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Effects of fasting (and not fasting)

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Rising Star
I had an experience recently with subaeruginosa that completely blew me away. I'm not sure on the dose, but I would guess maybe around 3g dried. The thing that I have on my mind though, is that it was slightly different from every other mushroom trip I've had, where I've always eaten the mushrooms on a completely empty stomach. This time, I had a meal (not particularly light or heavy) around 3-4 hours before. During the comeup, I noticed that there wasn't the disorientating and somewhat nauseating rush that I usually get with mushrooms, making the experience a lot easier to navigate resulting in a far more pleasant experience.

I'd like to know if anyone else has noticed this, and if people think that mushrooms should always be eaten on a completely empty stomach.
Ime the longer one has fasted, the quicker the come up and the more intense the experience. This is mainly in the realm of tryptamines, but it's consistent for me with LSD, DMT, and mushrooms. My minimum fast is 2 hours, mainly due to a sensitive gut. This way, if the need to vomit arises, it doesn't last long.

One love
There is some value psychologically in paying attention to your diet before engaging in a psychedelic experience, but I think it's very personal thing. I think it's good to have enough nutrients so you have energy to go through the experience but not eat too heavy. Also when you consciously think what you eat before the trip you are opening your mind to the experience, but I believe you need to do that with volition.
It depends really, the fasting is about having a clean experience but if you consume something light and energizing few hours beforehand like cacao or some fruit it may actually aid the experience because you are getting nutrition(which energizes you) = leads to a more useful experience, without excess baggage from a heavy, fatty or animal meal that requires hours of digestion and assimilation.

Remember everything is consciousness, so whatever is in your body will come up in the trip in some way as you become more aware and sensitive under the influence of psychedelics, you are more so like a child, so preparation is very important.

The more holy you make it, the more holy it becomes.
I am new to mushrooms, but I have one experience to share.

Normally I fast about 16 hours before taking mushrooms. I start feeling it in 30 minutes, and usually have a difficult come up anxiety until around the 1 hour 10 minute mark or so. By 1 hour 30 minutes all the anxiety is gone. By the 3 hour mark the trip is totally over. I've done mushrooms about 18 times or so and this is consistently the case for me.

However one time I ate a big meal 12 hours before dosing. First off, I had 0 come up anxiety. Secondly, it took a very long time to peak, like 2 hours or so. third, the effects were severely reduced. I took 1.85g but it felt more like 1.0g or so. The total trip lasted longer, around 5 hours instead of 3.

On the one hand I enjoyed the fact that I had no come up anxiety, but I disliked how long it took to peak, and how the effects were reduced.
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