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dmt purity

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So swim had his second dmt experience today.
Swim used some yellow spice he recently extracted from stb tek.
Swim has been a bit sick with a cold, but the experience today made swim feel sicker and nauseaus.
The question is, will yellow spice make one feel sickly vs using purified spice?
Or is swim just maybe feeling the effects of his cold today?

Swim will definately wait until he feels healthier before visiting spice again.

Sight Seeker
Yellow spice is totally ok. And I do not see how you could have left lye in the spice, unless the aqueous phase had made it in your NP solvent somehow. And should that be the case, I cannot see how you could have vaporised lye (so as to smoke it) either!
Infundibulum said:
Yellow spice is totally ok. And I do not see how you could have left lye in the spice, unless the aqueous phase had made it in your NP solvent somehow. And should that be the case, I cannot see how you could have vaporised lye (so as to smoke it) either!

Thats why I posted this on the general and NOOB forum. What you say makes a lot of sense. Thanks from this noob!

Sight Seeker
Same thing happened to me last week. I've been battling some weird virus cold thing for the past 3 weeks but decided to spice up anyways. Not a pleasant experience. Felt pretty shaken up and sicker the rest of the day.

A friend also has had a bad experience with both mushrooms and spice. He had a few bad abcessed teeth and all of his experiences were tainted with this infection. Not fun, he almost swore off spice and mushrooms for good.
acolon_5 said:
Same thing happened to me last week. I've been battling some weird virus cold thing for the past 3 weeks but decided to spice up anyways. Not a pleasant experience. Felt pretty shaken up and sicker the rest of the day.

A friend also has had a bad experience with both mushrooms and spice. He had a few bad abcessed teeth and all of his experiences were tainted with this infection. Not fun, he almost swore off spice and mushrooms for good.

Ah, thanks, thats good to know. It was my friends second visit and he too felt really shaken up. The colorful Maztec guard didn't want to accept him into the realm either and shook his head with pity at my friend. My friend wasn't able to really handle the body rush too well with his cold/congestion, so I think that is why it wasn't good for him and the guard knew that.

He says he's going to try a strong return once he's feeling better though.

Sight Seeker
A FOAF had 3g's dried mushrooms which he didn't think would be too strong. He'd totally forgot the night before he'd drank a lot of vodka and slept in a hot tub. Thus resulting in his most uncomfortable experience ever.

Body and mind are one. If ones not feeling well, you shouldn't give the other something out of the ordinary to deal with.

A FOAF is particularly picky about his physical state when entering hyperspace. must not be tired in the slightest and spends a good 10-15 minutes warming his hands and feets over an electric heater. Suttle things like this can cause uncomfortable re-entries which can be stressful.

If you're not 100% it's a waste of good spice.

I've heard of people using MDMA for bad flu but I think that's a totally different game altogether.
soulfood said:
Body and mind are one. If ones not feeling well, you shouldn't give the other something out of the ordinary to deal with.

Thanks, thats good advice. I guess spice is SUCH an intense experience that being 100% ready is very important. Not so much with saliva, which my friend is very familiar with. It seems to my newb friend that DMT is much more demanding on the body, but also more rewarding.
sight_seeker said:
It seems to my newb friend that DMT is much more demanding on the body, but also more rewarding.

Actually I find it to be very light and easygoing on the body. Compared to something like LSD, which obviously just due to the duration begins to give way to cramps and weird spinal chord formations.
*rowars like a stegasaurus*
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