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Eating rabbit's pituitary body and the pineal gland.

Migrated topic.
Hmmm, all very interesting thoughts.

As for the Satanic roots of that particular practice, it is well documented that warriors from African tribes (Thus, most likly from other human tribes also) will torture a male animal for a day before battle, then slit it's throat and drink it's blood straight up. The blood is saturated in the pain reducing chems ect, so the warriors get a prebattle buzz of everything they will be high on once in battle; thus providing a smoother transition into the start of a fight.
Brains are pure fat and fat is the most compact energy source, thus essencial for wilderness survival. I have some Native friends that told me about drinking the adrenal gland of the buffalo to stay strong to deal with the animal. Bear gall bladder is also sought after and is a medicine. I hope for you to have pure intentions as to use these animals and parts as medicine and not simply something to get off on. All the best to you, hope to hear how your journey goes. Bless
in this modern world there is no need to engage in such practices. human evolution should lead us a greater mutualistic relationship with our animal kin not further torment of other species whom we don't need in that regard for our survival.

although i am not a total vegetarian or anything our society as a whole should eat a lot less meat too. i think many more animals our self aware then people realize.

there is no pure intention in eating tortured animal blood and then going on a violent rampage.

however if you do kill a wild animal eating/using all of its parts is the best way to utilize it. everything is useful.
this is really similar to my chemicals in the human body statement. I was wondering if there were enough chemicals in the human body or brain to get you really blasted, apparently you're body won't absorb enough of them/there's not enough to get you high. STRANGE:? :?:
This thread is messed up. If SWIM caught someone torturing an animal, he would torture them in turn. He would not eat their brains though because that is the way to catch brain disease. Nor would he eat monkey brains because they are too closely related so again there is probably potential for transmittance. In fact he would not recommend eating cows brains or sheeps brains either because of the risk of BSE and scrapie. Best just stay away from the brains and spinal chords of all mammals whenever possible. Leave those bits for the worms and bugs.

If you must kill another being, do it in the most humane way that technology allows. Ideally the animal should not even be aware of its own death. Do not bowhunt, shoot. Bowhunting is illegal in the UK because it causes the animal unnecessary suffering now that we have guns.

Carrots do contain vitamin A but I'm told that's not the reason for the saying. I was taught at school that when the British invented radar during WWII they wanted to keep it a secret from the Nazis, so they started a rumour that they were feeding all their pilots lots of carrots and that (the vitamin A?) helped them to see in the dark better. I was told that the Nazis swallowed it for a while. Hehe.
Big Inhale said:
what about adrenal glands they could be fun to chew on remember fear and loathing when they ate liquid adrenalin from a human brain
adrenachrome man!!! lmfao

"He looked like someone who had just eaten a handful of pineal glands and washed them down with a pint of adrenochrome. He looked so high you could bounce intercontinental TV off him."

yeah, adrenochrome seems to be some kind of adrenalin-oxide.. and a leyend too.
I imagine it like a strong mescaline trip but easier to be unpleasant and lose control.:?:
...adrenalin is synthesized at adrenal gland on the kidneys, by the way.

But Hey!... I do think animals, mammals at least, produce DMT like us... But killing a rabbit just for some DMT? you are not sure if there is some DMT, and if It does must be a slight amount, and this shit must be eated... No way, It wont work at all.
So, better think about a simple and peacefull extraction than a torture-killing-fucking act of shit man.....

Even killing an animal for extract some adrenalin is stupid (just like is mentioned in that film) because you can get it as epinephrine more easier.

So, take care of Life8)
Don't know how you can take a life. From my space that reflects great immaturity. No loving heart would do something unloving.
I have killed and eaten many rabbits in my day. I love animals of all kinds and treat them with upmost respect at the same time I am a animal.

Rabbits are tough to kill and eat for survival purposes for me at least.

To kill a animal for recreation and not necessity or for WAR is about the most IGNORANT thing I can think of

Pancho said:
yeah, adrenochrome...
I imagine it like a strong mescaline trip but easier to be unpleasant and lose control.:?:

not even. it would likely be a speedy sensation, followed by a bad headache.
not psychedelic at all

wow.. um..


Would you really want the spirit Rabbit of Caerbannog terrorizing you while tripping on brains? :lol: Look, that rabbit has a vicious streak a mile wide:!:


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Space "Don't know how you can take a life. From my space that reflects great immaturity. No loving heart would do something unloving."
im strictly vegetarian and have been for about 8 years - but does this mean all ppl that eat meat are immature and dont have loving hearts ?
ballzac said:
MR.shroom said:
" eat carrots their good for your eyes, have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses":roll: (except in Alice in wonderland)
Actually the reason they say carrots are good for your eyes is because they contain vitamin A. As vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness, eating carrots can prevent you from going blind.

was that necessary?

well was this?

ok im back to reading this looney tracked post :)
Phlux- said:
Space "Don't know how you can take a life. From my space that reflects great immaturity. No loving heart would do something unloving."
im strictly vegetarian and have been for about 8 years - but does this mean all ppl that eat meat are immature and dont have loving hearts ?

I think he means killing for fun (or an insanely stupid reason such as eating a rabbits pineal gland). But as far as I know, the only way to eat a rabbits pineal gland and try it for yourself is to kill one yourself... I may be way off on this one though
hrmm - ok - misinterpreted it.
i still think its lame/cheap/immature/not going to work - bark is cheap and animals dig being alive.
"because living off the wildlife is madness" Linton Kwezi Johnston.
The operator of this post was just being silly or he likes rabbit hunting. I personally find rabbit hunting too tiresome. The best place for pineals is the abattoir where one can help himself with all the calfs' pineals' that are otherwise thrown away. Every serious pineal eater around knows that for sure. This makes me think that the operator is not a genuine pineal gland eater.
ohayoco said:
Is that how you got so clever Infundibulum? A diet high in pineal? ;)
Considering my life, still struggling with bills (but with a smile), waking up with a hangover in a totally trashed place, wearing the same old clothes I got 5 years ago, not having a car, not earning at least £3000 a month and always been given grief at work, I think I still have a long way to go from clever. If I was really clever I'd make a religion or become politician and have lotsa money, a harem to shag every night and slaves to spew on them and kick their asses!

Calf's pineals just made me unbearably intelligent. It is calf's bulls you need to eat along with your pride, your humanity and possibly loads of semen to become clever:p. But they just taste horrible!!
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