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DMT on the Floor

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I just finished my second extraction. I used Cyb's Max Ion Tek and ended up with a little over 1.5 g of huge, off white-crystals and a small amount of orange oil. I put it all in a little glass to recrystallize. While I was heating the naphtha for the recrystallization, I washed out my evaporation dish. When I was done, I picked up the bottle of soap to put it back, but it slipped out of my hands. It fell right onto the glass with the DMT, which then flew a foot or two into the bathroom door, bounced on the floor a couple of times, and then exploded.

I spent maybe an hour trying to clean DMT off of my floor. It's a tile floor, so a lot of it got stuck in the cracks. I took a piece of paper and used it to sweep up the DMT, which had now become powder, onto another piece of paper, which I then used to funnel it into a pint jar. To get it out of the cracks between the tiles, I tried bending the first piece of paper and dragging it through, which actually got a fair amount of it. I realized when I was done that I probably could have just used a razor blade to scrape the tiles, though.

Now, I have the paper, broken-glass, dust, other assorted filth, and DMT mixture cooking in some acid. I did not look very hard, but I could not find a good mini A/B tek, so I am just going to do a scaled down version of Cyb's Hybrid Salt Tek.

Anyways, hopefully that little story can help someone in the future figure out how to clean DMT off of their floor. But I really just made this thread in case someone else has a similar story they would like to share to make me feel better. I can't be the only one who has ever done this, right? Suggestions for getting the rest of the DMT off of the floor would also be welcome. You can also just laugh at me if you want. Please don't laugh at me.

Guess I'll be bubble-wrapping all of my drug containers from now on.
No one is laughing, trust me. These things come to pass.. Its called experience. People who know have it. And there is only one way to get it. You're on the path.
Please don't laugh at me.

No one is laughing, trust me.

I must admit, I smirked a little, but only because of the numerous foul-ups I've made over the years - spilt beakers, crystals dropped on the floor, entire 5 grams lost from pockets, that sort of thing. Thus - much sympathy. The clean up will be additional experience and I wish you all the best!
S0rry to hear this bro, no one is immune to the brain not controlling things as intended. You could try getting a coffee filter and wipe it in the cracks, then use some acetone to dissolve the filter in.
Thanks for the support. I didn't really expect anyone here to actually laugh at me, at least not maliciously. I was trying to say it somewhat light-heartedly, but it's hard to get that across through text. Everyone on the Nexus always seems to be very kind to each other, barring the occasional argument that gets out of hand.

downwardsfromzero said:
entire 5 grams lost from pockets
Mind saying more about that? Did it just fall out, never to be seen again? Why did you have 5 grams in your pocket to begin with? I can't imagine losing that much. All that work, and the time and money spent extracting it, and then it's all just gone... I would freak out if that happened to me.

n0thing said:
You could try getting a coffee filter and wipe it in the cracks, then use some acetone to dissolve the filter in.
Thank you! I just tried wiping the floor with a coffee filter, and it definitely picked up something. The filter is a disgusting brown color. That being said, I cannot see any more DMT on the floor. It may have just all blown away by now, since I've walked through there several times and didn't see very much left when I started wiping compared to how it was before, but I think anything that WAS there got picked up by the filter. It will be interesting to see how much comes out. I don't have any acetone, but I'll try to go buy some tomorrow. The store I buy solvents from is closed right now.
If the filter dissolves in the acetone, that means I'll have to salt out the DMT, right? Evaporating would not be an option, because then I would have a filter paper/DMT combination as the residue. I know that FASA teks salt that DMT out of the acetone, so I'll study those a bit in the meantime.
I had a jar with a couple grams of spice dissolved in solvent spill right into my cork yoga block at one point. I was agonizing over it in the chat after it happened and house mentioned how I'd always have hyperspace close at hand while I'm practicing now. I have to admit I get a little grin every time I find myself reaching for my block to modify a pose now.
I was once converting about 5g of DMT fumarate to freebase. I was almost finished, just evaporating the last of the acetone from freebase goo in a lightweight PP plastic dish in front of a (fairly strong) fan. Everything was fine at first, but at some point enough acetone evaporated to make the dish so lightweight that the fan blew it upside-down! By the time this was discovered, all of the freebase DMT goo had poured into the thick carpet below.

I was never able to recover any of that material, since it completely soaked into the carpet. Every few months afterwards, that spot on the carpet would start to turn brown (from oxidized DMT I presume), and I would clean off the discoloration with isopropyl alcohol.
Hypercube said:
Thanks for the support. I didn't really expect anyone here to actually laugh at me, at least not maliciously. I was trying to say it somewhat light-heartedly, but it's hard to get that across through text. Everyone on the Nexus always seems to be very kind to each other, barring the occasional argument that gets out of hand.

downwardsfromzero said:
entire 5 grams lost from pockets
Mind saying more about that? Did it just fall out, never to be seen again? Why did you have 5 grams in your pocket to begin with? I can't imagine losing that much. All that work, and the time and money spent extracting it, and then it's all just gone... I would freak out if that happened to me.

Umm... I was young and foolish? I got a very good yield from a first time extraction from some MHRB many, many moons ago - pure beginners luck and the fact that extracting from MHRB is easier than baking a cake.

Now, some would argue that I've no common sense whatsoever but I'd argue the case for cognitive and behavioural diversity. The pocket was zipped, so I'm not completely stupid. I ran into a dear friend of mine and we went out dancing (it was one of the best nights of my life!) and we 'ad it large enough for me to pay off a certain level of karmic debt in the form of this sacred offering.

A little reminder of the adage "don't put all your eggs in one basket" - sort of!

The actual money price was of zero concern to me whatsoever, although there was a little disappointment in being temporarily deprived access to this fascinating substance.

Only users lose drugs...

I just hope whoever found that packet knew what it was. If they thought it was speed, coke or K they'd have something of a surprise! It was pure enough to have very little odour, as well.

There's the small possibility that I was so baked off my nut on MDMA that I took the packet out of the pocket and just left it somewhere and completely forgot about it. Maybe I even gave it away. But I think I just danced hard enough to open the zip on the thigh pocket and eject the not-so-tiny packet of spice.

I'm laughing now just thinking about it :lol: Crazy times :love:
Hey guys, im new here,
was just reading this and cant help but feel a bit sad,
and a bit funny at the same time.
its ok hypercube,
shit happens mate.
most of us have droped ,spilled,burned,
or in some cases just plain lost spice.
as the saying goes ,there is more fish in the sea.
twice, i have fallen asleep and boiled dry 3 kg of root bark.
about 5 years apart,
and once lost 14gms tryping on shrooms
in the bush by myself.
i put my backpack down to have aswim in abeauitful
waterfall i found int the forest,
and was having so much fun that i left my shoes and tshirt,
and my bag with my dimi, weed and food at the watterfall,
and just walked back to the car,
i didnt even notice i didnt have my shoes or tshirt until
i started getting cold as i was driving and nigh time was coming ,
by that time i couldnt even remember where id been,
i was just having so much fun on the shrooms,???
owe well,
shit happens!:shock: 😁
Just a quick update: I was not able to get the acetone today. I'm currently in the process of moving, so I was really busy all day and the store closed earlier than I expected since it is Sunday. I'll try to get it tomorrow. I will definitely have it by Tuesday, since that is the last day I will be able to do any chemistry for a while. The naphtha from the mini-A/B is in the freezer, I'll update again with the yield tomorrow night. I ended up having to filter everything because the first pull would not separate, and I spilled some during filtering, so that probably decreased yield a bit. If it's too low, I'll try extracting again from the filtered gunk and the paper towels I used to clean up the spill, and be more careful filtering. I've only used Cyb's teks so far, so that was really my first time trying to filter an extraction, but I think I get how to do it now.

And sorry for not saying anything today. I've been lurking periodically throughout the day, but between packing and extracting, I have not had time to sit down and post. Also, it is now 2 am, so sorry if this kind of runs on. I do that when I'm tired.

null24 said:
Did you read your tarot before or after this event?
No, to both. Tarot isn't something I've ever gotten into, although it seems interesting. Is this something I should do? Would there be a way to do it without a tarot card deck (or whatever they call them, I don't know the terminology)?

To the others who replied (sorry, I'm really tired and can't really respond to each individual post right now), thanks for sharing your stories, and taking the time to reply to my thread.

TRYPTAMINIES, I'm new here too, but I still want to say, welcome to the Nexus!
It's all good, just use it as a lesson of what not to do if you're holding something like lye juice. You'll get real mechanical I bet now that you have that memory locked away in your past experience files.

The dropped log for me is anyone's guess, I once washed my script of vivodin in the washing machine too. The kicker was I had my script, tossed my pants in the dirty clothes pile and like three days later decided to do laundry. As soon as the washer stopped, my back started acting up so I decided to submit to taking a vic.. now where did I leave them? They dissolved into the heavenly vicodin dimension, where they naturally go when they die.

I did laugh though at the thought of calling my doctor 3 days later saying my vicodin just happened to disappear and I needed a script re-write.

The only time I ever felt bad though was when a few people and I were down at the fishing spot and someone had some bud so a blunt was in order. Around here blunt rolling skills are like a competition so I talked them into letting me do it while they fished on. The paper I was using for a table "collapsed", you know what I mean? It buckled and one side swung down limp and spilled a quarter oz of herb (the only herb there) on the ground.

Nobody saw it, so I had about 5 minutes on the clock to figure the "least likely to get my ass kicked" way of spreading the news. My solution, say "I dropped all the weed in the dirt man". I thought it was foolproof in explaining away the situation.

Surprisingly enough they pretty much just had the response of, damn that sucks, oh well....

And that was that. I felt pretty bad about it because if I drop mine, that's on me, but I messed up all their buzz, and for that I felt like a pos. But it happens, so goes the world.:)
Hello everyone. I apologize for my absence; I was unexpectedly without wifi for a little while. But I'm back now.

Anyways, I ended up managing to recover ~913 mg. The mini-A/B resulted in very clean off-white crystals with absolutely no orange goo, so I'm not that upset about the loss, especially since it is still more than half of the original yield. And it's been an excellent learning experience.

Asher7, thank you for sharing your stories. I'm glad it was just my own DMT that I dropped. I would feel horrible losing something that belongs to someone else. Glad to hear that your friends were not mad at you though, and that everything still sort of worked out.
I feel for you. I also spilled beaker full of dissolved DMT ... twice.

I also managed to break glass funnel - it literally exploded when trying to vacuum filter harmala through it - this nicely painted the wall and beige carpet with concentrated harmala dye 😁
I completed my first extract this week. On my first attempt to dry the crystals (post-freezer, after decanting off NPS), I had the fan on high. I was expecting a "rock salt" like crystal, and more fan the better, right?

Eventually, I started noticing "plastic shavings" all over the floor. However, they were only around my dish. Weird. Then I realized the crystals were more fragile than I realized, and my fan (on high speed) was actually blowing them out of the dish, onto the (concrete) floor of my basement. Gasp!

I swept everything up, and upon seeing all those white flakes in the pan, decided "what the hell. The point of the mix is to purify and extract, right?" So, I picked out the dog hairs and big chunks, and dumped it all back into my basified mix. There were some floaters initially, but by the 2nd day everything had sank to the bottom, and I continued my extraction. :)
Are you just going to do a NPS pull on the base mix, or are you going to try to purify it more? Personally, I would not trust just the NPS. Who knows what's in all that dirt... That's why I did a mini-A/B. But I'm interested in hearing what you do/did. Maybe I just did a bunch of extra work for nothing. Hope it worked out for you however you did it, and I wish you better luck drying it the second time around, if you haven't finished already.
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