I was reading John Mathews publication "the shamanism bible" this morning, when I came across an excerpt that articulated my exact feelings when I initially posted this, only in this case it's worded much nicer...
I was not reborn as a shaman, but I was reborn, metaphorically and quite literally...
And I was reborn with a new love and outlook on life, as well as a personal understanding of the after death and non-physical being...
There's a chapter in Robert Thurman' s Tibetan book of the dead titled "orientation to the existance between"...This chapter is a guide for the DMT flash (as well as death)
(This is also another indication that DMT was only a vehicle, how could people without access to DMT be able to produce a spiritual text that could double as a guide book for navigating the DMT flash?)
When I smoked DMT, I had died, I experienced existance in a state after death, I don't like the term "after-life", because it's nothing like life, but I experienced conscious-being in this other place, and I knew I had died, there was no question, I did not have to think about it, I instantly knew I had died, which was terrifying, first you think "you fool, what have you done! You killed yourself" but these thoughts are short lived as the implications of death sink in, you remember who you were, you remember your family and loved ones, you remember as if waking from a dream, it's quickly fleeting, and you grasp on to it in terror as it slips away, like grabbing at smoke...n(the Tibetan book of the dead by Thurman, in the chapter I mentioned above gives direct advice on how to deal with this, I only wish I had read all this before my first DMT flash...)
Ok, I'm going to stop, because i get the feeling that DMT isn't doing this to many other people, and my thoughts on the topic are not taken seriously or are ridiculed.