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Dmt with a nectar collector?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey nexus its been a long while since i posted on here, so I hope the community is still as great as i remember. I found about 70 mg of dmt that I compeletley forgot about in my freezer today, and I was wondering if it would be possible to smoke it like a dab I have a dab a cap and a nectar collector that I have been smoking my dabs and i was wondering what your opinions are on placing the dmt in the dab cap and vaporizing it ill supply pics if requested of exactly what I would be using
It wouldn't be as efficient as proper vaporization, but it should work. This wold be more on the side of smoking, as with the amount of heat used for dabs is much higher then what is needed to properly vaporize dmt.

If you go this route, you will probably require a slightly larger dose then if you were vaporizing it properly, as some will probably be destroyed due to the high heat. It also will probably be a lot harsher then proper vaporizing.

None the less it would be interesting to use a nectar collector for dmt. I'd imagine I would feel like a cosmic hummingbird feeding on the energy of the universe.
It will work fine, but it's fairly dangerous business.

Be sure you have a good stand available or someone else handy to take hold of your extremely hot tipped nectar collector as you lose coordination and fall into hyperspace.
dreamer042 said:
It will work fine, but it's fairly dangerous business.

Be sure you have a good stand available or someone else handy to take hold of your extremely hot tipped nectar collector as you lose coordination and fall into hyperspace.
This is something very important to keep in mind. Even just a silicone mat on your table could prevent things from sliding off and catching on fire.

I thik this is an interesting ROA idea. It could potentially be very cheap and easily accesible. A lot of people I know simply take clear glass rods and heat up one end to have a make shift nectar colector or honey straw (nectar collector is a company). A working rig for no more than two dollars!

That said I think getting the right tempurature on one of these is going to be extremelly difficult. They typically do not retain heat as well as most nails and can be hard to dial in a specific temp. What this means is that once the nail is up to temp it cools off very rapidly. Because of this you either have to rush to vaporize or overheat the nail to compensate. I typically take higher tempurature dabs with a honey straw than with a normal rig partly on accident and partly because it garuntees that it will work. With THC concentrates this is not that big of a deal but with DMT it is. Too high of temps will ruin the spice.

I definitely think it is doable just potentially more difficult. Interested to hear peoples experiences!
This works but a container with a wide surface acrea will generally spread out and crystallize in a paper thin concentrate. I'm thinking of revisiting this with a hot rod instead. Ultimately in my many uses of this method is that you also have a a high potential to suck up unvaporized crystals. I'm mentally conceiving a hot rod idea that could work I'll follow up
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