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Migrated topic.


Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

aka dimethyltryptamine


a: The best thing ever

b: Better than the best thing ever

c: All of the above

apologies.. but sometimes bordem over rides reason
One things for certain, its my future.. and I think it would be foolish not to assume the same for you, Master of plants ;)
There is a lack there of.. I particularly like how DMT is one of the most amazing things on this planet, if not the.

Its the. By far its most important substance on this godforsaken planet, far more important than muthapukkin´ oil or blood. It´s the way things are and work, at least in universe. Source of life and everything else, the call center for inteligent speeches and cellular for plants. It is what gives meaning to a life and sense to a things. A glue for puzzle of life.
smokeydaze said:
There is a lack there of.. I particularly like how DMT is one of the most amazing things on this planet, if not the.


Yes, nothing else comes even close! It's truly miraculous that a human being can experience this... it's way way way beyond anything imaginable - oops there I go again.
Master of plants said:
Its the. By far its most important substance on this godforsaken planet, far more important than muthapukkin´ oil or blood. It´s the way things are and work, at least in universe. Source of life and everything else, the call center for inteligent speeches and cellular for plants. It is what gives meaning to a life and sense to a things. A glue for puzzle of life.

I love!

tryptographer said:
it's way way way beyond anything imaginable
At least good and relatively, though, normal dmt discussing thread.
I mean, when You heard dmt shows death of universe, how can You live hypocritical life of ordinary citizen?
Dmt has the power to change fates of speeches.
Also, since dmt is shamanic drug, it allows one to divinate, which is one of the basic shamanic skills.
Master of plants said:
Its the. By far its most important substance on this godforsaken planet, far more important than muthapukkin´ oil or blood. It´s the way things are and work, at least in universe. Source of life and everything else, the call center for inteligent speeches and cellular for plants. It is what gives meaning to a life and sense to a things. A glue for puzzle of life.

If i've learned anything from DMT, it is:

(a) This planet is far from 'godforsaken' -- quite the opposite

(b) On a basic enough level, oil/blood/matter/DMT are all the same -- import is placed by the observer (and can you observe w/o blood?)

(c) My life gives meaning to my life -- DMT merely illuminates it and provides clarity to what was already there

Love you MoP!
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