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Do you you get nausea from cacti / mescaline?

Migrated topic.
I normally do not get nauseous from the properly prepared Trichocereus cacti, but whenever I make snot tea or take pure mescaline I always end up feeling a little sick.

Peyote is the most likely to give you nausea, but it certainly doesn't make me nauseous every time (like Ayahuasca often does).
SWIM gets no nausea at all from cactus or pure mescaline.

Nausea is normally a dosage related thing with mescaline. At low doses (50-150 mg) pretty much no one will get nausea from mescaline. Most people who are susceptible to getting nausea from mescaline feel it once going past 200 mg.

1-3 Datura stramonium seeds (Jimson weed) has been shown to completely block the nausea from mescaline at the 300 mg dosage range according to 1 user on this site:

redeyesmj said:
it compleatly took away the nausia

For him, 3 seeds seemed a bit much though. Perhaps 1 seed is a better test.

Ginger will help prevent nausea. Ginger is effective but less so. On the plus side, ginger is extremely safe.

Scopolamine, found in Datura inoxia seeds (they have a 97% scopolamine alkaloid mix) is the most effective anti-nausea medication there is. Nothing works better according to all the medical research I’ve seen. So 1-3 Datura inoxia seeds might be even more effective than Datura stramonium. Keep in mind that these microdoses are safe but both Datura inoxia and Datura stramonium can kill you if you overdose on them, so never use more than 10 seeds EVER in a day. Some people take 40 seeds or more to experience a toxic state of delirium from these seeds which is an extremely dangerous thing to do and has killed thousands of people. These seeds are extremely potent and like any such drug they should not be used irresponsibly.

Think of them as aspirin pills, while 1-3 325 mg pills are safe and effective, 40 or more tablets can be fatal. Same thing with these Datura seeds. Never use more than 10 in a day. 1-3 are all you need for safely blocking nausea.
I've read that even seeds differ in alkaloid content quite a bit...but I've need to read more about it. ATM, it creates not a very good feeling in my stomach.
nope, but my stomach is usually kinda achy the next day. more so compared to other psychs. the baseline is caused by funky dietary schedule, but dont know what gives mesc that extra punch the next day. usually isnt too bad, gas and discomfort which is easily curable
SWIM reports slight discomfort (kinda an uncomfortable queasy flutteriness) and gas as a side effect of mescaline. Not intolerable by any means and it usually subsides after a few hours.
I voted yes indeed i do, Ive only had the cactus tea. That tea makes me purge every time, after about an 1.5 hours or so is the longest Ive been able to hold it in for. I think its necessary to purge after ingesting the cactus as i feel its an important cleansing part of the journey. My journey always starts coming on really strong after i have let it all out. :roll: After i have purged i am fine no nausea of any kind and i feel amazing like i needed to get rid of all the unhealthy energy that has built up within me and purging from cactus helps me do this so that i can experience my journey being all nice and cleansed.

Much Peace
I am currently testing my personal answer to this poll. Started with 2 Dat Stro seeds BEFORE the snot tea so as to allow my stomach to actually GET to them lest they be cocooned in slime.

I think my answer will be NO, not with the aid of hyoscamine.

This is also a low dose so I doubt a report is forthcoming. Just thought I'd try 69Ron's 'euphoria blend'. Thanks Ron!

Peace all

I had a lucid dream this morning.

....So it is tuesday and yesterday after I ate my cactus, I ate my words. In the previous post I made an ass out of u and me. I was indeed borderline nauseous for one of the two hours after consumption and after close to two hours I felt I was doing myself a favor by purging. Indeed!

So many reports say the trip does not begin until you purge. Yes. yes.

I was too impatient to wait for a tek so I bit the bullet and went the way of snot tea. This was a mere 20 grams of St.Peters dried bark ground and simmered and consumed over about 50 minutes.

Two datura stramonium seeds were chewed and taken before the gooey mess. I imagine it helped tamper the woosea but being a cactus virgin I can only assume.

Two and half hours after consumption, I took a third seed. This eliminated the remaining nausea and then I really felt the effects.

I was shocked at how strong the dose was. I enjoyed some of the most beautiful CEVs I have EVER had. OEVs were above minimum with rippling borders but not strong. I am also used to spice visuals so there is quite a curve.

I was left alone to lie down for awhile and felt that I was not far from the ego border. A stones throw if that. I floated in an aether of color and shape.

I knew that if I had partaken of the spice I would most certainly have broken through with a single hit.

The trip was a good taste of what cactus can do. It lasted until midnight or so. A good six hours with close to three of it peak. I loved it. I will definitely do it again. It took me to a place where all I saw, heard, touched, smelled and tasted was beautiful!

One question though. Given the known range of mescaline in SP. What would be the best guess of how much I consumed from the 20 grams of dried flesh? I know that a precise answer is not available, but a range.

Thanks to the Nexus and all the Nexians dwelling within.

Love and peace to all,


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