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Do your entities have faces?

Migrated topic.
Whoa! Incedigris shared another image. This reminds me of the time my teeth felt like they were coming apart. I distinctly recall that as I felt it I saw the bits becoming beautiful ornaments in the visuals.



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Hey Nexus!
I guess I should reply on this Faces thread!

I really aim for accuracy, and edit A LOT of stuff that I catch as being pre-conceived. Some of my images that have full human-like bodies may be a representation of the experiencer. But in a lot of cases with faced entities they are true to the vision.

MINIME and HOLOGLYPHIAN, that tatt and sunnyside have posted, are 2 instances of true experiences. Especially HOLOGLYPHIAN (the "female" entitiy). I have seen her on several occasions. Once alone, and another time paired with a similar male. MINIME still permeates the realm for me, often in multiples or in fragmented, overlapping forms of itself. Those images are yet to come.

Thanks so much for posting and paying attention to the imagery I'm crafting. I really want to achieve some concensus on our collective visions, so I beg you to continue these kinds of conversations (and I know we will) !
tatt said:
Definite commonality in my experiences with what I highlighted above; arches or the appearance of arching, is fairly common for me. Also to go off on a bit of a tangent some more:

Much of the time, or most of the time - these intelligences continually transform, faster than the blink of an eye - into an endless variety of architecture - becoming the space, unbecoming the space, coming forth into distinct appearances, eventually quickly transforming back, and into what.. it's anyone's guess, much too rapid, much too multi-dimensional for me to comprehend, swirling, spinning, tumbling, gyrating, displaying themselves through the disguise of their infinite complexity, sometimes riding the walls of the space.

These architectures that they continually transform into, sometimes [or much of the time] once they make the decision to do so - I end up traveling through this/these architecture/s into somewhere entirely new, though still woven from the same imperishable-something; and in each of these transitions there are inherent lessons, motifs, symbols, feelings, hitting from all the angles they present, cascading, shaking me to the core, ripping it all to pieces yet building anew, all in that moment, merging, opposites become one continual transformation, they're trying to get me to see, or at least that's how it feels, without question.

tatt - your verbal descriptions are dead on! Archways - yes! Archways transforming into entities - absolutely! The words in this thread are great reminders for future image projects.
I really aim for accuracy, and edit A LOT of stuff that I catch as being pre-conceived. Some of my images that have full human-like bodies may be a representation of the experiencer. But in a lot of cases with faced entities they are true to the vision.
Thanks for sharing this! I very much wondered whether your images were more or part visual interpretations of the encounters or rather attempts to capture what they actually looked like. I figured it was the latter, though, due to how incredibly familiar they look- faces or not!

During take off I always get this familiar but forgotten sensation and think to myself: "oh yeah, I remember this crazy place quite well- how could I forget!" Looking at your art is as close as I've gotten to that sensation without leaving my chair. Thanks for that :) Incredible stuff.
Hey Nexus!
I guess I should reply on this Faces thread!

I really aim for accuracy, and edit A LOT of stuff that I catch as being pre-conceived. Some of my images that have full human-like bodies may be a representation of the experiencer. But in a lot of cases with faced entities they are true to the vision.

MINIME and HOLOGLYPHIAN, that tatt and sunnyside have posted, are 2 instances of true experiences. Especially HOLOGLYPHIAN (the "female" entitiy). I have seen her on several occasions. Once alone, and another time paired with a similar male. MINIME still permeates the realm for me, often in multiples or in fragmented, overlapping forms of itself. Those images are yet to come.

Thanks so much for posting and paying attention to the imagery I'm crafting. I really want to achieve some concensus on our collective visions, so I beg you to continue these kinds of conversations (and I know we will) !

Hey INCEDIGRIS, nice to see you here :)

Yeah, some of your work is incredible, especially those two pieces - when I saw those my jaw hung open haha. The arching structures in HOLOGLYPHIAN, how those curves flow into the female entity, flowing back out into reflections/architecture of herself - and those self reflections being multi-dimensional and layered. Also the color you used for that piece and the blending of the colors - those few colors are often what I see when I'm there, especially the yellow/oranges/reds and sometimes mixings of green [sometimes blue/violet].

Your piece MINIME is incredible also for me - that style of onset comes over very similarly as the experience is building - fills my immediate visual field more or less within the first handful of seconds - that 'scrunched up, snaking, transforming visual effect [like in that picture] - then those visual effects quickly pop, become more concrete, multidimensional, then before I know it I'm no longer standing aside watching them; as I close my eyes I burst right through them in the realm/space that I've entered time and time again - then MINIME often becomes HOLOGLYPHIAN ime. I'm definitely going to have to think on these piece some more, can't say enough good things about some of your art man! :)

tatt said:
Definite commonality in my experiences with what I highlighted above; arches or the appearance of arching, is fairly common for me. Also to go off on a bit of a tangent some more:

Much of the time, or most of the time - these intelligences continually transform, faster than the blink of an eye - into an endless variety of architecture - becoming the space, unbecoming the space, coming forth into distinct appearances, eventually quickly transforming back, and into what.. it's anyone's guess, much too rapid, much too multi-dimensional for me to comprehend, swirling, spinning, tumbling, gyrating, displaying themselves through the disguise of their infinite complexity, sometimes riding the walls of the space.

These architectures that they continually transform into, sometimes [or much of the time] once they make the decision to do so - I end up traveling through this/these architecture/s into somewhere entirely new, though still woven from the same imperishable-something; and in each of these transitions there are inherent lessons, motifs, symbols, feelings, hitting from all the angles they present, cascading, shaking me to the core, ripping it all to pieces yet building anew, all in that moment, merging, opposites become one continual transformation, they're trying to get me to see, or at least that's how it feels, without question.

tatt - your verbal descriptions are dead on! Archways - yes! Archways transforming into entities - absolutely! The words in this thread are great reminders for future image projects.

Yeah, I think it's important that for the people here, especially members that have decent transcription and the ability to remember - throw their 2 cents in on this, because then there's people like you - that can take these phrases and descriptions and put a bit of life into them - and honestly [to me] you have just as much a nac for this as any of the big named visionary artists, maybe even moreso imho/tbh. :)

That's been one great thing about using a low-harmala'd changa/enhanced leaf over the years - it slows this realm down 'just a tad' [without much intervention on part of the harmalas] and ime it helps somewhat 'hold on to' the overall aesthetic and quality, and even some of the ever-transforming architectures and entities that become present in/throughout the place/realm I enter.

Once again INCEDIGRIS thanks for participating in this thread - it's people like you imo that have an incredible ability to put a bit of a face to the faceless, a beautiful gift. :)


Don't have much else to say right now, aside from these few images I found randomly on google - some random abstract style art - the overall design of these pictures captures the very initial onset of most experiences for me - as it's starting to build within the first few moments behind my closed eyes - and for me your MINIME piece with it's 'snaking, twisting, scrunched' lines - that for me has always went in line with these pics I just uploaded. For me the aesthetic quality/style of these few abstract images and your MINIME piece are meshed into a sort've 'one and the same event' for me - as the experience is happening to me right at the onset after taking the hit in.

I'm sorry that these images don't directly relate to the OP here of entities and faces, though this swirling-style-merging-liquid-light aesthetic that seems to encompass hyperspace seems also to be the aesthetic these entities are comprised of ime.


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It seems like there's a hyperspace editor tinkering with my footage. I've related details of my adventures to others, all enthused and bubbling about this or that recurring artifact or entity only to find later that said art or ent is long gone from liquid light literature land and left no forwarding address. I'm pretty fond of some of those gone but not forgottens and I'm learning to edit from my end in hopes that when I return to the manuscript my favorite characters will still be there.

I often get to bring back crisp memories. Landscapes of towering mountains crushed together like shards of rue stained pack ice, etched with gecko footed angular terraces of negative black space and taller than my mind can reach. But let me address the faces first, err, next.

I've only seen two "humanoid" entities. One was a bad tempered Jester type ( almost embarrassingly cliché). He's more of a malevolent presence, I only saw brief glimpses of his head and shining black torso as he was tossing me through the nearest dimensional divide but he was there consistently until I wrote about him, then he vanished. Think moustache twirling badguy strapping me to the rings of Saturn as Enceladus charges and whistles billowing ice and hydrogen, go from there. I don't miss him a bit. Then there was the queen. This is the one that hurt. It gets complicated. She's gone now too so I guess I can write this.

At first it was brighter than an arc welder. So bright I couldn't really see her form, just the lower half of coarse woven gold robes or a gown and bare dirty feet when I shaded my eyes, it hurt to look toward her face. She picked me up once, the first time we met, after she had straightened me out on a few things. I was about the size of a kitten or maybe a beercan in her hands, I mean she was biiig. She was the earth goddess to me (literally, at the time) and when she turned me to look at her I expected a beautiful woman. (edit: I was briefly proud to be self aware enough to be afraid of being blinded but by the time I was done congratulating myself on being such a great psychonaut she had me locked in.) What I saw was more like the surface of the sun through a harmala hci filter. Gold and blood brown granular blossoms of (?) bubbled and shimmered up, facial starsoup rising from the center of each petal like liquid yellow cotton candy flowing and darkening as it slipped off the edge of the bloom back down into her soul/face/starengine. Slow ribbons formed and curled off with that synthed tinkling/popping broken glass sound that is part of all my trips. They washed out and touched me and it was like I saw the emotions on her face without actually seeing a face, and she read me like a blind mans hands. It was all there, the full spectrum of feels. Any one particle enough to crush or create joy or dread, quickly tapping on each individual string of my own sense of being. She played music with my notochord. Or something.

Third dead thesaurus, dammit. In short, The lass exchanged emotion and intent by slapping me lovingly with sun spooge. That was her face. It was rad.
To INCEDIGRIS, I am compelled to take the opportunity to thank you. Even though the words just don't mean much, I promise I have such gratitude that you can bring these images to us all.

I envy so many of you who can slow it down, can remember, can process all of it. I don't stew over it, it is who I am and the experiences still are mine.

But when you folks - all of you - can remember and transcribe, I just have to say thank you. Over and over again, apparently...

Anyway, since we're on about these entities. I have a female entity I would ask all of you about. I call her the giant gargoyle woman queen. Mostly she hangs out and perches up high. Ceiling fans. Ceilings. Trees. Those kinds of places. Probably most often she just watches, maybe makes me vocalize or stretch. Pokes and prods at me, gets me to laughing. Recently she was cruising up and down my hallway, and she had another with her, but I don't know anything at all about the other, just that there was. Anyway. And so on her last entrance into the room from the hall, she rolls some giant laserbeam bubbles off her fingertips and they roll around on the ceiling for awhile...

So, obviously, I can't transcribe and describe as you folks can, I just was curious if anybody knows the gargoyle queen...
Interesting Sunnyside. I'll keep an eye out for her.
You were the first person to respond to my intro essay. I know you rarely post stuff and I really appreciated the welcome you gave me when I was brand new here. You're pretty special to me, just wanted to say so.
Hey, thanks, that's real nice of you to say those kind words. Likewise, when I see you posting, I make sure I read you.

This place is just so remarkable, isn't it? The way The Traveler has built a true community, and those folks with badges beside their names, guiding us and coaching us? And allowing us to contribute to and with them as well.

Life is sweet. Here's to life.

And as always - thanks, Nexus. For everything.
Thanks for the kind words Sunnyside. Regarding the transcribing - its definitely a process, start simple, just capture a nugget, then another, start to build the language and then you'll be able to put it together again.

Can't say that I've ever seen the Gargoyle Queen that you describe. Are you talking about ceiling fans and hallways in your physical surroundings? Or are they part of her world?

Two points on the gargoyle queen.

1. I think this is where culture and language can get mucky... I immediately see a classic gargoyle when I read your description. Is that what you really saw, or was it something totally different, yet reminiscent of a gargoyle?

2. I wonder if we, as individuals, are predisposed to seeing a certain subset of entities, or if the same set of language is available to all individuals. For instance, I have some people tell me that my images are exact to their visions. But I wonder if Im only hearing from a subset of individuals who are in my same "Tribe" (so to speak), while other individuals may not see these entities at all. That's why I think accuracy is really important.

I fantasize about an app or website that catalogs various entity and vision imagery - people can rank the accuracy level to their own experience from 0-100%.
Hi hugs,

That image is one of a few that show the experiencer interacting with the other world. The "human body" is actually taking on the language of the space, as if it were integrating into it. The entity in the background is fully of the other realm. A little less literal than most of my other images, but I'd like to explore this method more in the future, since the human body is indeed a part of the equation.

On the topic of faces, I wonder what people think about the cyclopean face. So many experiences have shown duality/polarity in the following formula/language:

2 autonomous entities of the same form language, each cyclopean, each a different "gender" or color set, together forming a semi-symmetrical whole.
Hey tatt

The color scheme in HOLOGLYPHIAN was a funny journey. The archway space was initially all green - stayed that way for a long time - couldn't get the image to focus into the true expression.

The little gods intervened and showed that color scheme - it got applied - and viola. Translation help from one ally to another, via a human body. It was a magical creative integration experience.

I know we're talking faces here, so lets talk about archways forming heads. The archway form often toggles back and forth between positive objective "entity head" and negative space architectural elements. Its baffling when it occurs, ungraspable, and very difficult when one attempts to represent it. Escher would've done it justice. I think the faces usually do emerge from those head-archways.

Nice pattern samples. Whoever made them was in touch with the place, but may or may not have known it or experienced it so intensely as we have.

Here is a sample of my early explorations with the middle scallop pattern you shared. This one is from the land of the Shepherdess.
2. I wonder if we, as individuals, are predisposed to seeing a certain subset of entities, or if the same set of language is available to all individuals. For instance, I have some people tell me that my images are exact to their visions. But I wonder if Im only hearing from a subset of individuals who are in my same "Tribe" (so to speak), while other individuals may not see these entities at all. That's why I think accuracy is really important.

This seems likely to me because it has been such a long time since I've seen anything resembling the visions you capture in your work. Those experiences have been entirely replaced by others over time. It seems that despite the visual similarities in our experiences the breadth of possible motifs is still quite vast. And although I never saw faces on the entities, what is the most interesting to me is how I felt when seeing yours. They gave me goose bumps because it felt like they were the same and just presented themselves differently. The energy feels the same and the visual geometry with sharp and somewhat flat shading is the same. That's why I wondered if the faces of the entities in your images were interpretations or literal.

These similar visions occurred in clusters mostly around the time when I began my explorations. Today there is little consistency in what I see from one experience to another. Entities can be felt behind the curtains of all experiences but no longer have any visual form except for a few rare open-eye experiences.
Can't say that I've ever seen the Gargoyle Queen that you describe. Are you talking about ceiling fans and hallways in your physical surroundings? Or are they part of her world?

Two points on the gargoyle queen.

1. I think this is where culture and language can get mucky... I immediately see a classic gargoyle when I read your description. Is that what you really saw, or was it something totally different, yet reminiscent of a gargoyle?

2. I wonder if we, as individuals, are predisposed to seeing a certain subset of entities, or if the same set of language is available to all individuals. For instance, I have some people tell me that my images are exact to their visions. But I wonder if Im only hearing from a subset of individuals who are in my same "Tribe" (so to speak), while other individuals may not see these entities at all. That's why I think accuracy is really important.

I fantasize about an app or website that catalogs various entity and vision imagery - people can rank the accuracy level to their own experience from 0-100%.

I'm always flattered that folks here take any interest in my ramblings - thanks. And I'm aware of the likely futility of trying to understand someone else's visions, so there's no need to beat this one up, but I see high value in your comments.

I see her everywhere, except at very low doses. I often enjoy strong doses taking me this just side of breakthrough, and she is in my surroundings - the hallways and laserbeam bubbles were in mine, and they (bubbles) were rolling around on my ceiling. In breakthroughs, she frequently is there, in her worlds. Almost a constant, actually. Hovering, floating, perching, 'managing' me, toying with me, guiding me, whatever it is she does...

And to your 'classic gargoyle' question - strictly MY impression. As you say, the reminiscence/essence/best effort to make sense of her. I understand the importance of your question immediately. Thanks. Just one step further. I sense nothing of her in your breathtaking artwork.

Your thoughts on "Tribe" are also incredibly provocative. Your MINIME literally leaped off the screen into my face when I saw your work, and apparently other viewers' as well; yet nobody senses anything like the female being I ask about. Good good stuff you discuss. Should I ask about your pronunciation of these words, or is that best left alone? Like, is MINIME "mini-me", or... If you don't answer, I'll not pursue, I just love language and words.

Finally, I'm kind of hoping the Tatt-man and other heavyweights might weigh in, and I can listen to you and them iron this stuff out.

Thanks again.
Hey Teadaze,

I totally understand the dilemma - and to be honest, faces really only appear about 30-40% of the time in experience. Most of the time, it is exactly as you say - the entities are hiding off to the side, just at the edge of peripheral vision. The faces usually are the most difficult thing to remember.

There was one experience that was quite shockingly different. A highly technological Mantis creature, in a smooth, minimal, highly technological holding chamber - it was formed like the inside of a giant cylinder. Despite all of the high technology, there was still a slight presence of the striped carnival barber-pole motifs. The surfaces of the chamber were highly polished and smooth, and the mantid creature slowly moved its limbs in a marionette type of motion. It really seemed quite detached, and uninterested in the viewer, but it was met face-to-face. Its head was horizontally outstretched like a mantis, it had no recognizable facial features, but its body was more human in proportion (and limb count). At the same time, the peripheral entities were present on the left and right side. The feeling was that the L/R peripheral entities were in charge of the mantid creature. They were guiding an introduction to a mantid specimen.

Last year a lot of the experiences were very different, from clay-like terra-cotta textured floral cornucopias, to aliens made of dense tendon clusters, to "magic-eye" textured figures scapes, to victorian mechanical gear-scapes, but have recently returned to a slightly more standardized language.

Actually, I want to ask: Is music is part of your ceremony? Or do you go in silence?
Sunnyside -

Haha I was thinking about the name of MINIME the other day. It is pretty much pronounced Mini-Me. I guess in hindsight I would have been more inventive with that name, but MINIME popped into my head and I normally just go with the flow. At the time I had a strong notion that the entities of that species were like little mini souls trying to break into the physical realm via human procreation.

If the gargoyle queen is ever encountered I'll let you know.

By the way - Does the Shpongle head resemble the style of the Gargoyle Queen?
Actually, I want to ask: Is music is part of your ceremony? Or do you go in silence?

Yes, music is almost always part of the experience. Also, another important tidbit is that the vast majority of my experiences are also while under the influence of LSD. All of the "carnival barber-pole" experiences were in this state and were all sub-breakthrough. When I first began experimenting with D I did it both ways, but found that mixed with L takeoffs were less jarring, there was less pre-flight anxiety, and experiences were much more visual.

Anyway, I often feel that the content of an experience is partially determined by passions and feelings within me, and that listening to beautiful music that stirs my emotions sets the stage for an interesting trip. I have also felt that in many of these experiences the entities were really trying to dance with me or that they were reflecting back to me my own desire to dance.

What about you? Is music part of your experiences?
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