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Do you think there's an expectancy bias?


Rising Star
I always wondered (looking at it rationally) if people see Sumerian things, entities, or whatever because they read about others seeing that. One person could have had this experience and it mushroomed. Even if you don't intend to, it may lurk in your subconscious and manifest in the trip.
I always wondered (looking at it rationally) if people see Sumerian things, entities, or whatever because they read about others seeing that. One person could have had this experience and it mushroomed. Even if you don't intend to, it may lurk in your subconscious and manifest in the trip.
I’m pretty sure that this is the case, my trips are heavily influenced by my observations and experiences prior to the trip. Although common themes do exist I’m not entirely sure if that originated from a shared culture or that certain thematic aspects are just there. It is an interesting topic that has been on my mind from time to time, what would happen if you were to stop using the lingo to describe the experience, would you still think about that place you go to as hyperspace? For me I have a very personal set of words to describe the experience and places that I go to. In my mind that makes sense and makes it more meaningful to me, hyperspace for example is a nice word but in my head it doesn’t really fit the places I visit.

Also this is why I don’t read trip reports.

If you’re interested you could read up on the ideas from Ludwig Wittgenstein and John Searle they have explored the ways language influences reality. And how language makes reality. From there on you may be interested in Hyperspace lexicon - DMT-Nexus Wiki.

It’s an interesting topic, good luck
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I feel we are tapping into the collective consciousness with these substances that defy explanation. Interestingly, I've experienced common themes others have before reading about it for me to later search for the meaning later on to be met with others who have shared something similar. I love reading trip reports without feeling like it affects future experiences.
I feel we are tapping into the collective consciousness with these substances that defy explanation. Interestingly, I've experienced common themes others have before reading about it for me to later search for the meaning later on to be met with others who have shared something similar. I love reading trip reports without feeling like it affects future experiences.
I had a similar experience. My first psychedelic journey was with LSD and later when I joined the Nexus and started reading more about it, I found out that a lot of its peculiarities seem to be shared by many others.
I was not aware of the entity thing prior to trying DMT. I was not aware of people like Terence McKenna yet.. I’d read a few experiences on erowid but from memory a lot of those old trip reports I came across didn’t really talk of entities. I was just expecting a really really strong version of LSD.

And even going into experiences like LSD I had a completely different preconception of what that experience was going to be. I just expected colours and tracers, sound enhancement and electric eye candy. To then have Mayan/aztec-like patterns dripping down the walls with strange hieroglyph like characters was mindblowing for me. Tribal style patterns made of energy organizing themselves on my best friends face.. while his teeth glistened with diamonds as the light refracted off of them.

The explanation of the visions just being a manifestation of noise in my sub conscious falls short for me. There are many things floating in my sub conscious, such as the multitude of mundane things we deal with in day to day life. Why is media I consume, or the various chores I do on a daily basis not sown into the visions? The animals I see, the shops I go into, the car I drive.. all this stuff is generally omitted from the psychedelic experience and it always has a far more mystical quality.

I was an atheist growing up, with no interest at all in spiritual tradition, so this was quite a shock for me.

Why religious iconography suddenly becomes prevalent in these experiences is not well explained. But I can say for myself that the intelligence/entities in the DMT experience came as a surprise and I haven’t really found the reductionist explanation for them particularly compelling.
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