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DMT trip changed

If you can consistently get water to turn foamy with your hands when on DMT you could collect some and inspect it when sober again. Maybe you are making holy water or something.
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It's quite difficult to get a boner with a such a creepy, strange physical sensation in my fingers like they are thickening and growing. But it is way stranger than it sounds....i can litteraly feel my tissue and bones mutating. The creepiest feeling in my life i'd guess. One time i had my eyes closed...and the visuals were just simple yellow/white geometric patterns. I could feel my hands mutate with eyes closed, i immidiately knew what was happening and boy i was right. Upon opening my eyes i just looked in astonishment while having the weirdest feeling like never before. I was actually affraid of looking myself in the mirror. Worth of mentening: i'm a 38 male metalhead 190cm 95kg and not affraid of a living thing, also quite a history of all kinds of psychadelics....i didn't have the guts to look in the mirror. When trip weared off i went to the bathroom and i looked normal. Then i opened the water and it freaked me out....i thought i was still halucinating and tried it again....and it foamed again. Never before that, never after that. At the beggining of DMT experience, same dosage would put me to sleep twice at least. I did dmt roughly 30 times, and now i'm kind of scared doing it again. But maybe that is not a bad thing :)
The thing about your hands indicates to me just how many different nuances of somatosensory information are available to be modulated by this remarkable molecule. In this case it appears to have been working on one particular area of you proprioception and/or bodily awareness systems, so I wonder what that idea may bring up for you.

Looking at @Mr°Joie's subsequent post, the idea of relaxing into spontaneous movements and poses reminds me of health techniques which use this phenomenon. There are exercises derived from t'ai chi and chi gong which are designed to utilise this effect.
Greetings all!
I think i have some anwsers to this peculiar phenomenom. Appearently everytime i experiment a dmt trip with open eyes my hands turn to "machine elves" hands. Judging by the imagery found on the web, i am certain that machine elves are responsible for that...pranksters as they are. And they are in control of how your trip is gonna end up like. Treat dmt with dissrespect and/or smoke it inaproaprietly and prepare to see stuff out of your nightmares that will certanly teach you a lesson....just like it teached me a lesson. Treat dmt with good intention and respect and you will have the time of your life, also i believe there are multiple unexplored levels/states of DMT trip especially with open eyes.

As i lately got used to my cool looking alien hands, i was experimenting with awake state dmt trips, meaning i resist the unconscious effect on the body till id goes away, resulting in totaly wild imagery of normal things. Then adding lungfulls of dmt, i discovered something totaly wild, i don't remember reading about that anywhere, but i noticed several layers of mindstate:

1-flashy, vivid colour, weirdly distorted imagery; if i have a music video on tv screen, i feel the brightness and colour changes within my chest (similar to negative g experience on rollercoaster)
2-bizzarely distorted imagery, faces being demonized, very weird imagery and feelings. this is the stage which dettours you to continue exploration; another lungfull of dmt and the setting changes; that is when stage 3 comes in play

3-state of pure bliss, joy, erotic stimulation; never ever have i encountered anything similar oh my freaking god. Never in my life have i been in a similar state; The feelings of pure extacy and joy (i would compare it with cross between intense orgasm and negative g-s haha) that doesn't cease till the end of the trip. My motorskills were 100% ok and i felt like i was floating around like a fish in an aquarium, at the same tame i still felt connected to my body. Like a very vivid detailed flashy matrix that i knew i was in control of. I was certain that i discovered something. The next day i had no recollection of that blisfull state whatsoever. Then the next time i manage to achieve same state, i remembered that this is not the first time and i will most likely forget. So while trip was coming down i wrote down feelings and stuff i thought was important in a notepad on my pc. Only when i reopened untilted.txt and read my messages in sober state. In a complete AWE i slowly started to remember feelings and imagery i have experienced. And let me tell you, once you are in that state it's like seeing an alien megametropolis in live....whooaaa WTFFF MANN... :)

anyways, i must emphasise one thing.....
i don't know how many leves there are, but few days ago i think i might have skipped a few unintentionally....
and....you should never set a dose without a scale.....although no one died from an overdose of DMT yet....
this statement should not be taken lightly....

So in my last atempt to achieve state 3, i didn't have luck cause i had around 40mg and i was barely feeling anything....
Then i thaught "ah man frick it....let's add some more, and a little more for good measure"....
Then i lighted the pipe and the smoke was like from a steam train and i forced myself to inhale a really deep lungfull...

note:"it was at this moment i knew i fucked up...."

i held my lungs for about 3s when it began....if i would describe it as an eternity of interdimentional matrix glitch terror, it would be an understatement






? -Infinite Interdimentional matrix glitch terror
Saw myself in a frame like pixellated way, leaving digital traces behind, and at the same time expanding into an infinite colleidoscope at such a rate i was convinced my body coulnd't handle that. Not just being absolutely convinced that i fucked up and was dead, i knew something was wrong, like the matrix glitched and i was stuck between dimensions forever, cause i was sure i was dead....that feeling of immortal dimnensional terror is something that even myself as a metalhead could not ever have imagined.
I remember seeing triangles everywhere, wild chaotic glitching geometry in such a paste that i thought the alien is going to burst out of my chest. In a way that they depict fourth spatial dimension in some science articles but totaly chaotic. Then i rememberd reading that no one had died of too much dmt and it will soon pas, eventually it did and i calmed down. Again, when i opened untilted.txt on my pc desktop after a while i was terrified of my messages.

my messages to myself:

FAAAAK.... (f***)
TKO JE KO UMREŠ.... (this is like when you die)
PREVEEEČ (too much)
NI KONC (not the end)
ČLOVEŠK TELO BREMZA (human body hinders)
BOHVE A SE BOM SPOMU (i wonder if i will remember)
NIKDAR VEČ NE PONOVI TEGA!!! (never ever repeat that again)
GROZA!!!!! (horor,terror)
DEJANSKO SM UMRU!! (was litteraly dead)

When reading my message, i was like thinking and trying to remember for more than one hour.
Interestingly, i wouldn't have rememberd things to such extent if i would not have read my messages.

I can imagine what could such trip do to an average person, who did not expect such intense trip.
As much as i have shitted myself from that trip i am gratefull for it.... I can't stop thinking about stuff i saw
and what i can say is that we are very limited in our human bodies, there is so much more to it than anyone could have imagined....

now....where is my scale?....ah frick can't find it; nevermind, il just put on a good measure with my eagle eye....what could go wrong.... :)
that 3rd stage.....you can't even begin to comprehense the mightiness and blissed pleasurestate you are in. Just...insane, the feeling of the sensasion i would compare it closest to a mixture between an intense orgasm and strong negative g-s just like in a rollercoaster. Did not recall that state until i was in it again. Completley capable motoric skills, so i could easily write messages to my later sober self in notepad on my pc. Only when i read them i started to remember glimpses of the state i was in. I mean....just siting still was better than sex, now add 100% wakefullness and no lack of motor skills. Just....unbelievable...everything shiny, very detailed, flashy...looking at pc screen was like observing a live 3d matrix theatre from the front row
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btw spotify's algorithm is very peculiar....it just included the folowing track in the daily mix as showed in screengrab image below.
also worth mentioning: in my terror trip i remember seeing lots of triangles. well what d'ya know look at the cover art. haha...wtf....i mean talk about coincidances!
i never heard or knew of this artist/track until now


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