Ok so DMT is a chemical thats produced by your pineal gland. Its secreated in deep rem sleep in very low doses every night when you sleep. But what does it have to do with your dreams? And why do we dream in the first place? I started a new medicine thats pretty much legal speed. Lately i've only been sleeping every 2 days or so. Its been proven that we sleep to dream. And if we dont sleep after a certain amount of time our dreams will start to appear in our lives. If you stay up for 3 days or so you can see for yourself. I've only gotten to that point once. And it wasnt plesent. Its also been proven that after lack of sleep your dreams become more vivid and more easy to remember. I've experianced this in the past week or so. But what about DMT trips after having lack of sleep? If dmt is what makes you have your dreams in deep rem sleep then what happens when you dont sleep for a few days.. then smoke the spice? I'm hoping it has the same affect. Because your brain eats up DMT then what will happen after 48 hours of no sleep? SWIM is going to find out in about 3 hours. I will let you all know how it goes.