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Eating Syrian Rue Seeds

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I much experimented with caapi, then it became bad quality, have passed on pharmacological maoi. Tried to boil 3-5 g seeds - sick of broth. Tried to eat simply on 8 g seeds - it has turned out nearly perfectly. But in following two attempts 0 effects, seeds did not digest. I want to try powder seeds. Whether it is a lot of 8 g? Or 10? My weigh is 110 kg.
I want the maximum result.
Don't ingest rue seeds, whole or powdered. Make a purified extract instead. There is plenty of information about that on the forum and the wiki.

The equivalent of 4 grams of rue seeds is a strong dose. In terms of purified extract, that would equate to between 200 and 250 milligrams. Be sure to read about RIMA interactions, side-effects and contra-indications before ingesting large doses.
I think boiling syrian rue for hours actually converts some of the harmaline into THH. And this is a more desirable alkaloid. I could be wrong. I usually just brew all the ayahuasca together instead of separately and have had breakthrough experiences doing this. 2-4 grams is a good dose of rue. I love rue :)
StarButterfly said:
I much experimented with caapi, then it became bad quality, have passed on pharmacological maoi. Tried to boil 3-5 g seeds - sick of broth. Tried to eat simply on 8 g seeds - it has turned out nearly perfectly. But in following two attempts 0 effects, seeds did not digest. I want to try powder seeds. Whether it is a lot of 8 g? Or 10? My weigh is 110 kg.
I want the maximum result.

Hello StarButterfly, if you want to get the most effect and be the most efficient/easy you have to dose with the Syrian the day before and the day of the trip. In my experience the day before this is what i drank: 2.5 g of powdered syrian rue seeds mixed with 3/4 cup of water and 1/3 cup lemon juice that is at a boil and boiled for 10 to 15 minutes, when it stops getting darker its done. The day of: 3-5 g of syrian rue seeds mixed with 3/4 cup of water and 1/3 cup lemon juice that is at a boil and boiled for 10 to 15 minutes. DMT was administered 1 hour after the tea and man did it kick my ass!!! I also achieved hallucinogenic effect with only the harmalas, so if youre interested and have spare seeds then experiment a little with doing it a couple days or maybe even a few in a row. oh and lot of sugar in that tea hahaha
atomu235 said:
Freeze, crush, brew and filter. You can add regular tea, makes it taste better. 4-6gr is a high dose.
pastanostra said:
You can do a Chai tea with rue, it's excellent !

It seems to me that water increases a nausea, dry seeds pass through an organism is easier.

pitubo said:
Don't ingest rue seeds, whole or powdered. Make a purified extract instead.

It is a lot of trouble, whether and not to check up the necessary quantity МАОI without DMT, It is not practical. I do know how to overcome a nausea, smoke weed.

2.22.222 said:
The day of: 3-5 g of syrian rue seeds mixed with 3/4 cup of water and 1/3 cup lemon juice that is at a boil and boiled for 10 to 15 minutes.

Interesting way, you think, will be enough alkaloids at such short cooking and small volume?
Has read your topic. Is antidepressant effect? I would not began to eat much harmalas. Readed research in which it was specified that more than 30 g neurotoxic. I on your place would try broths of beneteropsis caapi. It is considered more safe and useful.
Grind up 4 grams of Rue seed in a Coffee grinder, and encapsulate the powder, works like a charm but can cause quite the stomach discomfort/nausea/vomiting ime, and 4 grams is pretty strong. I have yet to work with Rue teas, i've always used Rue seed powder capsules or freebased Harmala or Rue extract in a capsule.

As for going over 30 grams of Rue, totally unnecessary. No one should go over say 8 to 10 grams of properly consumed Rue seed imo/ime, try 4 grams of the powdered seed, i'll bet you won't wanna take more than that. Plus Rue/Harmalas have a reverse tolerance so the more regularly they're consumed, the stronger they get, so one can take the same dosage of Rue/Harmalas and the Harmala content will get stronger and stronger so you don't have to take more Rue seed or Harmalas and end up needing less in the long run and can back the dosage down bit by bit as you go along, it also reduces/does away with the side-effects like nausea/vomiting/diarrhea and cleans up the body load and motor function impairment of heavier Harmala/Rue dosages and helps you handle heavier dosages more easily.
ShamensStamen said:
Plus Rue/Harmalas have a reverse tolerance so the more regularly they're consumed, the stronger they get, so one can take the same dosage of Rue/Harmalas and the Harmala content will get stronger and stronger so you don't have to take more Rue seed or Harmalas and end up needing less in the long run and can back the dosage down bit by bit as you go along, it also reduces/does away with the side-effects like nausea/vomiting/diarrhea and cleans up the body load and motor function impairment of heavier Harmala/Rue dosages and helps you handle heavier dosages more easily.
I'd never thought of that, but it makes sense.
After years of working with these plants (more often Caapi than Rue), I don't experience nausea and I never vomit. The diarrhea is still there though.
Also my motor function on tea seems to have improved greatly over the years.
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