Rising Star
Often, when I 'come to'/regain awareness, I find myself humming.
Commonly, something of an 'om', long and drawn out. And it feels good, and as I become aware I'm doing it, I continue, until it stops feeling good.
More recently, I come around and I realize I'm humming in a high-pitched falsetto. Not terribly high, but falsetto.
One observer told me, the closest they could describe it was as a Native American language. Another said it was just random chanting.
I have found myself just making syllables. And like I say - it just feels good, when I realize I'm doing it.
One observer told me, the closest they could describe it was as a Native American language. Another said it was just random chanting.
Talking to some fellow travelers and observers, I mention "I don't really interact, communicate" with those that I meet. They shake their heads. "No, we hear you. You tell them, for example 'I *am* singing'." But I contrast that with what I read on here, many of you have interactions, maybe about things, about your selves, about the entities.
And one observer, very puzzled by it all, asked "well, why do you even do it?" and my only response, without even thinking about it, was "because they *want* me to do it..."
Just trying to make some kind of sense...
Commonly, something of an 'om', long and drawn out. And it feels good, and as I become aware I'm doing it, I continue, until it stops feeling good.
More recently, I come around and I realize I'm humming in a high-pitched falsetto. Not terribly high, but falsetto.
One observer told me, the closest they could describe it was as a Native American language. Another said it was just random chanting.
I have found myself just making syllables. And like I say - it just feels good, when I realize I'm doing it.
One observer told me, the closest they could describe it was as a Native American language. Another said it was just random chanting.
Talking to some fellow travelers and observers, I mention "I don't really interact, communicate" with those that I meet. They shake their heads. "No, we hear you. You tell them, for example 'I *am* singing'." But I contrast that with what I read on here, many of you have interactions, maybe about things, about your selves, about the entities.
And one observer, very puzzled by it all, asked "well, why do you even do it?" and my only response, without even thinking about it, was "because they *want* me to do it..."
Just trying to make some kind of sense...