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Do these pics look promising or not?

Migrated topic.


Words keep flowing out like endless rain into a pa
Hi guys. I tried my first extraction attempt recently.

I think i messed it up by not mixing the solvent and base good enough and enough times during the non polar solvent phase.

Here's some pics after 31 hours in freezer.

I was attempting cybs a to b hybrid salt extraction tek.


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So are these little things forming into anything useful at all ??

It seems to me to be a failed extraction attempt, What do you guys think. If i seperate and dry and then smoke those tiny white clusterd then would i have a dmt trip or not ??

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 👍
Update, I'm gonna do evap and re use the solvent and see what i can scrape up from the tray.

Even if there's only enough dmt scrapings for one or two small trips, I'll be glad it wasn't all a total failure. Especially since I'm much more confident in doing more pulls with the left over solvent.
I am new and have only done a few extractions but I noticed I have to have my freezer cranked to the coldest setting and have the containers on the bottom. Besides that you may not be concentrated enough for a crystal formation. Evaporate the naphtha and keep drying it until it’s finished.
I went through a bit of trouble getting crystals and had them in a vial and a month later when I went to use them they had all combined into an off white clumpy thing.
Simply thanks for the advice.

I asked around and a few people told me that i should probably do evap and take out and re use the solvent and try another set of pulls with it. So i carefully poured the solvent back into a spare glass jar, I then put the tray with the white clusters on my bench upside down so any remaining solvent would seperate.

I wish i had thought to take out a lot of solvent and let the tray freeze again. But oh well.

So right now I'm on my first pull ( with the re used solvent ) .

I've made sure to mix it more frequently whereas before I'd only shake and mix each pull once.

I've mixed it a bunch of times and I've found that the top layer is dirtier than before with gooey little blobs floating in the solvent............. i don't know if this is good or bad or normal or what. Hopefully any knowledgeable who read this thread could let me know if it's okay or not. Because how do i do a pull when the top layer is murkey with floating gooey blobs in it ??

Thanks for offering your advice simply me :)
Hendrix87 said:
I asked around and a few people told me that i should probably do evap and take out and re use the solvent and try another set of pulls with it.

Just to clarify, if you evap, there is nothing left to "take out and re-use"..... Got it?

Hendrix87 said:
I then put the tray with the white clusters on my bench upside down so any remaining solvent would seperate.

I have done this and melted the crystals. You are supposed to be holding the glass on an angle and using a fan to dry the remaining naphtha. Look, don't panic and don't sweat the crystals. I say take everything you have and keep a fan over the naphtha and EVAPORATE UNTIL YOUR GOO Solidifies

You don't say what you were extracting from, if you are using MHRB your NAPHTHA should be clean, slightly off color, yellow... but globs?
This is my first extraction attempt ever. I'm doing the cybs a to b hybrid salt extraction tek.

Okay, So at this, I've already poured the excess solvent from the tray into a spare jar, Which i then placed back into my main mixing bottle with the black soup mix.

I'm now drying my tray in front of fan on an angle. There's little cluster formations but i guess i won't know until i try it if it will be dmt that works or not.

Here's aome pics from a minute ago.


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The extraction was with just 50 grams of root bark. And to my novice eyes i didn't get many dmt crystals.

As a back up i put the solvent i used back into my main mixing jar with the black soup mix. After leaving to separate there's now gooey clusters floating in the top layer of solvent. At this point I'm not sure what to do and whether i should suck up the goo with the solvent as i do a pull or what.
MachienDome I'm not sure to be honest, I figured it would be okay posting it where i did.

If i need to move or delete this thread then just let me know and I'll do it. My extraction didn't work anyways, So it's a useless post. Unless someone else could possibly learn from it. Idk
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