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Does enhanced/infused leaf and or changa last as long as freebase

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Rising Star
I am wondering if enhanced leaf goes as far as freebase dmt. Like if I use 500mg of dmt in an enhanced leaf at a standard ratio will I get as many "trips" out of it or does it go quicker? Just seems like a gram or so of smoke is not alot. Like a bowl or two. Then again I'm thinking cannabis and not sure how bulky other herbs are. I'm guessing one just needs a small hit. So if I had a half gram of dmt freebase at 50mg a dose obviously thats 10 doses. Will one get that much out of enhancing some herb? I'm giving some out for the new year and would rather give leaf instead of a pinch of powder but want to get the most out of it. Thanks for any help.
abrahamx said:
I am wondering if enhanced leaf goes as far as freebase dmt.


abrahamx said:
Like if I use 500mg of dmt in an enhanced leaf at a standard ratio will I get as many "trips" out of it or does it go quicker? Just seems like a gram or so of smoke is not alot. Like a bowl or two. Then again I'm thinking cannabis and not sure how bulky other herbs are. I'm guessing one just needs a small hit. So if I had a half gram of dmt freebase at 50mg a dose obviously thats 10 doses. Will one get that much out of enhancing some herb? I'm giving some out for the new year and would rather give leaf instead of a pinch of powder but want to get the most out of it. Thanks for any help.

My recommendation is that if you are using 500mg fb dmt then do it in a 1:1 ratio with herb, so 500mmg dmt:500mg herb. And it will last the same dosage wise as freebase, because now instead of 500mg herb - you have 1g of infused herb - which for a 25mg freebase experience you'd want 50mg of this infused herb - so for a 30mg fb dmt experience you'd want 60mg of this blend, so on and so forth - im sure you get the picture. :)

Enhanced leaf is an extremely effective delivery method. Small bong or bubbler with ice ice cold water.
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. Is there still a thing with not torching the herb and just feathering the flame and hitting slowly etc... as with a freebase. I have read that but also thought I understood that one can basically just smoke as if hitting cannabis and do just fine. I'll find out myself soon enough but maybe not before I hand some out, and would like to make sure the recipients dont waste their gift. Thanks again.
My advice for a carrier herb is mullein. It is very light and absorbent as well as extremely cheap (0.50$ for 1/4 OZ. OTC at my local herbarium.)and has no psychoactivity. It is used as tea to help open lungs for asthmatics and is pretty easy to smoke, especially for a seasoned smoker. Once it is infused, it's consistency is more like well cured marijuana and is easy to hit.

But to answer your question about bulk, mullien is far less dense than marijuana, so 1:1 ratio would maybe more sense to you once you see how much it is. It works out pretty well, hit size wise. I aim for one hit doses, instead of three.

I don't think cannabis is a good candidate for a few reasons. One, thc is alcohol soluble, so the process of making the e.l. wouldn't really be the best for it (dunno what it would do, solve the thc, and redeposit it?). Also you want a plant that is less liable to make you cough, and is comfortable to hold in, as that is crucial to a good experience. And finally, spice is the ONLY drug I've ever taken that does not agree with marijuana. That is my opinion of course, but it seems to be a pretty common one, you may want to try the combo for yourself to see if they synergize for you before you commit your stashes to it.

And tatt is telling no lies, enhanced leaf is extremely effective and fine tunable as an ROA. I dare say it's foolproof since it works for me.
abrahamx said:
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. Is there still a thing with not torching the herb and just feathering the flame and hitting slowly etc... as with a freebase. I have read that but also thought I understood that one can basically just smoke as if hitting cannabis and do just fine. I'll find out myself soon enough but maybe not before I hand some out, and would like to make sure the recipients dont waste their gift. Thanks again.

You can basically just cherry the tip real quick, drag it long and slow, big hits, that has given me the best result ime.

But yeah you can just smoke it like you smoke canna if you'd want to. In a small 1ft bong or small bubbler, preferably glass ..very powerful ime.

And yeah I think you'll enjoy that method if you go the enhanced leaf route, was one of the first ways i'd used dmt, aside from the glass vapor genie.

***Also. what null said about mullein - some great great carrier herb for leaf blends. Great base to get the isopropyl/dmt soaked up into.
Its funny because I just cleared out a thickly wooded part of my property and a bunch of mullien started growing there now that there is more sun. They are invasive actually so I am trying to get rid of. Winter time now, almost so they are all dead now. I was going to use half cappi leaves and half mullien or should I stick to just mullien for the first go? Also is iso the way to go. I have seen teks for heptane, naptha, acetone and heard each one sucks or blows and vice versa. also read about using heat baths bla bla bla. I was thinking just using iso or ethyl with the soak and evap method.
abrahamx said:
Its funny because I just cleared out a thickly wooded part of my property and a bunch of mullien started growing there. They are invasive actually so I am trying to get rid of. Winter time now, almost so they are all dead now. I was going to use half cappi leaves and half mullien or should I stick to just mullien for the first go.

A blend of half caapi leaves and half mullein is my favorite base herbmix for a blend. :love:
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