SWIM is curious of this method as he has been using a jar with 2 holes in the lid so far. It works but the glass on the jar is a little thick so it takes time to heat and the spice runs everywhere and when nearing hyperspace it's impossible to track the precious liquid let alone carefully vape it.
What's got SWIM's curiosity is people saying one rip is all that's needed. I can imagine this has a much smoother effect on taking off and a much more efficient way of staying there, but what SWIM need's to know is how big are people bongs they are using? SWIM has a small glass bong with a main chamber a little smaller than a fist with a 5 inch neck that has a 1 inch diameter. If he gets the vapor as thick as he can and then hits it, would this be enough space to vape a large dose all in one? SWIM would just experiment himself but his supply is getting quite low and he wants to see it out with a bang.
Thanks in advance