly. I felt emotional, I felt like crying, but Ii knew there would be no tears. EVER!

Then, somewhere deep inside I was reminded that with all this knowledge, I could do ANYTHING and BE anyone. I looked up into the dark sky, and saw what could only describe as a "few faint stars". I decided to pick one and go there. One
particular star looked brighter than the rest. I chose to go there.

I zoomed in at great speed. The star grew larger and larger, till I could feel the heat of it in my "face". I was back in my body, and the star was the fire I
was staring into. I was back on earth. My other home.

The whole experience had me rattled for days. I could not explain how I felt and what I saw. To NOBODY.

YEARS later, after seeing a swarm of bees clustered together on a tree branch, I realised that this swarm is actually ONE being. It has hands to gather food (the worker bees), it recreates itself constantly (the queen lays eggs) it has wings to move around. It is literally ONE, big insect...until it starts moving, because then it splits into many.

What if the Creator of all, is us. You, me and every other soul out there?. All of us are ONE.

What if that is the ultimate purpose of this perpetual and infinite creation; So that THE intelligence can "forget" what IT is, in order to avoid the pain of knowing it is ALL ALONE?

After all, once it realises what it is, then all ceases to exist.
That is a lovely report indeed!

Realizations can be wonderfully upsetting sometimes, no? The loss of the ego is an extremely humbling event but allows us to see past the mundane, restricted versions of ourselves. I like your proposal at the end, that we are all the parts to one greater being trying to forget it's loneliness. In a sense, we are all doing that in one way or another too so perhaps it (we) is just a reflection of the greater being that is us?

Good read, thank you for sharing!
Frogman said:
Hi Grateful One,

Well, since you care to hear about my trip into the void, here it is:

It was late evening a good couple of years ago. I took a second cap when I peaked on the first. We were a group of friends, gathered around a campfire. I was looking into the flames of the fire, when suddenly I found myself hovering about 3 metres in the air,
overlooking the group, INCLUDING myself!

The first emotion was panic. My instinct (ego) kicked in and wanted to get back
into my body. I was "split" in two. Suddenly the "other" part of me, the spirit,
realised what was happening, and took charge. I calmed myself down and remember
thinking; "calm down and see what happens".

At that point, I moved even further away, and in a second found myself
surrounded by this greyish black environment. Similar to what you would see
looking at the sky during a moonless night around 3am in an open countryside.

It crossed my mind that I had died. I had no body. (ego loss is a major shock.You lose all reference to what you THINK you are). I was neither hot or cold. I could look in all directions, with nothing but this grey/ black environment surrounding me.

For a moment or more, I thought of my mother. I felt sad that I could not at least say goodbye to her. Then, my memories, snippets of the life I had remembered having on earth, quickly started fading away. The same way a dream fades away after waking up.

I remember saying to myself: "That is amazing, I only DREAMT my life on earth!

Finally, I was alone. It was quiet. A beautiful feeling overwhelmed me. A happy, peaceful feeling. No more daily buzzing of sounds. No more worries. I was finally HOME! I had arrived at the place where "I" come from. I realised that I was pure intelligence, and I had reached my "source".

I realised that I knew EVERYTHING. I knew all the answers to all questions. I
could do ANYTHING I wanted. I was "IT". I WAS EVERYTHING. There was only one soul, it was me. I clearly understood the term: "I AM".

But, with all that knowledge at my disposal, I suddenly grew sad. VERY sad. I realised that I was alone. Terribly, TERRIBLY alone. Alone in the whole universe. No one to talk to. No one to laugh with. No more hugs. No more walks on the beach. No more African sunsets. No more flowers. No more puppy breaths. No more music or sound. No more peanut butter and jelly. I felt emotional, I felt like crying, but Ii knew there would be no tears. EVER!

Then, somewhere deep inside I was reminded that with all this knowledge, I could do ANYTHING and BE anyone. I looked up into the dark sky, and saw what could only describe as a "few faint stars". I decided to pick one and go there. One
particular star looked brighter than the rest. I chose to go there.

I zoomed in at great speed. The star grew larger and larger, till I could feel the heat of it in my "face". I was back in my body, and the star was the fire I
was staring into. I was back on earth. My other home.

The whole experience had me rattled for days. I could not explain how I felt and what I saw. To NOBODY.

YEARS later, after seeing a swarm of bees clustered together on a tree branch, I realised that this swarm is actually ONE being. It has hands to gather food (the worker bees), it recreates itself constantly (the queen lays eggs) it has wings to move around. It is literally ONE, big insect...until it starts moving, because then it splits into many.

What if the Creator of all, is us. You, me and every other soul out there?. All of us are ONE.

What if that is the ultimate purpose of this perpetual and infinite creation; So that THE intelligence can "forget" what IT is, in order to avoid the pain of knowing it is ALL ALONE?

After all, once it realises what it is, then all ceases to exist.

I enjoyed reading this very much!

Very relatable story!

:) Hi. Just out of curiosity: was it p. harmala or b. caapi in your brews? We asks because this is very much loike our (intezam) haoma travels.....
Hi Intezam.

I cannot tell you. My brews come from a Shaman, and since she has not offered to tell me, I assumed it would be out of place to ask. To me, as long as the sacrament is safe to consume, I leave it up to those in the know.

My trip to the "Void" was 30 years ago on LSD.
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