it will be unlike ANYTHING you have ever experienced before.
i cant stress that enough. nothing can prepare you for it. no amount of preparation will ever truly ready you for this rocket ride to the sun.
im not experienced with DMT much but what i HAVE experienced has given me a deep, humble respect for this molecule.
it is powerful stuff. i would suggest that you dose low and work your way up.
getting used to the range of effects before jumping in at the deep end.
ie, 5mg, 10mg, 10mg a few more times, then 15mg, then 15mg a few times, then just move up at YOUR OWN PACE.
there's no rush, all the wonders of the universe and consciousness will still always be there, waiting for when you're ready to delve in.
this diagram that House made was quite helpful for me in getting over that nervousness.
the important thing to know is that there really is nothing to fear.
you control and create your thoughts. they dont control you.
Visual DMT Diagram
(give it a read its pretty good)
the nervousness/fear that i had was after my first trip. (48-50mg+)
DMT (48-50+mg) - inexperienced - The end of the Universe and you'll see exactly what i mean and exactly why i recommend starting small and working your way up.
also i wouldnt recommend you get into the habit of reading lots of trip reports, i find it can colour your experiences as you take things from trip reports and you can subconsciously apply expectations onto your trips.
this, at least, is in my experience. the power of suggestion is a very real thing.
ps- i got past this fear by simply making myself smoalk moar.
i realized it was fear breeding fear, and that i HAD to just get right back into it, to prove to myself that i could. it was just my own fear holding me back. (understandable after the intensity of my first experience tho, eh?

" have nothing to fear but fear itself".
oh and PPS- also its good for you and your brother to know that physiologically speaking, DMT is very safe. it is native to our bodies and the brain actually enjoys it, cant get enough of it
so theres no real risk of OD or death if you use it normally/responsibly.
make sure you have somewhere comfy to sit/lay down after ur hit, because if you're standing up you WILL fall over (if you took a proper hit), and there is a risk of head injury etc.
also, no matter what happens, YOU WILL RETURN. ive had trips where ive thought "ah ive done it now, im never coming back" simply because time dilates, and what is actually 2 minutes can feel like 10, or more.
so yeah, dont worry, and enjoy your trip!

best of luck to you, space cowboy