Good golly, my how this thread has covered most of the parameters of spiritual-existential philosophy... and as is quite typical of these discussions on the Nexus, we've gotten to the point of semanticizing every term and ideological concept, to the point of near meaninglessness.
Words, words, words... But that's totally cool because we are not just buying the Gospel without questioning or contemplating it's truth or value in the human experience in general or the mind of the individual, in particular. What's in a name?
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." And a pile to poop just as stinky? :roll:
I've waited until I could add something worthwhile to this discussion but because of the nature of human linguistics and personal semantics, this presents quite a challenge. I honestly can't offer much more on this subject, except share my own personal spin on the meaning of these ideas.
Do people need Religion? Not exactly and certainly not like they need clean air to breathe, food, water and shelter from the elements. I believe organized religion serves a two-fold purpose. On the positive side, it offers hope and/or some modicum of purpose to those without much (or any at all). Few can deny it helps many to cope with overwhelming loss, moral helplessness and severe heartache. :thumb_up:
On the negative side, as a hierarchical structure, it controls and extorts from gullible folks who have not had any direct spiritual experiences of their own, and so they worship en mass, to stave-off the overwhelming fear of death and total oblivion of the self, after that. So, it's obviously a double-edged sword. IMO, either extreme is only halfway reasonable and conclusive. :thumb_dow
Like Science and the Arts, Religion needs to be constantly modified and augmented, as society outgrows archaic, superstitious systems of belief. But I don't feel that it can come from a group or an organization, it has to come from deep within the individuals themselves. So, I would have to vote "no" about the need or necessity for religion as a cult phenomenon (in it's current state of evolution).
I wouldn't go so far as denying need and necessity for other people. To each their own, right? So, I create my own religious context with every breath I inhale and then exhale, with every thought I think and feeling I experience. For myself, a true Religion would be a one-on-one interplay between to perceiver of a Divine frequency of conscious-awareness and the Omniversal force of said Divinity. No organizational theology can do this for an individual.
I can only speak for myself and that's about as far as anyone can go. I have become more and more attuned to what I still prefer to call "God" or "Godhead", despite the lack of popularity of such terms in this community. Although Tao, Grid or Unified Field of Being, would probably be more accurate?
And I only know that I personally need spiritual experiences to feel completely alive and deeply interconnected to the totality of this universal phenomenon, existence itself. And for myself, if one aspect of the consciousness is Sacred, all other aspects are symbiotically, one and the same. Tat Tvam Asi.
So, in a way I guess I would say that a wasp actually is
"Sacred or Holy" to me, for it is part of the whole and all the pieces fit together to make the totality total. The same must be said for sunlight, the ocean or the immense cosmos overhead... as are the molecules that we imbibe within what I openly refer to as,
"Sacred Medicines"... and the empty space between said molecules. Perhaps we each create our own definitions of these words and apply them uniquely within our own paradigmatic dreamscapes of reality as we understand it?
For me, what is most Sacred, Divine or Spiritual... is that which is inherent within all things, as a fundamental aspect and quintessential energy/idea/emanation from inside, yet it never looses it's ineffability from the interconnection. And yes, this too is inarguably circular logic and my own spin on these semantics we are describing. But I do definitively believe I need these kinds of
"Cosmic consciousness" experiences in my life... or at least I have come to believe that I need them, which perpetuates a continuum.
Who can truly say with any objective certainty? I only know that I do want them to keep occurring within my immediacy of perception. Do I worship the Sacred? Yes but worship has many guises and I don't need any dictionary to define my beliefs about worship or tell me how to practice my own rituals.
But I honor and respect everyone here who has expressed their own views and opinions. You guys & gals totally rock!!! 8)