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DMT Spirit Possession/ enters body

Migrated topic.

Final Incarnate

Rising Star
Was hesitant it making dmt exp posts mostly coz the human species even the so called exp psychonauts are still terribly locked in disbelief and foolish notions of trying to know there fore they stay satisfied with being useless.

during the breakthrough, i made a "stop" at an area in which your able to Feel the Concept of moving is something legit now.

From there the body got"calibrated" to that realm ( if i had to assume it would be something to do with the cerebelum )

from there I felt a god in their realm jump into me consentually . I feel her/its presence. From there I just started "dancing", dancing to the point an observer would say alien movements etc.

coming back to earth when i tried doing those movements it felt like i was alone doing em vs the feeling in "breakthrough"

My recent breakthroughs been like this and their fantastic, moving in hyperspace, dancing & playing with Gods.

If anyone else wants to try this out, in your next dmt breakthrough where you get to the point in which u feel like u can move, literally say out loud or in mind and convey the feeling, lets play, lets move etc. or i want to move.

l8r all
Please dont call people useless. Some need 1 life to advance some need 100. When there is no time, there is no need to hurry.
Sedrick said:
Please dont call people useless. Some need 1 life to advance some need 100. When there is no time, there is no need to hurry.

no thanks, human species is overall quite useless .
Final Incarnate said:
Sedrick said:
Please dont call people useless. Some need 1 life to advance some need 100. When there is no time, there is no need to hurry.

no thanks, human species is overall quite useless .

I don't really take offense to the statement, but I am quite curious what you mean by it? Do you feel superior to the average person? To the average Nexian? Or is the statement meant to convey something else entirely?

Dancing on DMT is quite awesome. I just posted about a nice b caapi tea / weed / dmt trip with impossibly precise dancing involved. Loved every second of that trip.
friken said:
I don't really take offense to the statement, but I am quite curious what you mean by it? Do you feel superior to the average person? To the average Nexian? Or is the statement meant to convey something else entirely?

I dont feel superior to anyone mostly coz everyone has the sovereignty to cast judgment apon themselves and feel the best that they are .

A lot of the statement is combo of Spice breakthroughs, tinged with some human element i guess we could say. hmm like on a breakthrough and dancing with the gods/aliens/entities ( insert prefered dmt being classification here) a simple thing like wow my index finger can rotate in so many directions is so Powerful so significant, that an average person wants to go to the moon for significant movements ( hmm even this example is kinda terrible).

Sometimes it feels as though DMT is a Vaccine to Humanity Virus, like long ago some sort of virus or parasite infected human DNA, and almost all humans want to justify humanity rather then surpass it, transcend it, transform it, ascend etc.

on breakthroughs a lot of people come to similar terms from first hit feelings etc being shot out of a cannon, but for someone like me to explain, it feels as though w/e it is that gets launched into these realms is being "Sandboxed" to prevent the leakage of the virus to other realms kinda thing.

Human species has gr8 external defense, but internal defense is quite weak on avg, swallow a spike ball and bye bye intestines, someone calls one "useless" sometimes avg person gets hurt by that, they respond with external defense, but the internal one doesn't activate ( but the exceptions to that are the ones who train ( meditators , martial artists, internal gazers/self reflectors etc ) when i apply the weak internal defenses, a human down to genetic lvl its very possible to get infected with a virus ( or back door DNA trojan) .

Human condition is so psychotic, lock the Higher "energy centres" focus on the lower ones ( such as heart and Libido) .

friken said:
Dancing on DMT is quite awesome. I just posted about a nice b caapi tea / weed / dmt trip with impossibly precise dancing involved. Loved every second of that trip.

It is awesome, sharing your body with a god and just simply moving about, no fix patterns nothing choreographed or rehearsed . ill check out your post but, i think i hear ya on the impossibly precise, if your tried to "mimic" the dance you did even if it looked the same it just wasnt, like as if the part of the brain that regulates reflexes etc was overclocked, and the simply wiggle of a finger conjured "cosmic tornados that looked like hourglasses "
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