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DMT Nexus start page beeing used as flyer for a commercial party

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Look what I've stumbled upon:


Do we approve that?
i have been to a psybox party. they are events for kids to take drugs.

edit: i found a facebook link to the party
Assholes. Such is the internet age. If an image is out there floating around online, people figure it must be fair game for cut and paste appropriation.
Yeah. Advertise DMT as a club thing. Let's all get bombarded by extremely loud music, vape standing up in a huge crowd, & end up trampled by a thousand college students "rolling" on cathinones cut with methamphetamine while double & triple dropping 1mg+ nbome blotters. :thumb_dow

This has to be some form of copyright infringement.
Wow, they didn't even try to be discrete about it at all (using the theme). Very curious as to what The Traveler will say about this...
concombres said:
Yeah. Advertise DMT as a club thing. Let's all get bombarded by extremely loud music, vape standing up in a huge crowd, & end up trampled by a thousand college students "rolling" on cathinones cut with methamphetamine while double & triple dropping 1mg+ nbome blotters. :thumb_dow

This has to be some form of copyright infringement.
I know these kind of parties. They are quite common in europe. Called GOA. Psytrance is the type of music there listening too.
Not really mainstream lots of drugs ofc. Never been to a party like this myself but from what I heard its a good spot to get an OD on some kind of RC. DMT or rather all the RC analogues are commonplace.
Its not really anything for college students. They are more into Tomorowland and this other Mainstream PLUR shit.

But its still ass to steal graphics.


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Ulim said:
concombres said:
Yeah. Advertise DMT as a club thing. Let's all get bombarded by extremely loud music, vape standing up in a huge crowd, & end up trampled by a thousand college students "rolling" on cathinones cut with methamphetamine while double & triple dropping 1mg+ nbome blotters. :thumb_dow

I know these kind of parties. They are quite common in europe. Called GOA. Psytrance is the type of music there listening too.
Not really mainstream lots of drugs ofc. Never been to a party like this myself but from what I heard its a good spot to get an OD on some kind of RC. DMT or rather all the RC analogues are commonplace.

You guys are funny, speculating about stuff you obviously don't know much about.
Never been to a party like this myself but from what I heard its a good spot to get an OD on some kind of RC. DMT or rather all the RC analogues are commonplace...

from this you can definietly tell you have never been to one of those parties. not that i want to defend them. but please don't write stuff like this when you have never been to one of these parties.

also if you want to post images, here are some of the psybox event pics so you have a better picture

dmt is not a substance very likely to find at one of these parties although it is becoming more popular lately
i love the "my use of DMT is better than yours" attitude, makes me giggle.

loud psytrance, amazing decor and psychedelics are a match made in heaven
tseuq said:
@3rdI, I read your post before editing -- bad boy :twisted: :love:

it seemed a bit mean to single people out:lol:

i was recently at an event and blazed a magical joint, the whole arena turned into a cathedral of bass, it was one of the best DMT experiences i have ever had.
loud psytrance, amazing decor and psychedelics are a match made in heaven

This so much!

We host psy-parties too. :love:

Last one ->


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3rdI said:
i love the "my use of DMT is better than yours" attitude, makes me giggle.

loud psytrance, amazing decor and psychedelics are a match made in heaven

agreed.. all ethics of using the homepage art aside.. these parties are great outlets for mystical experiences and i've met some lifelong friends on the dancefloor.. more so when outdoors imo... shame to hear people making brash assumptions about psychedelic events. you guys are missing out! :? steppa your setup looks nice :)
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