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DMT-like visuals from 3g MG seeds

Migrated topic.


The future's uncertain and The End is always near.
I have a very high sensitivity to all psychoactive substances.
I chewed and swallowed about 3g Home Grown Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds.

I experienced the usual nausea and disorientation.
However, this experience was more intense than a full strong hit of LSD.
I experienced OEV's and CEV's that I can only compare to sub-breakthrough doses of DMT.

The body energy was the typical lysergamide "love" orgasmic electricity, although more intense than I've ever experienced before.
It was so intense that I was cringing and barely stopping myself from howling in ecstatic delight.

I took it late in the night. I believe the darkness helped exacerbate the visual effects.
I saw entities and snakes and spiders with closed eyes.
After sunrise, I saw the world as a hyper-vivid Mayan/Aztecan wonderland.
Colors and patterns and organisms were shining with otherworldly energy.

I saw beautiful fractal patterns on the face of my girl-friend.
I started having paranoid thoughts.
I saw the face of lucifer or an extremely evil demon.
As usual with LSD, I felt that I had to resolve something in this precious awakened state before I fall asleep otherwise I would be trapped in a hellish realm.

My friends took nearly the same dose and experienced nothing more than nausea and sedation. They went to sleep.

The seeds were actually from last harvest.
This experience was far stronger than my experiences with HBWR and crude LSA extracts.
I would equate it to a prolonged sub-breakthrough DMT dose with the energy and awareness of a VERY high dose of lysergamides.

Does anybody else have a similar experience?
All input is welcome. :)
I have never directly eaten the seeds, but have taken crude extracts plenty of times. Each time was with morning glories that my neighbor planted years ago that just keep coming back. The amount of extract I took was never higher then a dose that was equivalent to 200 seeds.

I experienced slight LSD like visuals, such as objects breathing and slightly moving, as well as interesting patterns very faintly over laying everything. I had that traditional lysergamide body feeling that you described, but not nearly that intense. I don't know how much 200 seeds equates to weight wise though.
fresh seeds have different effects than older seeds. Fresh seeds have a different chemical composition. They contain LSH, wich over time degrades to LSA. LSA does not realy compare to LSD, and even tends to reduce much of the effects of psychedelics.
Fresh seeds can give effects that come pretty close to LSD itself.

I wouldn't know what the average weight of an individual seed is, but i guess that three grams is enough to get profound psychedelic effects.

The problem with morning glory seeds is that often, they don't give any psychedelic effects at all. Just sedation. But when they do, it's actually pretty amazing stuff.

LSD, mescaline, psilocin...though there are differences, they all have simmilar effects. So it doesn't sound that strange to me at all. LSD can give DMT-like Visuals, if enough is taken, so i guess the same could happen with morning glory seeds.
My seeds were about a year old. Homegrown and harvested from last season. I soak them in ISO alcohol to kill fungus and then I air-dry them in shade and then store in a amber glass jar with a silica gel packet in a dark cabinet.

They were VERY POTENT (for me only).
That's why I'm starting to think maybe it was the combination of the Cacao & Rustica tobacco... (Both MAOIs)
Of course I'm permanently tripping too... Oh well.
I'm actually just casting out some bait to see if there's anyone else this sensitive to psychedelics...
This happens to me on mushrooms too...

As for seed # -> seed weight conversion :

(From Erowid)
Oral Ipomoea violacea Seed Dosages
Light 50 - 100 seeds 1.5 - 3 g
Common 100 - 250 seeds 3 - 6 g
Strong 250 - 400 seeds 6 - 10 g
Heavy 400 + seeds 10 + g

So one could assume that 50 seeds weighs 1.5g and 100 seeds weighs 3g?
I dunno, too lazy to count them like I used to prior to investing in a scale...
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