No not by any means (regarding dosage being a factor), the dose in that report is ridiculous, there's noreason to ever dose that high.
I had been doing a good deal of mushrooms in the months proceeding my DMT breakthrough, I had also been taking LSD in those months, and even though I had never tried DMT, I figured I needed to dose high, I also had a head full of terence mckenna-esk sci-fi fantasy tales, and completely neglected the fact that any high dose psychedelic is never all "fun and games"
Honestly, it was a stupid move, I think it freaked out the people who we're there, and after they found I was sober and ok I had to deal with being teased for becoming a crying mess.
The fact that my depression vanished, and I gained a renewed love for life, was by pure chance, I also reached the conclusion that conscious-being exists after death, and the implications of this have lead me an an amazing spiritual path, but again, I took an irresponsible dose, I should have known better, I had a hell of a traumatic experiance, and I can't say I would ever want to repeat it, and I definantly can't recommend anybody try this, but for whatever reason it was also amazingly benneficial. It was death, in one word, it was death, and it also left me fully transformed...
Any way I need to re-write the report with a disclaimer connected regarding the inflated dose range.
I'm beginning to think that what you get from DMT has a good deal to do with where you are in life, where you are mentally, where you are spiritually, and most important it seems to give each individual exactly what they need from it (not what they want, what they need) which may be giving them very little to nothing, or it may be giving them total transformation...
I call that complete ego loss "the blank slate", when your born it must be very similar, and after you die you must reach a similar place...