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Elementary Art

Migrated topic.
I think kids are attuned to the universe in a way that we forget as we get older. The can easily let go in their creativity. I have seen this first hand in my daughter as well. They are our teachers!!
Such great art work! Already very skilled at such a young age.

DmnStr8 said:
I think kids are attuned to the universe in a way that we forget as we get older. The can easily let go in their creativity. I have seen this first hand in my daughter as well. They are our teachers!!
I was at a talk last night by Micheal Pollan and he mentioned a woman named Alison Gopnik, who says kids minds are like a lantern, where our minds are like a flash light. They don't have all the visual and cognitive references like we do and can solve creative problems more easily. She says "young children are basically tripping all the time.”
dragonrider said:
Well, i don't know you, but at least you did one thing right. That's for sure.

I guess I can take some of the credit, but he's just an amazing little kid. I have never had to limit "screen time" (though I had planned to...) - he prefers to make movies in his head and act them out (sometimes for an hour or two), draw, make his own comic books, read, watch movies 9his only screen time - doesn't really play video games), invent his own countries and cities and map them into imaginary continents, and on their own, with little drawings of local flora, fauna, cuisine, garb and landmarks both manmade and natural...

Yes, I know I might be inducing some vomit out there. Just an awestruck proud papa. :)

Thanks Endlessness!

DoingKermit: Apt analogy with the lantern. And interesting quote about "tripping all the time" (more on that below.)

DmnStr8: Yes! I learn so much from him everyday - about him, myself and all of us. :)

To address the "tripping all the time", lantern analogy and kids being "attuned to the universe in a way we forget as we get older: "

It is an (unproven) pet theory of mine that, among many other things, psychedelics open paths to old, perlingual vestigial memories. I believe they take us back before we knew language to the point in time when our brains were making sense of the world, learning to consolidate memory and compartmentalizing experiences. This explains why we see mysterious, alphabet like figures on DMT, lego people on salvia and a whole vast universe of cartoons, archetypes (jesters, aliens, indescribably monstrous creatures, mother figures and dark shadow people) and various nursery items, including occasional melodies and nursery rhymes lost in the depths of memory , on many of these substances - from mushrooms to nitrous and ketamine to acid, aya to mescaline and changa to even some of the more well worn research chemicals.

Justa taught. :)

Really great art!

I hope you‘ll support him every now and than with some free colours as presents!
different mediums can be fun!

I remember drawing many skulls as a child too but not so happy ones, this is really great!
Also nice to see the link between the crazy entities being also fluffy cute bunch of beings and the skull with a lot of rainbow and smilies!! 😁 solid mindset!

I‘m a big fan of him already! 😁 :)
Camponotus said:
Really great art!

I hope you‘ll support him every now and than with some free colours as presents!
different mediums can be fun!

I remember drawing many skulls as a child too but not so happy ones, this is really great!
Also nice to see the link between the crazy entities being also fluffy cute bunch of beings and the skull with a lot of rainbow and smilies!! 😁 solid mindset!

I‘m a big fan of him already! 😁 :)

I'm tempted to post more! He's a really creative kid :)

A few more from when he was 7 yrs old:


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and a last one: two of his (hundreds?) of imaginary continent maps:

(like father like son: i am actually outlining a book called the Cartographer!)


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Orion said:
I think you should TLC test your sperm for DMT :lol:

Ok, results are back: Salvinorin A; N,N Dimethyltryptamine; 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine; and psilocybin all in significant quantities as well as trace elements of Lysergic acid diethyl amide, ketamine and Nitrous oxide.

I guess that explains a lot. Gets me thinking that maybe I should start drinking my own sperm!!

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