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DMT petition in your country

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys, I wondered what would you write in your petition for DMT legalization, or at least decriminalization?

Because I thought about this, I know its less than 1% government would even care about this, and people in my country are not very advanced minds, still drinking alcohol as we were in soviet union. But I am interested in what you would suggest writing^^
There is another thread very much like this about legalization below.

I have been listening to L on Psychedelic Salon. "L" was a lawyer and seems like the perfect person to ask this too. He talks about this topic a lot. We had a long conversation a few months ago (maybe 4) about what right should be invoked in a legal situation. I want to challenge the law on religious grounds... even saved a bit because I know it will be expensive. (This is the US though)

It's also why I collect entity reports in a way they can be compared easily instead of having to read and grep. I don't know that there is anything there, but I am going to walk this path to completion as I think the search for the Logos is the most important thing in life. (Plus even if I never find it, it is a ton of fun and lots of love). My quest is absolutely spiritual and I've changed immensely already.

DMT is one of the only drugs that I know of when properly used will tell you to quit other drugs and even itself. That has to be worth something..
Metashaman said:
DMT is one of the only drugs that I know of when properly used will tell you to quit other drugs and even itself. That has to be worth something..
That has certainly been my experience too.

Unfortunately the entities don't write it on a bit of paper though so all evidence in this regard would be considered anecdotal.

Even millions of people stopping smoking by vaping is considered anecdotal here still, so it remains illegal. When faced with that sort of bureaucracy it seems that legalising DMT is a wild fantasy.
Sorry, I disagree with the anecdotal remarks. Even with its limitations, western science has shown the benefits of DMT. We are hundreds of papers into this, many of witch have been posted on the Nexus.

I think the one of the fundamental issues that does not get talked a lot about is this:

Society has become addicted to damaging and disfunctional drug laws

There have been decades of drug law abuse. There are lives/careers/business that have grown and evolved around these laws.

We need society to essentially it's addiction to drug laws. It is not going to be easy.
Loveall said:
Sorry, I disagree with the anecdotal remarks. Even with its limitations, western science has shown the benefits of DMT. We are hundreds of papers into this, many of which have been posted on the Nexus.

I agree, however that would cover medical situations only in my opinion.

What are your thoughts on pure legalization? 18+ anyone can do it?

I am utterly torn. I don't think kids should get near it and I am unsure anyone with mental disorders (which seem to be heavily antagonized when using these levels of psychedelics) should have unmitigated access to things that will feed delusional states.

LSD. Pay a fine.
Mushrooms. Legal.
MDMA. Prescribed easily like viagra so Doc can ok it.
DMT. literally unsure, I feel like it shouldn't ruin someone's life for jail, but I fear free unmitigated access.
Ayahuasca. Religious, Professional facilitator or Pay a fine if caught alone.

I facilitate a lot of peoples sub breakthrough experiences with Changa. I've had people leave their partner and return to their wife and kids, people stop smoking on the spot forever, others just weep for things they have done or when they felt the love, others quit nasty habits like daily deschloro, others meth.

So far it's been 100% positive for me personally, but then I go and listen to Vovin and the guy has a real point.

It means so much to me that I now help run tranquility river at burns, currently studying zendo and read the entire psychedelic support manual and started on psychology so I can be a better sitter for anyone.

With that I do see a lot of reckless use of psychedelics. Anyone who respects them should be just fine, it's just everyone else I am worried about.
First thing to consider is that nothing is completely 100% safe and without a small risk of abuse. Bad things happen all the time, you can find examples to make a prohibition argument against all sorts of stuff.

Take refined sugar for example. It has created a brand new disease (child onset diabetes) that affects children, especially those from poor families. Yet no one is suggesting need to criminalize refined sugar, despite it hurting the most vulnerable among us.

With that in mind, natural psychedelics should be legal for adults and studied for younger people. For example, there are studies out there that show addolecent girls who take ayauasca in their culture have much better scores for body image disorders.

Also, natural psychedelics with a history of use should be declared patrimony of humanity. They are (arguably) part of how we went from being monkeys to slightly more talkative monkeys. At the very least they have accompanied us for millennia and our ancestors were deeply influenced by them. These plants and fungi should be looked after and their sustainability ensured. Any government with laws against these natural plants should be declared abusive, arrogant, and ignorant by the world community.

Children should be educated about these plants by their parents and in school as part of both history and biology courses. Before they become adults, they should be educated on psychedelics as they are part of nature and life. Once they become adults, they can weigh the pros and cons, and make their own personal choice as to what to do about the gifts nature has as their personal situation in life changes.

As far as LSD and MDMA. Those are western science creations. In my oppinion they can follow the western substance vetting process, like other substances with such an origin. However, all the existing biass against them should be eliminated.

This is just my oppinion. I'm sure it is not optimal and has issues. For now and until I learn more it is the best I can come up with.
zenosama said:
Hey guys, I wondered what would you write in your petition for DMT legalization, or at least decriminalization?

Because I thought about this, I know its less than 1% government would even care about this, and people in my country are not very advanced minds, still drinking alcohol as we were in soviet union. But I am interested in what you would suggest writing^^

I think all drugs should be legal, I want DMT to be legal purely because i dont believe we have freedom if I would be prosecuted for possesion of anything that alters my perception.
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