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electric DMT terror


Rising Star
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OG Pioneer
bancopuma said:
I definitely got the electric DMT terror on the come up, but it was short lived, and much smoother than when smoking it.

I don't know if we mean the same, but with freebase, i get this all the time:

A very uncomfortable force cutting through me, ripping my body appart in a sense. I call it "the pattern dissolver" myself, because it feels like a matrix of patterns going up and down through my body, dissolving it. It's like someone is screaming "SURRENDER!" while forcefully stripping you naked. It is very hard to find this pleasurable. Once i thought to myself that "this is pure anxiety"...but im not sure if this state CAN EVER feel good.

The same thing isn't experienced with changa which is a slow ease in.

I would like to find a name for this typically freebase phenomenom that occurs at the start at every experience (at least for me).
I have experienced this also, utterly terrifying, it felt like being torn apart by 1000 tiny knives while being broken down to nothing emotionally. I actually felt physical pain in my extremities. The way you describe it I 100% know it is the same experience I have had, its like they are trying to make us let go of something. Curiously when I came out of it all i wanted to do was go back in, like I had unfinished business there or something.

As for a name for it im really not sure... for me it feels like being crushed, humbled, taught a lesson.
My bad one way back when was some
kind of fractal fragmentation , or splintered into
A million eternal fractal fragments.

Electric fractal splintering

Still stands as single most terrifying moment of my life
Shattered_Symmetry said:
I have experienced this also, utterly terrifying, it felt like being torn apart by 1000 tiny knives while being broken down to nothing emotionally. I actually felt physical pain in my extremities. The way you describe it I 100% know it is the same experience I have had, its like they are trying to make us let go of something. Curiously when I came out of it all i wanted to do was go back in, like I had unfinished business there or something.

As for a name for it im really not sure... for me it feels like being crushed, humbled, taught a lesson.

Your avatar somewhat describes the feeling :lol:
Perhaps it's the entheogen correcting your unbalanced energies, and recalibrating your ego to where it should be??

-Perhaps this is why Ayahuasca is more "workable" for healing, because it does this in a much gentler manner, than forced...:idea:
Shattered_Symmetry, yes your avatar describes it perfectly :D

I like fractal fragmentation so far ...even better than electric dmt terror
On the other hand, these kind of "becoming million pieces" experiences are the experiences I know will come with DMT, therefore trying to accept and even enjoy them. Terror is just natural... It strenghtens our core if one isn't TOO afraid, I feel.
I recall this feeling, but haven't experienced it as scary. At times it was uncomfortably strong, but never did I find it scary.
I recall this vibrating, pulsating energy surging through me. Visually I would depict this is a row of images multiplied 1000nds of times and superimposed over one another in extremely quick succession.
Like bursting through a bubble, then throug another and another..etc. I've allways found this quite exciting and joyfull.
SKA said:
I recall this feeling, but haven't experienced it as scary. At times it was uncomfortably strong, but never did I find it scary.
I recall this vibrating, pulsating energy surging through me. Visually I would depict this is a row of images multiplied 1000nds of times and superimposed over one another in extremely quick succession.
Like bursting through a bubble, then throug another and another..etc. I've allways found this quite exciting and joyfull.

Well described... ...BZZZZ...
bancopuma said:
A very uncomfortable force cutting through me, ripping my body appart in a sense. I call it "the pattern dissolver" myself, because it feels like a matrix of patterns going up and down through my body, dissolving it. It's like someone is screaming "SURRENDER!" while forcefully stripping you naked. It is very hard to find this pleasurable. Once i thought to myself that "this is pure anxiety"...but im not sure if this state CAN EVER feel good.

When my friend read this she was more reminded of 5-MeO-DMT experiences, which seemed by far more physical, than of N-N-DMT. And in those experiences, she found that for the most part she was able to "let go" and be non-attached to the sensation - almost as if the feeling were training her body in non-attachment. Just 2¢
obliguhl said:
It is very hard to find this pleasurable. Once i thought to myself that "this is pure anxiety"...but im not sure if this state CAN EVER feel good.

Allow me to put this in reverse : what if it's your anxiety that creates this in the first place ? Have you tried to meditate before travelling ?

My before last travel, I was scared to death, and the trip wasn't enjoyable at all, I felt like stuck on the front of a train travelling at very high speeds, I kept hearing the pressure sounds all along waiting to breakthrough and eventually derailed the train and crashed in this reality with my body shaking all over...

Next trip, I integrated the experience, remembered the litany against fear from the Bene Gesserit :
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

Everytime I recite this, I feel energy through my spine, those are very powerful words (at least for me of course.)

Also I told myself just after launch "remember", and the trip was much more enjoyable... And I came back with a graphical reminder of my travel.

In the hope this could help you some,
DMT trips commonly have an electrical feeling for me, and I don't mean this in a negative way. Our brains are bioelectric machines...drugs like LSD have been shown to alter the bioelectric rhtyms of the brain and I have no doubt that DMT does to.

My last smoked DMT trip was my one and only full breakthrough experience...it was I think the most incredible and yet terrifying experience of my life. I was in a calm state before hand and I did ten minutes of mindfulness breathing meditation before taking the plunge. But oh I got the terrors alright, I got them bad...

I've had this feeling twice profoundly with DMT, the latter experience the strongest though. I don't think this was anxiety I took with me into the trip. I appreciate the importance of set and setting, but in certain respects I think the power of DMT overrules these aspects to a certain degree. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself"...sometimes I think DMT is capable of pressing our fear/terror button in a biochemical fashion. When you ingest DMT, your brain releases several different powerful hormones, including growth hormone, beta-endorphin, prolactin, adrenaline and cortisol. I imagine that levels of these hormones rise with ingested dosages of DMT. But I think the combination of cortisol, your stress hormone, with that shot of adrenaline, may trigger some ancient and primal brain circuits...which gives you the 'fear'. Also when I experience this, there often isn't anything in the trip as such that is causing this feeling, but I'm feeling it anyway, profoundly...I think it is the more primitive parts of our monkey brains screaming at our higher brain functions and overwhelming them temporarily. Maybe. Perhaps also the fear is an essential, inseperable component of some of these experiences.
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