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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
That's right my fellow psychonauts,tonight Friday August 17th at the Montreal Bell Center I am going to see one of my favorite bands.Dream Theater.For those of you who don't know Dream Theater they are not a band aimed at the general public.No fancy faggot looking costumes,no jumping around acting like idiots,no gay guys in the band,no props or biting heads off bats or simulating any sexual acts or pretending to be a demonic cult.Just cream of the crop musicians doing whet they do best.Playing music.Not commercial music written to make a fast buck and be forgotten after the hype fades away.Truly music for musicians.Not pussy rubbing musical masturbation dance beats.And tonight will be the third time I see them live and I can't wait.Thier music takes me to some far away land almost like smoking DMT.Pas de tapettes dans l'orchestre.No hay maricones en el grupo.
aaaaa lucky you, i'm working, cant go. D-T is one of the best thing in rock music these days. It's funny how big they have gotten without any mainstream commercial support. That shows that they really are good! I saw them one or two time. But the last CD is one of my favorite so.. arf I would have loved to be there.
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