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Don't have a scale to measure Millagrams, how do I measure doses?

Migrated topic.
SaintSpader said:
I used google and found out 1 tablespoon=15 mg.

So Its 3 tablespoons.


This is absolutely wrong!
3 tablespoons is more than a gram.

Jorkest already explained what you should do, SS.
Well I rather have a way to know...see once I make spice i'm going to put it into pill capsules.

So I want an exact amount so if for some reason which (will never come) want to take them I'll know exactly how much I'm taking.

Anything that is similar to tablespoon method? (which was wrong)

Like....if I took two teaspoons, would that be a certain amount of spice in mg?

I just cannot afford a scale at the moment.
SaintSpader said:
Well I rather have a way to know...see once I make spice i'm going to put it into pill capsules.

So I want an exact amount so if for some reason which (will never come) want to take them I'll know exactly how much I'm taking.

Anything that is similar to tablespoon method? (which was wrong)

Like....if I took two teaspoons, would that be a certain amount of spice in mg?

I just cannot afford a scale at the moment.

Scale is the only real way. Even the spoon method is not 100%, because everyone's spice can have different density.

So I want an exact amount so if for some reason which (will never come) want to take them I'll know exactly how much I'm taking.

Will say again for this. You won't know exactly how much your taking, unless you can get a scale. Just be patient, and when you do have the money, then go ahead and do what you need to do.

Sorry if this is harsh. But I am pretty sure the above is true.
dude swim tried to guesstimate, and you'll just never know for sure what your dosing. Swim did this with some pharmahausca and probably went a little too far lol, but anyway just grab a cheap mg scale off ebay. swim got one for 30 bucks, cant beat that.
just to say the method that i posted is fairly reliable...you would have 200mg at .2g and then divide it into four piles...50mg per pile...its pretty easy and fairly exact
That will work pretty well, but why not just buy a milligram scale? If you can afford to get all the materials to extract DMT you can afford a cheap milligram scale.
Every one of the extractions I've done have come out different to some degree.

I usually weigh out a 50mg dose when I'm finished with the extract, to get an idea of what it should look like...with this batch...it is significantly different amount, every time!!

I still weigh out my doses in most cases, but it gives me an idea of what I've got that time.

BTW, my scale cost me $30 + shipping, works great!!

I use a scale, EVERY TIME. Not because I'm scared to take too much, but because I want to know what kind of ride I'm about to embark upon. I've had xtals that were so fluffy that 50mgs looked like a giant pile, and I've had other batches where 50mgs looked like a few little chunks.

If I used the same volume of spice thinking it was the same weight one batch would have had me scratching my head wondering why I didn't go anywhere, and the other would have me on the floor, probably retching and couting down the minutes as my soul was eaten by spice spiders.

Every batch of xtals varies, as almost everyone has said. Please people, don't be a SaintSpider. If you can buy the materials to extract, you can spend $30 for a scale.

This is even more important if you are sharing your spice with a person who has never tried it (or you're trying it for the first time). There is a world of difference between a 40mg experience and a 90mg rollercoaster into the carnival of chaos...mmmmk? Be smart, be safe, and be considerate!
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