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:)  hello -- we think noboday can truly answer (all) these questions, other then (y)ourself? What one person might be able to do is not = the same as what another person might be able to do (...but from another angle they are both enabled doing it), if your enlightenment was real -- and if you can remember it -- you could (..in theory) also remember the tool-set needed .. so....also, try not to smoalk moar than 60mg...😉 (...unless white-knuckle-ride is what is wanted)

...but our pre-flight anxiety did not go away btw :shock:  However, brew has a slower onset and gives the illusion of some control, just to wrestle it out of our hand at a later point.....and it lasts considerably longer....

Perhaps the trick is in becoming a noboday  (noboday is in control) but we don't know...

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