SWIM likes all of the harmalas on their own for different reasons.
He likes harmaline when he's having a hard time sleeping. It's a great sleep aid at 100 mg freebase. Not only does it help you sleep but it also gives you tons of dreams. Very cool stuff.
He likes harmine sometimes just for the psychoactive effects. He uses 200 mg freebase and can get mild dream-like visions from it with the eyes closed. He finds it slightly stimulating, unlike harmaline, which is more sedating and more mentally foggy.
His new favorite is tetrahydroharmine (also known as THH). This is the stuff that makes caapi so superior in ayahuasca. He’s recently found a vendor that sells pure tetrahydroharmine. This is one of the nicest harmala alkaloids there is. It produces mild euphoria and a pleasurable tingling sensation in the body, and produces some mild visuals. It’s quite different from the other harmala alkaloids. It’s very meditative and leaves your mind very clear. Excellent stuff.
He once tried harmalol. It was sort of psilocybin like, but without the visuals. Very nice, but mild. He’d like to try that one again someday.