SWIM gets no nausea at all from cactus or pure mescaline.
Nausea is normally a dosage related thing with mescaline. At low doses (50-150 mg) pretty much no one will get nausea from mescaline. Most people who are susceptible to getting nausea from mescaline feel it once going past 200 mg.
1-3 Datura stramonium seeds (Jimson weed) has been shown to completely block the nausea from mescaline at the 300 mg dosage range according to 1 user on this site:
redeyesmj said:
it compleatly took away the nausia
For him, 3 seeds seemed a bit much though. Perhaps 1 seed is a better test.
Ginger will help prevent nausea. Ginger is effective but less so. On the plus side, ginger is extremely safe.
Scopolamine, found in Datura inoxia seeds (they have a 97% scopolamine alkaloid mix) is the most effective anti-nausea medication there is. Nothing works better according to all the medical research I’ve seen. So 1-3 Datura inoxia seeds might be even more effective than Datura stramonium. Keep in mind that these microdoses are safe but both Datura inoxia and Datura stramonium can kill you if you overdose on them, so never use more than 10 seeds EVER in a day. Some people take 40 seeds or more to experience a toxic state of delirium from these seeds which is an extremely dangerous thing to do and has killed thousands of people. These seeds are extremely potent and like any such drug they should not be used irresponsibly.
Think of them as aspirin pills, while 1-3 325 mg pills are safe and effective, 40 or more tablets can be fatal. Same thing with these Datura seeds. Never use more than 10 in a day. 1-3 are all you need for safely blocking nausea.