I´ve already invented mine, which I want to share with You, my dearest DMT fellow fans. Below is a list of some of mine DMT nick names (in alphabetical order

,The 7th heaven´.
,The 15-minute psychosis´ (official sub cultural nick name).
,The Abyss´.
,The AEon´ (i. e. eternity). - my favourite one!
,The Attractor´.
,The Bussinessman´s lunch´ (official sub cultural nick name).
,The Candy´ (due to Candyland from the Hyperspace Lexicon).
,The Crystal´.
,The Crystal Ball´.
,The D´.
,The Diamond´.
,The Dimension´.
,The Doors (of Perception).´
,The Doorways´.
,The Dreamer´s Dream´.
,The Dreamgiver´.
,The Elf Spice´.
,(The) Fantasia´. - official sub cultural nick name!
,(The) Gandalf´.
,The Gateways´.
,The Gland´ (the endogenous DMT) - my favourite.
,The Great Purifier´.
,The Healer´.
,The Heavenly Turn On Button´.
,The Hole´ (don´t ask me, :lol
,The Humble Dhamma Teller´.
,The Hyperdimension´.
,The Key´.
,The Magic(k)´.
,The Magician´.
,The Marshmellow´ (,´cuz´ of the ,mellowness´ of the vibe, you know,

,The Mighty Diamond´.
,The Molecule´.
,The Morpheus´.
,The Mystery´.
,The Ocean of Tryptamine´.
,The Psychedelic Mystery´.
,The Rastafari Heroin´.
,The Ritual Fire´.
,The (altar/most holy) Sacrament´.
,The Sandman´s Sand´.
,The Science Fiction Substance´.
,The Shamanic Substance´.
,The Sorcerer´.
,The Spell´.
,The Spellcaster´.
,The Storyteller´.
,The Stratocaster´.
,The Tyke Revealer´.
,The Trick´.
,The Trickster´.
,The Trick in the Book´.
,The Trickster´s Tool´.
,The Tryptamine´.
,The Ur Substance´.
,The Universe in a Drug´.
,The Vortex´.
,The Wizard´.
,The Windows to Universe´.
,The Zion´.
These are just a small bunch of DMT induced DMT nicknames, hah!
Invent Yours!