The point of the Fake People thread was not to shit on anyone. It was not to pass judgement and make ourselves feel better because we may or may not fit the definition of "fake". It was to explore the concept of vanity and what that means. I don't look down on anyone, including the example person I used in that thread. I'm just observing things, and inciting a discussion based on those observations. Observations that I'm pretty sure other people have made as well. Looking down on people to validate ones existence is counter-intuitive to the whole ethos of the Nexus, IMO. This place is to learn, share and expand. Questioning certain aspects of human behaviour on a public forum satisfies all three of those, as long as the topic is thoroughly dissected. Who's to say we're not vain? We are not perfect creatures. We all flare up the ego sometimes. Some people are constantly flaring their ego, others, not so much. It's a part of being human.
"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself." - Max Ehrmann
Exactly. Dismantling the system. That can only happen if we understand what it is that creates it. This underlying human quality. Which is why I posted that thread in the Philosophy section. Again, the intention of that thread is not to rant about fake people (apologies for the miscommunication if it seemed that way). Ultimate truth? The more I trip, the more I know that I don't know.
The whole point of analysing human behaviour is to understand it. Not to feel superior to another human being. In my view, there is no such thing as superior and inferior in the grand scheme of things. We all eat, shit and die in the end. "single, poorly understood behavior" "then we turn around and do the *exact same thing* to another group of people". I don't understand this. Exploring ideas is not akin to belittling a group of people.
It's true that I see a lot more clearly than before I took psychs. But I'm nowhere near the clarity of MANY people, a lot of which have achieved this level of clarity with no substances at all. Does that make me feel "inferior" (whatever that means)? Well, yeah. But that is not a deterrent to wanting to learn more. Everyone follows their own path, at their own pace. A lot of people live their entire lives unfulfilled, because of decisions that they've made in their lives. Unfulfillment is a tragedy. It is not up to anyone to define what a fulfilling life is. It is what it is.
I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm a terrible person because I wanted to understand and to share thoughts. Apologies. I wont be sharing thoughts anymore.