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Drug Sniffing Dog

Migrated topic.


Live the Life you Love
We all know that our spice has a distinctive smell and my pipe, well that is another story in and of itself. My question is "are dog's trained to find it?"
No. There would be way too many false positives. It has a surprisingly generic smell that is all over in nature. I hear jasmine smells like it because of the Indoles in it. Other flowers remind me of it as well. It is also still relatively uncommon so they aren't going to waste time training for it. All the false positives would also make a fantastic legal defense. Especially with precedent set in states that have legalized cannabis.
Also be aware that in some countries (e.g. Australia) not all the customs sniffing dogs are drug sniffing dogs, but quite some are trained to sniff food and plant material!!!

This is because in these countries it is very important, no foreign flora/fauna gets imported.
An_Observer said:
No. There would be way too many false positives. It has a surprisingly generic smell that is all over in nature. I hear jasmine smells like it because of the Indoles in it. Other flowers remind me of it as well. It is also still relatively uncommon so they aren't going to waste time training for it. All the false positives would also make a fantastic legal defense. Especially with precedent set in states that have legalized cannabis.

Similar smell to a human doesn't necessarily mean similar to a dog. A dog might theoretically be able to differentiate subtle differences in smell that we can't.

That being said, even if they could, I dont think dogs are trained to smell DMT because it isn't a priority in law enforcement.

OP should still avoid carrying DMT and pipes unless absolutely necessary due to the obvious risks, dogs or no dogs
endlessness said:
...OP should still avoid carrying DMT and pipes unless absolutely necessary due to the obvious risks, dogs or no dogs...

Not to be the party pooper, but I have to strongly agree with endlessness in this case.

As a person who has been personally busted and incarcerated by the U.S. federal government for LSD possession (thank heavens they believed that the entire sheet was for my personal use, which it truthfully was, or I probably would still be in prison now some 30-odd years later!) I have to strongly advise against traveling with any psychedelic. There were no drug-sniffing dogs where I got busted and LSD cannot be sniffed out anyway as far as I know.

I have also been strip-searched (one time even full anal probe!:?: :shock: :surprised ) and luggage rifled through and strewn all over the place for me to clean up and put all back together landing in Hong Kong more than a few times.

The political climate at borders is WAY more intense these days than it was way back when I was a world-traveler during the 80's and early 90's. I wouldn't risk it for the world.

I swore off international travel after 9/11 due to massive fascist behavior of nation-states at all ports of mass transit, especially international ones. I swore off flying after my only post-9/11 flight after being treated like a terrorist by customs agents for simply flying from Las Vegas into Sacramento from a herbal medicine & nutraceuticals conference, clean-cut, in a business suit!!!! A far cry from my international traveling days when I looked like a 60's hippy straight out of the ashram wearing my sarong and robes with bare feet! LOL!!:lol:

Not to discourage anyone from traveling at their whim. I just know the powers that be can be cruel and unusual and it would absolutely kill my heart to know that someone got in bad trouble in some country and I did not take the chance to warn them.

May we build a better world by building better hearts and minds
endlessness said:
An_Observer said:
No. There would be way too many false positives. It has a surprisingly generic smell that is all over in nature. I hear jasmine smells like it because of the Indoles in it. Other flowers remind me of it as well. It is also still relatively uncommon so they aren't going to waste time training for it. All the false positives would also make a fantastic legal defense. Especially with precedent set in states that have legalized cannabis.

Similar smell to a human doesn't necessarily mean similar to a dog. A dog might theoretically be able to differentiate subtle differences in smell that we can't.

That being said, even if they could, I dont think dogs are trained to smell DMT because it isn't a priority in law enforcement.

OP should still avoid carrying DMT and pipes unless absolutely necessary due to the obvious risks, dogs or no dogs

Wouldn't dogs have a ton of false positives for DMT unless they trained them to only alert past a certain threshold. I'm thinking of all the plants that contain it. Everything from common grasses, to trees including citrus.

I definitely agree that nobody should travel with contraband if it can be avoided.
That said, here in the states, I had some Changa in my car and got pulled over (long story short, cop almost lost his job for making up BS reasons to pull people over. "Reckless driving" while perfectly maintaining my lane and traction in dry weather) and I know that cop ran a dog past my car hoping it would hit on something and it didn't. I wouldn't have had it in the car but I was giving a friend some Changa as a gift and he lives an hour and a half away. I got pulled over because I left a light "too quickly" (cop was being an ass in his SUV with his high-beams on less than a foot off my bumper) and I was a young driver in an import sport's car. He claimed my tires squealed and had his dog out probably within a minute. He was the local head narcotics officer. Funny thing is, his wife is a junkie while he does his best to ruin lives for so much less.

Definitely don't travel with anything if at all avoidable. And never cross borders with anything.
An_Observer said:
Wouldn't dogs have a ton of false positives for DMT unless they trained them to only alert past a certain threshold ?

Who knows, if anybody here has a small labrador they want to train, feel free to let us know the results. In the meanwhile, I certainly wouldn't bet my life and freedom over such an untested hypothesis and wouldn't recommend it to others either.
I would like to add a rather positive spin to what I stated earlier in my post above (I know, I can be such a Negative Nellie sometimes:oops: I swear my intentions are only for the highest good)...

In all my world travels (I have lived in 7 different countries, other than the States where I am from, as well as traveled through tons more) I always managed to run into, totally by happenstance, psychedelic circles of people.

I never sought it out purposefully, it was always presented to me by the Universe itself, through the conduits of human kindness & fellowship.:love:

Needless to say, this phenomenon always left me rather speechless & eternally grateful. For it seemed that, no matter where I chose to traverse on this planet, there would be people kind enough to share the psychedelics that they had at their disposal.

Synchronicity. Absolutely mind-blowing.:shock: 😁 :thumb_up:

Watch a couple seasons of 'Locked Up Abroad', that show should scare the bajeezus out of anyone considering crossing an international border with anything unsavory. :cry:
Indole is way too common and DMT is way too obscure for this to really be feasible, especially in the context of travel where you are talking millions of people carrying all manner of items that may contain indoles.

A little personal anecdote:
I did some domestic travel in the US recently and decided to bring along my little harmala and melatonin vials as well as a big jar of magnesium citrate. All are perfectly legal and there wasn't any real risk, but I was a bit concerned I might end up having to explain myself and wait for some testing to come back, what with carrying jars of brown and white powders in with my hygiene products. Went by the dog with no issues, no one batted an eyelash at the powders in the x-ray machine, and the body scan/sniffer machine was all clear despite the fact I smoked a fat bowl before heading for the airport and reeked pretty heavily of ganja.

I think the volume is just too high to really be bothered about fiddling with looking for people transporting small amounts of drugs. The dogs are usually trained on explosives and airport security's top priority is weapons/explosives. That said, don't be dumb! You really don't want to face state charges because you tried to smuggle a bit of scheduled material. I promise they have drugs where you are going too, you'll be fine. 8)
I second what dreamer was on to..... They are concerned first and foremost with weapons, explosive and things of this nature. Large amounts of drugs , sure they don't want to see that, but it's also a ton of paperwork for them.

Keep your wits about you. :|

Edit: I didn't realize this wasn't explicitly related to airports.... You shouldn't be walking around with drugs unless you "need" to or are bringing with you something with the intention of using it (going out into the woods etc). I wouldn't be worried about dogs. I would recommend keeping any pipe separate from any other material. Keep all paraphernalia on you on different parts of your body. Cannabis is legal or at least tolerated in most areas so a pipe isn't too worrisome on it's own. I wouldn't worry about dogs.
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