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Ego death and my cure for anxiety

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So it’s been about 7 weeks now since my first (and only ) breakthrough experience, which I wrote about here on the nexus. I want to ask a couple of questions that I still have unanswered…
By way of an update, I want to say that the effects in combating my long term anxiety disorder have indeed been lasting, which is fantastic. I’d say that the anxiety was totally absent for at least 2 weeks, possibly 3, after the experience. And has otherwise has been greatly reduced to a very manageable level. So grateful. Although my experience was truly terrifying in the moment, the impact on my life as a whole has been incredibly positive in the weeks after. Talk about enlightenment and relief!
I recently vaped a sub-breakthrough dose and found similar (very positive) effects on the anxiety. What I really would like to do, however, is to re-enter hyperspace. My previous (rather reckless) visit was through a high dose (100mg) and was way too terrifying. I’ve done a lot of integration work since and tried to come to terms with the associated fear of doing it again. Next time, however, I’ll have a more controlled entry: I now have accurate milligram scales and GVG. I plan to vape 25-30mg for breakthrough.
Here’s my main question: upon breakthrough, am I going to have this total loss of ego again that I experienced on the high dose? I mean, I was totally without person or body, to the degree that I didn’t even recall ever having been human. That in itself was the really scary part…such confusion in the moment! I’d like to think that breaking through at a lower dose will leave me at least with some semblance of who I am (or was) physically. I accept that disembodiment is a part of breakthrough, but is that always to the degree that you’re left utterly clueless as to what ever went before? Will I be able to maintain some sort of déjà-vu-type feeling and recognise where I am, who I am, what just happened? Basically, the high dose I had on my previous breakthrough left me with nothing to hold on to…are breakthroughs at lower doses similar in that respect or does one retain a level of conscious control within the experience? Can anyone offer advice here? Thanks so much…big gratitude. :d
Peace X
:) hello -- we think noboday can truly answer (all) these questions, other then (y)ourself? What one person might be able to do is not = the same as what another person might be able to do (...but from another angle they are both enabled doing it), if your enlightenment was real -- and if you can remember it -- you could (..in theory) also remember the tool-set needed .. so....also, try not to smoalk moar than 60mg...😉 (...unless white-knuckle-ride is what is wanted)

...but our pre-flight anxiety did not go away btw :shock: However, brew has a slower onset and gives the illusion of some control, just to wrestle it out of our hand at a later point.....and it lasts considerably longer....

Perhaps the trick is in becoming a noboday (noboday is in control) but we don't know...
This reality has a reference points and languages that we all agree on. Hyperspace has no reference points and our languages are very limited. Having no reference can be confusing and odd. Without body. Without all the things we normally see in our reality. In such a strange place with no way of knowing what is what. It is easy to get lost in so many ways. It can take a few trips to acclimate to that environment and find a center.

I would set an intent. Think about that intent a lot before your journey. If you would like to feel more anchored in your body then think about that. Enjoy the fact that you can enjoy this body you have. Give your body some attention. Just think about your body a lot before.

Another way to feel more grounded is to play some music that you might enjoy during your trip. I like the feeling of the music and it has a way of completely changing the whole experience. Sound is very powerful in hyperspace. Sound can definitely assist in keeping you more grounded.

Don't have any expectations. Let go of the confusion, the terror, the need for a body, the need for a reference point or center. Allow yourself to rest. Like falling asleep. The mind must be willing to let go.

I hope your journeys become more manageable and enjoyable.
Note that the fear experienced indicates the remnants of ego, the desire to be associated with a form. Also note that, even though such association with a form is completely absent in deep (dreamless) sleep, there is no fear experienced in or associated with that state.
There are ways of going in gradually with changa blends or ayahuasca tea beforehand. It is possible to ease the initial shock over time with experience.
I think it's the "shock" that may be benneficial in a way...

I suffered from mild depression until 2012 when I smoked DMT for the first time...

the first time I smoked DMT it was 200mgs yellow crystal on top of high-grade marijuana, I cleared it in a single hit. I remember feeling like I was at the bottom of a foggy mountain with dirt roads, I was overcome with an intense feeling of panic and deja-vu, I felt like a lost child, everything I knew about who I was or my life or earth seemed like a distant dream, like I dissolved out of existence, I interpreted this as dying, I knew that I was dead, and I was emotionally overwhelmed while confronting the event of my death....I could not tell if I was breathing or not, I would take air in, but couldn't feel it, then noticed a pain in my chest, a giant mantis like being had its claws in my chest, it proceeded to tear open my chest and stomach removing all my organs and insides, I was about to go into shock when I saw a bright green light flash over my shoulder, it nearly hit me, it then became a beautiful geometric object, morphing and color changing, like a jewel from hyperspace, the mantis then put this object in my torn up body, he began to make billions of these objects, each one unique and radiating beautiful colored light ans he filled my body with them, then I was sealed up and propelled into an orange light where I was resurrected...then I felt as if I was being pushed through a membrane, I was being born....then back to reality....those who were there said in reality I curled up into a ball and began to cry for 20 minutes, I was wondering why my face was wet, because it felt like I had actually just went through being born...any way the immense deep spiritual and psychological implications of this experience left me for ever transformed, reborn as a new person entirely, it was the single most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me

Since this experiance , absolutely no depression has returned, and I have had a renewed love for life, I also gained deep insight into death.

I have heard many similar stories of depression or anxiety disappearing after an intense DMT flash...

...however it's usually an intense flash, it's a shocking flash...

Maybe the "shock" is necessary?


This thread discusses memory and the flash...

I'm not sure if dosage is in fact such an important factor. My first experience of DMT was with 60 mg with breakthrough and total ego loss. Since then I've found 35 mg is normally sufficient for breakthrough although it's even happened at 25 mg.

Regarding ego loss I think this has far more to do with attitude as you enter. You have somewhere (don't ask me where!) the choice to fully enter into the experience, accept everything, in which case ego disappears. You also have the choice to be a witness to the experience which in my opinion is surrender with one hand on the lifeboat (in case you want to change your mind later). And then there's fighting the experience - just don't go there 😁

The value of complete ego loss, in my humble opinion, is that it absolutely robs you of any context. All these problems we hang on to, anxiety / fears / depressions / etc, get their fuel from the belief that our life is real. The wonder of losing all context for this life is that we see (it is seen) that what we thought of as real is simply a version, an interpretation, a convenient method of looking at things in order to survive. OK, so a lot of that is going to return after the experience but it's never going to be 100% believed again. Use all kinds of dosages to explore this. No harm in taking three/four different doses in an afternoon with much reflection in between (but don't let anyone know I said that :d )
NotTwo said:
I'm not sure if dosage is in fact such an important factor. My first experience of DMT was with 60 mg with breakthrough and total ego loss. Since then I've found 35 mg is normally sufficient for breakthrough although it's even happened at 25 mg.

Regarding ego loss I think this has far more to do with attitude as you enter. You have somewhere (don't ask me where!) the choice to fully enter into the experience, accept everything, in which case ego disappears. You also have the choice to be a witness to the experience which in my opinion is surrender with one hand on the lifeboat (in case you want to change your mind later). And then there's fighting the experience - just don't go there 😁

The value of complete ego loss, in my humble opinion, is that it absolutely robs you of any context. All these problems we hang on to, anxiety / fears / depressions / etc, get their fuel from the belief that our life is real. The wonder of losing all context for this life is that we see (it is seen) that what we thought of as real is simply a version, an interpretation, a convenient method of looking at things in order to survive. OK, so a lot of that is going to return after the experience but it's never going to be 100% believed again. Use all kinds of dosages to explore this. No harm in taking three/four different doses in an afternoon with much reflection in between (but don't let anyone know I said that :d )

No not by any means (regarding dosage being a factor), the dose in that report is ridiculous, there's noreason to ever dose that high.

I had been doing a good deal of mushrooms in the months proceeding my DMT breakthrough, I had also been taking LSD in those months, and even though I had never tried DMT, I figured I needed to dose high, I also had a head full of terence mckenna-esk sci-fi fantasy tales, and completely neglected the fact that any high dose psychedelic is never all "fun and games"

Honestly, it was a stupid move, I think it freaked out the people who we're there, and after they found I was sober and ok I had to deal with being teased for becoming a crying mess.

The fact that my depression vanished, and I gained a renewed love for life, was by pure chance, I also reached the conclusion that conscious-being exists after death, and the implications of this have lead me an an amazing spiritual path, but again, I took an irresponsible dose, I should have known better, I had a hell of a traumatic experiance, and I can't say I would ever want to repeat it, and I definantly can't recommend anybody try this, but for whatever reason it was also amazingly benneficial. It was death, in one word, it was death, and it also left me fully transformed...

Any way I need to re-write the report with a disclaimer connected regarding the inflated dose range.

I'm beginning to think that what you get from DMT has a good deal to do with where you are in life, where you are mentally, where you are spiritually, and most important it seems to give each individual exactly what they need from it (not what they want, what they need) which may be giving them very little to nothing, or it may be giving them total transformation...

I call that complete ego loss "the blank slate", when your born it must be very similar, and after you die you must reach a similar place...

I had an epiphany this morning...

It was never the DMT...

Which leaves genuine religious transformation...

The DMT was not special, the experiance facilitated by it was!

3 days before my DMT breakthrough I saw two copper colored spheres in the sky, I was dead sober, I'm not going into that, but after I saw them my life was thrown in to synchronistic novelty, impossible strings of coincidences, impossible interconnections...life got fucking weird! And on the 3rd day I had a transformative event facilitated by DMT...

So many people can take DMT and get nothing from it, it doesn't transform them, it doesn't induce spiritual realization or enlightenment, it doesn't induce peak experiance (what the Sufi would call fana, or what's known as beatific vision...arjuna in chapter 11 of the gita is a perfect example...) what happened to me is NOT the norm...

If so many people can take DMT and receive nothing, than it was never the DMT!

I feel like I've wasted so much time with DMT now, I thought that DMT could induce this transformation fairly consistently, specially in high dose, but after speaking to as many DMT users as I could it becomes obvious that I was wrong.

I'll still personally use DMT, but I now understand my shamans will to never share the practice, the plants, or the preperations with others...because it will not do for them what it does for others...it won't help them, and they will criticize, or seek to suppress or destroy the plants or the plant user, or worst yet they may try to turn it into a capitalist business as ayahuasca centers have.

...it's been an eventful and productive morning, I actually feel relieve in a way...

entheogenic-gnosis said:
3 days before my DMT breakthrough I saw two copper colored spheres in the sky, I was dead sober, I'm not going into that, but after I saw them my life was thrown in to synchronistic novelty, impossible strings of coincidences, impossible interconnections...life got fucking weird! And on the 3rd day I had a transformative event facilitated by DMT...

So many people can take DMT and get nothing from it, it doesn't transform them, it doesn't induce spiritual realization or enlightenment, it doesn't induce peak experiance (what the Sufi would call fana, or what's known as beatific vision...arjuna in chapter 11 of the gita is a perfect example...) what happened to me is NOT the norm...

While it was entertaining to consider the notion that your experience transcended linear time sufficiently to project a marker (the copper spheres) into 'the past', the importance of what you say here really struck me - that psychedelic substances show up as incidental markers to states of transcendence, projected into this 'reality' from wherever else as red herrings, with the irony that material substances appear to act as gateways to the incorporeal.

Is this how dear Albert Hofmann failed to discover LSD the first time around? This other world of (divine) transformation is at hand at all times and the seeming activity of our beloved visionary compounds is merely a continuation of the grand cosmic joke, being precisely as useful as watching television...?
downwardsfromzero said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
3 days before my DMT breakthrough I saw two copper colored spheres in the sky, I was dead sober, I'm not going into that, but after I saw them my life was thrown in to synchronistic novelty, impossible strings of coincidences, impossible interconnections...life got fucking weird! And on the 3rd day I had a transformative event facilitated by DMT...

So many people can take DMT and get nothing from it, it doesn't transform them, it doesn't induce spiritual realization or enlightenment, it doesn't induce peak experiance (what the Sufi would call fana, or what's known as beatific vision...arjuna in chapter 11 of the gita is a perfect example...) what happened to me is NOT the norm...

While it was entertaining to consider the notion that your experience transcended linear time sufficiently to project a marker (the copper spheres) into 'the past', the importance of what you say here really struck me - that psychedelic substances show up as incidental markers to states of transcendence, projected into this 'reality' from wherever else as red herrings, with the irony that material substances appear to act as gateways to the incorporeal.

Is this how dear Albert Hofmann failed to discover LSD the first time around? This other world of (divine) transformation is at hand at all times and the seeming activity of our beloved visionary compounds is merely a continuation of the grand cosmic joke, being precisely as useful as watching television...?


I'm not sure I fully understand what you were trying to say...

The Albert Hoffman speculations involving the divine were made by David nichols

As I've said, Swiss and German chemists have a reputation -- today and back then -- for being absolutely meticulous. If we had gone into Albert's lab at Sandoz in 1943, we would probably have found everything in its place, organized in an obsessively neat manner. No dirty glassware, no trash on the floor, meticulous. How in the world did a meticulous Swiss chemist get 50 to 75 micrograms or more of LSD into his body? We don't know.

Another fact: I've made LSD in my lab on many occasions for research purposes, possibly in not so meticulous a manner as Albert Hofmann. Nothing ever happened. I had several graduate students who made LSD as an intermediate for projects. No accidental ingestion of LSD ever occurred. A technician in my lab makes it routinely because we use it as a drug to train our rats. He's learned by experience that he never gets high, nothing ever happens. And yesterday I was talking to Nick Sand, and Nick said, "I made a solution of LSD in DMSO…" -- DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a chemical that greatly enhances absorption of other chemicals through the skin -- he says, "…I painted it on my skin. Nothing happened." A concentrated solution and nothing happened! How did this very meticulous Swiss chemist get the LSD into his body? I don't know.

The other fact we need to think about is when Albert was a child, he had a spontaneous mystical experience. Now depending on whether you're a psychologist or a psychiatrist or whatever, we could say that Albert had a predisposition to altered states of consciousness.

So what facts do we know? I'm going to formulate a hypothesis. He took a dose that by your consensus should have lasted certainly more than two hours, but it only lasted two hours. He was a meticulous chemist -- a Swiss chemist. Anyone I know who's worked with LSD -- and Nick Sand painted a solution of it on his arm -- didn't get high. This doesn't make sense. And what is this peculiar presentiment? Why the 25th in the series? Inexplicable! And, he was predisposed to altered states of consciousness.

The only hypothesis I can come up with that's consistent with all of these facts is that on April 16, 1943, Albert Hofmann did not get LSD in his body at all. He had a spontaneous mystical experience!

Now if I were working in the lab with a new chemical, and I started having kaleidoscopic visions of wonderful colors and patterns, my first thought wouldn't be that I was having a spontaneous experience. My first thought would be, "What was that new chemical I was working with? I need to tell Sasha about it." [laughter]

I think that's what happened, that's the hypothesis. We can't test that hypothesis, but when I saw Albert in Basel a couple years ago, I presented that particular hypothesis to him and said, "What do you think?" He said, "It's entirely possible." So, that's our little experiment, and I think most of you really didn't think seriously about the discovery of LSD, but it puts a different light on it.

Now one aside to that we could then bring up is this. If the force that caused him to have this peculiar presentiment -- and very peculiar it is -- is the same force that induced him to have this mystical experience, which caused him to focus on this chemical, we can hope it might happen again.

Erowid Conference Vault : Mindstates IV (2003) : LSD Panel - David Nichols, Ph.D.

Though Nichols outlines his hypothesis in the film "dirty pictures" (shulgin documentary) much better..

But, no, that's not what I was getting at.

I don't know how to explain it any better than I did in the post which you were responding, and have learned there's really no point, if I'm misunderstood, so be it, and if you can obtain anything beneficial from my anecdotes and opinions, than that's great as well.

Try to get what you can from the things I say, if you can they anything out of it take it with a grain of salt...

I'm not interested in convincing anybody of anything, I'm simply expressing my thoughts and experiences, take them as you will, and for what they are.


As far as the anecdotes claiming ayahuasca or DMT cured a person's depression, myself being one of those people, I found this bit of information which elucidated the mechanisms and means of how the compounds from the decoction may be accomplishing this feat...

Recurrent Depression: A SPECT Study.
Sanches RF1, de Lima Osório F, Dos Santos RG, Macedo LR, Maia-de-Oliveira JP, Wichert-Ana L, de Araujo DB, Riba J, Crippa JA, Hallak JE.
Author information
Ayahuasca is an Amazonian botanical hallucinogenic brew which contains dimethyltryptamine, a 5-HT2A receptor agonist, and harmine, a monoamine-oxidase A inhibitor. Our group recently reported that ayahuasca administration was associated with fast-acting antidepressive effects in 6 depressive patients. The objective of the present work was to assess the antidepressive potentials of ayahuasca in a bigger sample and to investigate its effects on regional cerebral blood flow. In an open-label trial conducted in an inpatient psychiatric unit, 17 patients with recurrent depression received an oral dose of ayahuasca (2.2 mL/kg) and were evaluated with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, the Young Mania Rating Scale, and the Clinician Administered Dissociative States Scale during acute ayahuasca effects and 1, 7, 14, and 21 days after drug intake. Blood perfusion was assessed eight hours after drug administration by means of single photon emission tomography. Ayahuasca administration was associated with increased psychoactivity (Clinician Administered Dissociative States Scale) and significant score decreases in depression-related scales (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) from 80 minutes to day 21. Increased blood perfusion in the left nucleus accumbens, right insula and left subgenual area, brain regions implicated in the regulation of mood and emotions, were observed after ayahuasca intake. Ayahuasca was well tolerated. Vomiting was the only adverse effect recorded, being reported by 47% of the volunteers. Our results suggest that ayahuasca may have fast-acting and sustained antidepressive properties. These results should be replicated in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.
Antidepressant Effects of a Single Dose of Ayahuasca in Patients With Recurrent Depression: A SPECT Study - PubMed

Our results suggest that ayahuasca may have fast-acting and sustained antidepressive properties. These results should be replicated in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.

In my case, mild depression, which I had suffered for most of my life, vanished, and has not returned (this experience occurred in 2012)

I also found a renewed love for life...

And with all of the spiritual aspects of my experiance set aside, there is now evidence that ayahuasca and DMT are effective in eliminating depression....

A scientific American article on the topic of ayahuasca treating depression.

DMT was the catalyst, I smoked DMT and had a religious experiance, but why I was transformed and others were not is what I was getting at, DMT doesn't induce religious experiance, but it can act as the catalyst for those who are already close.

As I said n my initial post
The DMT was not special, the experiance facilitated by it was!
entheogenic-gnosis said:
I think it's the "shock" that may be benneficial in a way...

I suffered from mild depression until 2012 when I smoked DMT for the first time...

the first time I smoked DMT it was 200mgs yellow crystal on top of high-grade marijuana, I cleared it in a single hit. I remember feeling like I was at the bottom of a foggy mountain with dirt roads, I was overcome with an intense feeling of panic and deja-vu, I felt like a lost child, everything I knew about who I was or my life or earth seemed like a distant dream, like I dissolved out of existence, I interpreted this as dying, I knew that I was dead, and I was emotionally overwhelmed while confronting the event of my death....I could not tell if I was breathing or not, I would take air in, but couldn't feel it, then noticed a pain in my chest, a giant mantis like being had its claws in my chest, it proceeded to tear open my chest and stomach removing all my organs and insides, I was about to go into shock when I saw a bright green light flash over my shoulder, it nearly hit me, it then became a beautiful geometric object, morphing and color changing, like a jewel from hyperspace, the mantis then put this object in my torn up body, he began to make billions of these objects, each one unique and radiating beautiful colored light ans he filled my body with them, then I was sealed up and propelled into an orange light where I was resurrected...then I felt as if I was being pushed through a membrane, I was being born....then back to reality....those who were there said in reality I curled up into a ball and began to cry for 20 minutes, I was wondering why my face was wet, because it felt like I had actually just went through being born...any way the immense deep spiritual and psychological implications of this experience left me for ever transformed, reborn as a new person entirely, it was the single most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me

Since this experiance , absolutely no depression has returned, and I have had a renewed love for life, I also gained deep insight into death.

I have heard many similar stories of depression or anxiety disappearing after an intense DMT flash...

...however it's usually an intense flash, it's a shocking flash...

Maybe the "shock" is necessary?


I was reading John Mathews publication "the shamanism bible" this morning, when I came across an excerpt that articulated my exact feelings when I initially posted this, only in this case it's worded much nicer...

shamanic abilities are generally brought on by a personal crisis, such as illness or sudden shock. where this is not naturally forthcoming, initiation designed to produce the effects of such a state are used to bring about rebirth as a shaman - J. Mathews;the shamanism bible

I was not reborn as a shaman, but I was reborn, metaphorically and quite literally...

And I was reborn with a new love and outlook on life, as well as a personal understanding of the after death and non-physical being...

There's a chapter in Robert Thurman' s Tibetan book of the dead titled "orientation to the existance between"...This chapter is a guide for the DMT flash (as well as death)
(This is also another indication that DMT was only a vehicle, how could people without access to DMT be able to produce a spiritual text that could double as a guide book for navigating the DMT flash?)

When I smoked DMT, I had died, I experienced existance in a state after death, I don't like the term "after-life", because it's nothing like life, but I experienced conscious-being in this other place, and I knew I had died, there was no question, I did not have to think about it, I instantly knew I had died, which was terrifying, first you think "you fool, what have you done! You killed yourself" but these thoughts are short lived as the implications of death sink in, you remember who you were, you remember your family and loved ones, you remember as if waking from a dream, it's quickly fleeting, and you grasp on to it in terror as it slips away, like grabbing at smoke...n(the Tibetan book of the dead by Thurman, in the chapter I mentioned above gives direct advice on how to deal with this, I only wish I had read all this before my first DMT flash...)

Ok, I'm going to stop, because i get the feeling that DMT isn't doing this to many other people, and my thoughts on the topic are not taken seriously or are ridiculed.


Although direct causation cannot be established, these data suggest that regular use of psychedelic drugs could potentially lead to structural changes in brain areas supporting attentional processes, self-referential thought, and internal mentation. These changes could underlie the previously reported personality changes in long-term users and highlight the involvement of the PCC in the effects of psychedelics.
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

Psychedelic agents have a long history of use by humans for their capacity to induce profound modifications in perception, emotion and cognitive processes. Despite increasing knowledge of the neural mechanisms involved in the acute effects of these drugs, the impact of sustained psychedelic use on the human brain remains largely unknown. Molecular pharmacology studies have shown that psychedelic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT)2A agonists stimulate neurotrophic and transcription factors associated with synaptic plasticity. These data suggest that psychedelics could potentially induce structural changes in brain tissue. Here we looked for differences in cortical thickness (CT) in regular users of psychedelics. We obtained magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images of the brains of 22 regular users of ayahuasca (a preparation whose active principle is the psychedelic 5HT2A agonist N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT)) and 22 controls matched for age, sex, years of education, verbal IQ and fluid IQ. Ayahuasca users showed significant CT differences in midline structures of the brain, with thinning in the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), a key node of the default mode network. CT values in the PCC were inversely correlated with the intensity and duration of prior use of ayahuasca and with scores on self-transcendence, a personality trait measuring religiousness, transpersonal feelings and spirituality. Although direct causation cannot be established, these data suggest that regular use of psychedelic drugs could potentially lead to structural changes in brain areas supporting attentional processes, self-referential thought, and internal mentation. These changes could underlie the previously reported personality changes in long-term users and highlight the involvement of the PCC in the effects of psychedelics.
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

This article seems to back up the many anecdotes of transformation in personality or mental health after ingestion of ayahuasca or dimethyltryptamine...


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